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Everything posted by Lindsay0406

  1. Hey ladies! I'm new to the sight, but I just confirmed my date at Excellence! I am getting married on May 12, 2010! I'm working with Lisbeth, and so far things are going pretty well. Any advice for the new girl? I haven't really planned anything yet except the date. Our guest list is pretty short; only 6 people... my parents, my sister, his parents, and his sister. So, hopefully planning shouldn't be too difficult! My only big question right now is about the requirement that you be in the country for 3 days prior to the wedding... We plan to arrive on Sunday and then get married on Wednesday, so we should be okay. However, I wasn't sure what would happen if we missed our plane/got delayed/had an emergency. Has anyone run in to this in the past or asked Ana/Lisbeth? Anyway, please send any advice you have about planning! Congrats to the ladies getting married soon! I would love to hear how everything goes. Lindsay
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