Quote: Originally Posted by sspiris I did the master cleanse, it was difficult for the first few days but after a few you quite thinking about food for nourishment. The mixture ishigh grade pure maple syrup, lemon juice and cayane pepper. I lost like 10lbs just doing it for 7 days. Many say it should be done for 10 I believe because it takes a few days to even start the clensing process. It is crazy that stuff still comes out of you even after you have not eaten for 3 days. I felt unbeliveable during and after. Try and have someone do it with you because it makes it easier. Lots of info online but I have the book if anyone is intrested in it, I can mail it to you just PM me.
I'm doing this right now and I LOVE IT!!!! I have so much energy and my clothes are getting looser and looser (is that a word lol)
I'm currently on day 7 and have 3 days left to go. And I will most likely do it again in January/February after the holiday season.