Here's how I got engaged to my lovely fiancee Matt:
Our five year dating anniversary was coming up on June 18, 2009. Matt had asked me if I had plans that night (I think he thought that I didn't remember the date) so I played along and said, "No, I don't have any plans, what do you have in mind?"
He said he'd like to take me out to dinner, and I accepted. Typically Matt has a bit of a hard time choosing a location for dinner so he leaves it up to me. This time, however, he said that he'd pick a place and make the reservation. In hindsight, that should've been my first clue that something was up.
So on Wednesday he informed me that we'd be going to Local 121 in Providence. It was a restaurant that I had taken Matt to on his birthday, and we both enjoyed it there. Plus, they have the single most comfortable chairs I've ever sat in. I know it's a weird fact to mention, but they are that comfortable.
Thursday arrives and we head to dinner. We got there a bit early so we had a drink at the bar. We then got seated at our table. After relishing at how comfortable the chairs were, we dove into the wine list and menu. We ordered some wine and our dinner and then held hands across the table. Our wine arrived and we toasted to our five year anniversary. All was well. (Apparently, throughout all this Matt was quite the nervous wreck).
So there we were, sipping a delicious Louis Latour pinot noir, holding hands, and gazing romantically into each others eyes. The appetizers arrive, and I'm eyeing my amazing looking scallops, about to dive in when I hear Matt say, "So today is our anniversary and I didn't get you a card, so I wanted to tell you how I feel in person." I look up from the scallops now, quite interested in this line of conversation.
He goes on, saying such nice things to me, that I almost welled up with tears. Thankfully, before the tears spilled over and ruined my mascara, he pulled a ring out of his pocket, and said, " I have one thing to ask you Katie, will you marry me?"
It was only a split second, but in that split second I felt a range of emotions, shock, excitement, happiness, incredulousness (is that a word?), and amazement. It was really happening! I recovered from my shock/excitement/happiness/incredulousness/amazement quickly and any tears that were in my eyes dried up. I was so happy I almost forgot to say yes. (I did manage to remember though).
I was glad that he didn't get down on one knee in the restaurant - I wouldn't have wanted to be a specacle for all to see. The way he did it, it became our private moment that we shared, right under everyone's noses, but they were none the wiser. We had this incredible moment and it was all our own.
The ring fit - and it was gorgeous -- even in the dim light I could see that it was amazing. We ordered some champagne and toasted to our new future together.
It was a great night.