LOL it reminds me of FI and me. He asked me to marry him in Jan 2008 and I said yes. This wasn't and actual proposal but he would ask me this all the time after that. Then he tells me no matter what he would officially propose to me that year.
So I think Valentine's Day, My birthday (July), His birthday (Sept), Our Anniversary (Oct), Christmas.... NO... New Year's Eve LOL. And all that time I had my friends asking me everyday if he proposed ughhh
But I did start looking into venues, and dresses, and colors, and BM in Jan 2008, it wasn't til he proposed that I changed my mind and decided to do a DW
So hang in there, and if you want to give him a little hint.. get these.. I almost purchased them too LOL
Victoria Secret Sexy Little Things HINT BLING Panties For Sale