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Everything posted by azulskies

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup How was the audition? Well, it was fun but we didn't make it :/ It was pretty difficult. We had 10 minutes to answer 30 questions...I'd say I got 20 out of 30 right, about the same with FI. There were maybe 50 couples and only 3 got through to the interview. The questions are pretty tough and since you only have 10 minutes, you don't really have time to think. But it was a fun experience & it'll be pretty sweet to see people who auditioned w/ us on the show.
  2. Wow, I can't believe you did all of this by yourself and all this weekend! Everything looks fantastic..great job!
  3. Congrats on your engagement & welcome to the forum! I always get excited when I see another Maui bride..happy planning!
  4. What a great deal! They're beautiful..I'm sure your BM's will love them. And I love that they're not typical BM dresses...great find!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck I just tried this one on the other day as was not crazy about it, the slim A-line doesnt work well for me. plus wanted a little bit more detailing Aw, that's disappointing..I was really hoping it would look as nice in person as it does in the picture. Thanks though! I couldn't find anyone that had used this dress or tried it on.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 Here's to my fellow aqua-chocolate-sand brides... Yes! I agree...it fit our personality more and it still seems tropical to me. I love it!
  7. I pretty much agree with what everyone is saying. Just to add, I think a lot of times people don't differentiate between announcing an engagement and actually inviting people to the wedding. I think they feel they have to send out invitations to everyone they know, even if your dream is to have a small wedding. But it's a destination wedding and if you want a small wedding, then your FI needs to explain to her that that's what you guys truly want. My FMIL was trying to add some people to our guest list, just like you, people we'd never met or only met once. But she wasn't a jerk about it at all & the FI just explained how the venue would charge us more money for 50+ people, other costs would increase, etc. and she was very nice about it. Sorry you're going through all this..I hope it gets better!
  8. I remember seeing this in a magazine...it's beautiful! It definitely is a little pricey but man, it's so romantic..
  9. Hey ladies...does anyone in the Hampton Roads or even Richmond area know of any good photographers they can recommend for BD shoots?
  10. Yeah I agree with the pp. I think the only reason it looks "cut off" is because it isn't probably hemmed yet. I think you look beautiful & it's a gorgeous dress, but if you don't feel like it's THE dress, then you should definitely keep looking...good luck!
  11. I've never had veneers so I can't really give you advice about that except to talk to your dentist about it. I think they can give you a really good idea of what they'd look like, what to expect. I plan on buying whitening strips. I've never tried them before so I'm going to try them soon to make sure it looks alright and everything.
  12. Congrats & welcome to the forum, Stephanie!
  13. Congrats on your engagement and welcome! I definitely think 20-25K is a reasonable budget for a DW. It always depends on what kind of wedding you want to have and sacrificing some things that just aren't that important for you. Happy planning!
  14. We changed ours to turquoise & chocolate brown with hints of champagne/sand colors.
  15. When I interviewed for the dispatch center here, they asked me if I ever dealt with the public before, what I believed I would be doing in this position (I think a lot of people have misconceptions of what a dispatcher does) and they asked me scenario-type questions. The specific one I can remember was if someone called and said "someone fell and they need an ambulance", what type of questions would you ask? (address, how far did they fall, are they bleeding/anything broken, age, etc.) I can't really remember what else they asked. Good luck..I'm sure you'll do great!
  16. I asked something like this recently. What I've basically found is to let your guests know what type of activities you have planned and what the cost is so that they can decide whether or not to participate. The rehearsal dinner, ceremony and reception is the only thing you are supposed to be financially responsible for. Many people are probably using this as a vacation for themselves so I think they'll like the option of doing what they want or joining you guys on an excursion. Good luck!
  17. Cute! I love the colors..very tropical. And it doesn't look like a typical bridesmaid dress.
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