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Everything posted by finzup

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 You're right..maybe selfish is the wrong word..and maybe im being biased because of certain people that have said they arent coming 2 our wedding and their reasoning..so i take back the selfish lol oooh sorry bout that... I haven't had to deal with that situation yet.. we only just sent out our STD cards and don't even know who is saying they're coming......
  2. Those turquoise ones are pretty -- they come with a box and envelope -- but how would you fit a reply card ?
  3. my dad got re-married and his wife (now ex-wife #2) had the bridal portrait done. It was HUGE and on display at their over-the-top wedding. Afterwards she displayed it in their home right as you walked in. I could never do it. (no offense to anyone that does.. just my .02)
  4. I used the knot -- completely free and it turned out great for the destination wedding. You can customize which pages you want to show, etc. You can see ours here: We're getting married!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 I have experience from people I was def sure will come and arent...dont worry about it just yet..you will see that many people shy away from destination weddings and get selfish when it comes to attending. just relax for now..youll have plenty of time to stress and congrats Hmm... I don't agree with saying that people are 'selfish' if they don't attend a wedding. Some might not be able to afford it, or they may have other committments, or they have an aversion to flying, or really any number of reasons... I don't think that it's selfish to not attend a wedding, destination or otherwise. I do agree to not stress about the # of people now -- enjoy the wedding planning
  6. Erica what was the location of your cocktail party? Which appetizers did you choose, the mexican, caribbean, or international? How were they? Thanks!! I am absolutely in love with your photos!!!
  7. Erica what was the location of your cocktail party? Which appetizers did you choose, the mexican, caribbean, or international? How were they? Thanks!! I am absolutely in love with your photos!!!
  8. Best of luck with your venture! I was doing that when i first started my diet in June.. basically I cut out processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, and trans fats (read the labels, because even things that say 0 still have some.. look for "partially hydrogenated oils" on the ingredient lists).. I chose wheat over white for breads and pastas and I ate brown rice instead of white. Keep us posted of your progress!
  9. good luck Jill -- you will be fine as long as you plan out the meals... planning is key
  10. Hi, has anyone here used the SK-II foundation?? It's VERY spendy but from what I read/hear it makes your complexion flawless... SK-II - Air-Touch Foundation .16 oz. - Saks.com If you haven't tried the SK-II, do you have any other recommendations for the "perfect" foundation? I have tried the Dior spray foundation but didn't find it to be the "perfect" foundation....
  11. ^^ IMHO effie, if you're finding CL's for $165 they are counterfeits BUT here's what I suggest, post in the "authenticate this" section of the purse forum (Christian Louboutin >> Louboutin Shopping) and the members will authenticate them for you! ~*~AUTHENTICATE these Louboutins!~*~ - Purse Forum
  12. Start with a question: Would you ever ........? The next person answers the previous questions & then asks another question starting with "Would you ever...." So i'll start: Would you ever lie to your FI ?
  13. congrats lisaloo and jstnemari!!! My first cheat day is saturday and I can't wait! Amazingly enough my FSIL is throwing us an engagement party on that day .. it couldn't have worked out better! kathy enjoy your cheat day!
  14. wow you did a fantastic job and I think I am going to use your idea! thanks so much for posting all the templates and pictures!
  15. I didn't even know to think about this!! I have a long way to go..lol great thread!
  16. hi .. just checking in... good job on the 2# lisaloo! and i agree, no protein bars.. besides they taste all fake chocolate and nasty... wait until your cheat day and eat a candy bar
  17. Did you glue the wrapping paper in to make the liner? Was it a pain ? It looks so cool. I love everything you did !!
  18. great idea! one question - what is the white chalk for?
  19. ^^ I just found out too, that if the wedding is at the palace, the photographers can stay at the tropical, colonial, or beach and still be a "guest" at the wedding... the only restriction is they cannot eat in the palace restaurants...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by pebbles To everyone that is getting an outside photographer, How are you booking a room for your photographer (if from Mexico)? Do i call the resort? Do I do it on-line? My WP (Xhail) made it VERY clear(for the Palace anyway) that a "guest" at your wedding may phograph BUT NOT an outside photographer. She is just trying to cover her butt in the email since it explicitly states in the 2010 wedding packages that NO OUTSIDE photographers. Sabrina I specifically asked my WC (Claudia) if I could bring an outside photographer if they were a guest of the hotel and she said yes. (I verified this in more than one e-mail). As far as booking, your photographer can book their own room or bill you, or your TA can book the room for the photographer and bill it to you...
  21. I am having on the beach as well but my WC indicated that the speaker/mic/ipod hookup was included ... maybe you can negotiate with your WC to get it included?
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