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Everything posted by luciel2820

  1. I think youre actually getting a great deal with the towels because Ive worked with embroidery companies before and they can be very expensive, some even charge a set up fee. If you're interested in getting the robes for you bridal party go to Smarty Pants Boutique Custom Bridal gifts and more And for your guest I saw mugs on ebay (blue) but very low price. 16 oz. Travel Mug w/ Thumbslide Open Top-LOT-36/Case - eBay (item 330311775201 end time Mar-27-10 15:46:07 PDT)
  2. Everything looks great together. And your dress is beautiful
  3. Oh and forgot to mention, even though you can pay for the wedding package once you get there, you need to pay cash for the judge and flowers.
  4. So the day pass for an outside photographer is about $50, subject to change.
  5. I know for sure the new ipod nanos have the crossfade option on it, the ipod touch doesnt have it, but there should be an app or download that you can get to be able to do this.
  6. I feel the same way as every one else does but I am not gonna stress with anyone. I simply told everyone, this is the wedding day, and this site has great prices, book it now before it goes back up. If they end up paying way more thats their problems. The reason I am doing a DW is so I dont have to worry about anyone else. I am not getting a TA because I will only have about 10 people flying from here and are not only going to stay at the resort but are also going to visit family and come back from another airport while in the DR. So unless its really important for the ones who havent booked to be there, Im not going to stress it.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by AlexsBride I know! I totally want one for myself. I showed my FI and he was like "you would spend 25 on a hanger??" Oh he doesn't know brides! LMAO thats the same thing FI said, I had to lie and say $15! He still said too much! Im getting it either way
  8. Im not sure the price, but a lot of girls just include the US first class stamps and ppl send it to you when they return home.
  9. just found the link for it, its adorable, I think I want one now The Original Silver Lingerie Wedding Dress Hanger by lilafrances[]=tags&includes[]=title
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by pvbeachbride10 I love the dress and am really happy with the quality. I took it to alterations today, and it's 4 inches too big in the chest area, 2 inches too big in the waist, and 1 inch too small the hip. It's a little frustrating that alterations will be $200. I gave custom measurements that I had professionally done. Oh well, still way cheaper than the real dress I wanted (I did email landy about this)! Overall, I am happy with my experience. I go back to alterations in two weeks, so I'll take pictures then! OH no! Im sorry you have to wait longer, but Im glad youre still happy with your dress. I am pretty sure I will have to do alterations also cause I think 1 it will be too long (Im thinking i wont wear shoes) and 2- Ive lost 2 inches off my waist already (which is a great thing) but I didnt want to put smaller measurements just incase I didnt lose any weight. Keep us posted on your pics
  11. Thanks and Congrats to all October 2010 brides! Scorpio arent you so excited?! Where will you be getting married?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jamk32179 Thanks so much for the link....I think I am going to take the plunge!! Oh she is so great to work with you wont regret it! Of course I havent gotten my dress but everyone else thinks shes wonderful also. And she responds to you in 24 hrs. Except maybe weekends it might take a little longer, its either that or it was because of Chinese New Years. Good luck, let us know what you decide!
  13. I know, I saw the website and now im thinking about different things that I can use them for. I am a shop aholic so I might just go ahead and order them as well.
  14. I was looking at this post, and am wondering does anyone know what kind of generator of if it was thru photoshop that misti did the names on the sand?
  15. Thanks for the info, thats actually great, I will book the transfers through Prieto Tours seperately thanks for your help!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by pvbeachbride10 I received my dress yesterday. It's great! It's a corset back, so I have to wait for someone to come over and lace me up. I'll post pictures soon! You def need to post those pics soon! Cant wait to see the dress on you! Glad that youre happy with my dress, I love that most of the girls who have ordered from Chinese vendors are happy makes me feel relaxed.
  17. I am also an October 2010 bride!! I've already booked my wedding date and photographer for Catalonia Royal Bavaro in Punta Cana! I can't wait! Invitations are going out at the end of the month
  18. Thank you so much for all your help! Im so excite about this resort! I have a question, when you stayed there did you book through a travel agent or the resort itself, reason being, I want to know if the resort offers shuttle transfers because I didnt see any options for it.
  19. Hey what sizes did you get? And if youre willing to sell the ones you don't need, I'm willing to buy!
  20. We actually have family in the Dominican Republic, so we will arrive to the resort 3 days before the wedding and stay for 6 nights in total. Then we will go visit family for the next week, we have 14 days
  21. I ordered my flowers from her a few days ago. I had already ordered some from Shavon's Wedding Silks which are in the process now. I decided I was going to need a few more things so I ordered from Danielle. I got all white roses, 1 BM bouquet, 1 Wrist Corsage, 2 Hair Flowers, and 2 Bouts all for $60, she says I will recieve it in 4-5 weeks, so I will def post pics once I recieve them
  22. I showed this to FI and now he wants to do something like this for our first dance lol. Lets see how that goes!
  23. Oh and I contacted the resort its $25USD per person after 20 and outside fotographers are allowed as long as you get a day pass, which depends on what it is at the time.
  24. Hey jenne, Yes Im so excited about this resort but I never recieved your email... Can you please send it again to [email protected]
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