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Everything posted by finzup

  1. one thing I noted is that it is listing the saturated fat content and not the total fat content.. so the total fat #'s are likely much higher I usually get grilled plain salmon with plain broccoli and steamed asparagus. It's not the most exciting but it allows me to get what I really love -- the well mannered dirty martini..lol
  2. I had a session with a personal trainer today -- she kicked my butt!!
  3. oooh that's too bad. Sorry for your loss -- pets really are part of the family and it hurts so much to lose them...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MissJenna I recently switched resorts from the Iberostar Paraiso to the Barcelo Maya Palace...I had stayed at the Beach side about 4 years ago and we had such a wonderful time that we knew our guests would also. So I was wondering, when do you start really planning....like when will I choose where I want my reception (what restaurant) and all that? We already choose our package...I believe it was the Ocean Scents (I am horrible I don't even know my own package lol) I noticed you were getting married in 2010 -- do you have the 2010 pricing for the wedding packages?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario Gabriela got back to me on the photographer question. We are having Juan Carlos stay with us for 3 days and the fee will not apply since he is a guest staying at the Palace. Does it have to be 3 days or is it still OK if the photog stays only 1 night?
  6. I too am curious if the photographer is a guest if that would be okay.. The barcelo maya palace is my #1 resort choice and this just plain sucks...
  7. sew them onto a pair of old underpants .. they won't take that
  8. Sacred Heart Diet sorry to be a bummer but most weight lost with this will be water and easily gained back.. plus the diet is not endorsed by any hospital or association.. it's an urban legend so to speak. I'm not saying that you won't lose weight (you definitely will but it will be mostly water) but probably not something sustainable... I remember doing this diet in the 80's (it was called TJ Miracle soup) and the soup had cabbage in it.. boy were those side effects terrible!! good luck ladies!
  9. We're registered at crate and barrel and amazon.com .. I love amazon.com because people can get free shipping and it's easily accessible from anywhere. I would've done the whole thing on amazon.com but I do have some people in my family that are averse to shopping online...
  10. Sunday July 12 @ 10:55pm Eastern - Feeling distressed after a large-ish dinner.....
  11. imho, $100-200 tip seems a bit steep to me for someone that is getting PAID to be there for 30 minutes maybe? ... $20 tip? sure, but $100-200 tip is not happening
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 I think what I'm going to do it make up some thank you cards with some money in each for various people (WC, judge, wait staff, photographer). I think that will be an easy thing to slip them at a quick moment. If I feel that someone doesn't deserve a tip (which I hope doesn't happen because that means something will have gone really wrong) then I will just keep the envelope to myself. This is a great idea, thank you
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by big3n09 The knot has an article on tipping but not sure how much of it applies to DW. On the site if you type in Wedding Vendors: Tipping Cheat Sheet in the search box it comes right up. Sorry didn't know how to place the link here. Here's the link Wedding Vendors: Tipping Cheat Sheet - Wedding Planning - Wedding Budget - By TheKnot.com
  14. wow this is a lot to think of... we were thinking of inviting x people to the wedding and y people to the AHR.. this makes me want to invite everyone to mexico...... I totally understand how you might feel slighted by being invited to a shower but not the mexico wedding.. That being said - -Do you think you would you feel offended if you didn't get an invite to the DW, didn't get an invite to the shower, but you did get an invite to the AHR? Personally I wouldn't be but I want to get the general opinion.. I appreciate your thoughts/comments
  15. I am going to get tiffany necklaces (the palm tree ones) which are about $150 or so I think.. beyond that I bought each of them a dress I got on sale at Jcrew .. it's jersey strapless and thought that would be good for the rehersal dinner... I may pay for their hair/makeup as well..
  16. I loved writing the speech.. I was nervous but found this worked really well! Here's what I did: - Introduce your self and mention your relationship with the bride (in my case it was my sister) (15 seconds) - Tell a story or two that showcases how close you and the bride are. A story from childhood, or from growing up? A funny story from college? Anything really, but keep it light and funny. People should be smiling and laughing at this point. keep under 90 seconds - Talk about how the bride met the groom. Maybe interject a bit of humor here, but the direction of the speech is getting sentimental now -- the reaction you're going for is "awww, that is so sweet" type of thing. People smiling with happiness for the bride.. keep under 1 minute - Then go on to some recommendations for the bride and groom (maybe 2 each?) It's a pretty quick part of the speech. -- I started with, 'since i'm the older, wiser sister...' I used things like, 'howard, any spider, no matter how small, needs to be dealt with immediately" (my sis is petrified of spiders) and "kara, you must always remember to keep the refrigerator stocked with chocolate milk" (his favorite drink) . 30 seconds - Finally get really sappy! Talk about how special the two of them are, how much you love them, how you know they will be perfect for each other ("meant for each other" is a good line) and how they will be so happy and you are truly happy for your sister/friend/etc to be marrying such a stand up guy. When I got to the part that I thought of him as my brother, he cried. In fact I had both of them tearing up! 1 minute or less Everyone LOVED the speech, and while it was a little long ( not as long as it sounds), everyone paid attention the whole time and loved it..
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