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Everything posted by finzup

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jstinemari finz- thank you for the shake info. The pre made ones are pretty much the same. I'm going to try and find the powder though, it's so much more economical. i have to say i give big props to everyone who is doing so well on the diet. congrats on all the weight lost. I'm still on the first week but i am DYING for a cheat day! i've been doing good so far, havent slipped up yet and taking it one day at a time... but this takes some will power, especially with DF around.. looking at him you'd think he works out everyday but nope! he stuffs his face with whatever he wants and it never affects him. meanwhile i'm dieting and kicking my butt in the gym. i hate him LOL I found the powder at sams club.. they had vanilla or chocolate... my FI drinks chocolate and it is pretty nasty.. I've grown accustomed to the vanilla and it's not even that bad anymore... And congrats on almost being done with week 1!! I know it seems like forever until the cheat day -- I'm in week 2 right now so I've just crossed the 1/2 way mark.. it does get easier.. I actually printed out the 3 week priming phase chart from the .pdf and I cross the days off the list.. kind of helps me to visualize the end goal so to speak
  2. I like spanks but girls they are a pain in the patooty to put on and take off! I buy the "all the way up" kind that go up to right under my bra.. I find it weird that they "crotchless" - I don't know if it's for bathroom purposes, but no way am I peeing through that!! Plus I wear underwear so that's just not an option. So whenever I have to go to the bathroom - which is pretty often when I'm wearing them, because I'm all dressed up in a dress for a reason (i.e. party, wedding, etc) and there's definitely alcohol involved and that necessitates more trips to the bathroom.. OK enough of that.. suffice to say it is VERY difficult to get them down and up .. a "quick trip to the bathroom" involves a lot of struggling and wiggling to get them back on Ok sorry to be gross.. hopefully it made you chuckle
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by pebbles I was told that we have to use photographer at the Barcelo unless we pay to have them stay overnight.....not sure how much that would cost. Sabrina I am having an outside photographer and I do have to pay one night for them.. currently one night (for July 2010) is $296 but I'm holding out to get a better deal It's still cheaper than the $300-500 fee's that some resorts charge...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 Good morning beautiful ladies!!!! Yes, I've lost another 1.8 lbs!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Alright, I wasn't supposed to weight myself until tomorrow but I won't be around a scale so I thought that I better do it this morning, at least until cottage season is over! Anyway, I'm so freakin excited about this and so motivated. It sure helps that the FI is doing this as well (he's down about 18 lbs - the facker! lol oh but I do love him anyway!). I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's been helping me, I couldn't do it without such a great support system. I you all!!! Great job!!! and your FI too.. men always have it easier I think... An idea if you want to check weight loss on the AM of your cheat day -- grab your scale and bring it with you to the cottage?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jstinemari it seems like alot of ppl are making their protein shakes with powder... call me lazy but i bought the EAS already made shakes, they have whey in them. Is this ok or do i need to powder? is it the same?? I think it's fine... for me it was a factor of price... the eas whey in the package was $27 for 77 servings... if you want to compare nutrition for already made shakes to the powder, 1 scoop of the eas vanilla whey has 120 calories, 23g protein, 2g fat, 3 carbs, 1 sugar
  6. Ok the other 2 are closed.. Sorry about that.. !
  7. some how my thread got posted 3x. Mods please close this one, thank you
  8. Hi, I'm looking for some Turquoise chair sashes, at least 30 please I would prefer organza with some edge detailing Used or new is fine so long as they are in 'like new' condition Shipping would be to Rhode Island 02886, payment would be paypal. Thank you!
  9. Hi, I'm looking for some Turquoise chair sashes, at least 30 please I would prefer organza with some edge detailing Used or new is fine so long as they are in 'like new' condition Shipping would be to Rhode Island 02886, payment would be paypal. Thank you!
  10. Hi, I'm looking for some Turquoise chair sashes, at least 30 please I would prefer organza with some edge detailing Used or new is fine so long as they are in 'like new' condition Shipping would be to Rhode Island 02886, payment would be paypal. Thank you!
  11. I've purchased all of the books I need. I'm closing my WTB thread.. Thanks everyone!
  12. I am interested in the palm leaf favor bags, but could you please tell me the size? or just tell me the size of the water bottle inside it so I can get a better idea of the size of the bag.. Thanks!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 So I'm a little worried about this high gi/gl day. I'm not sure what I'm gonna eat seeing as you can't eat fat. I know I haven't gotten to the High GI days but I have a plan for when I get there .. if you're interested Also remember you can still eat the low GI carbs with each meal, you don't have to use high-gi carbs all the time... Sample breakfasts: Oatmeal + 2 egg whites 2 egg whites + banana Fat Free cottage cheese (LOVE the daisy brand) + canned peaches in natural juice Cheerios + 1/2 C skim milk (i'm counting the milk as a protein, despite the fact that it has a tiny amount of carbs) 2 egg whites + black beans (on low GI days, add some cheese.. YUM) Sample Snacks Fat Free Plain Greek Yogurt + banana Fat Free Plain Greek Yogurt + blueberries + strawberries (1/2 portion of each) Fat Free cottage cheese + canned peaches/no sugar added Chicken Sausage + Cous Cous Sample Lunch/Suppers Broiled or Grilled Scallops + Brown rice + Spinach Grilled Chicken + Sweet Potato + String Beans Grilled Chicken + Garlicy New Potatoes + Snow Peas Shrimp and Pasta tossed with fresh tomatoes, garlic, onions, and basil Chicken and Pasta tossed with spinach, tomatoes, garlic, onions "Burrito Bowls" - Chicken + black beans + onions + peppers + lettuce + salsa (on low-GI days, I add cheese) Burrito - Chicken or Fish + onions + peppers + lettuce + salsa on a small whole wheat tortilla (I would even add a bit of fat free sour cream) Chicken + peas + carrots Chicken + cous cous + string beans Sample Nightly Protein Shake 1 scoop vanilla protein + banana + ice + water 1 scoop vanilla protein + 1/4 c fat free plain greek yogurt + blueberries + ice + water you get the idea PS can you tell I LOVE to plan things?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl finzup, last time i was on a low-carb diet i needed cough syrup ... they are totally loaded with sugar, so i asked the doc if the kind he was prescribing was sugar free. well he gave me all kinds of crap about it and basically ended up telling me i should just get gastric bypass surgery. needless to say, i was livid. if i'm going so far as to ask for sugar free cough medicine then clearly i am TRYING!!! OMG I would've been SO livid!!! I will tell you on my prescripton bottle what it says so you maybe could request it from your doctor in the future IOPHEN-C NR LIQUID QUA Also there's an over the counter cough syrup labeled "diabetic" (I think it's by Robitussin) and that is sugar free..
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by eblum999 Hey Girls! Also I used the Kiko and Carlos band.... My guests were raving about them! They were honestly the best live band ever! Totally recommend them ten times over! They made the party! I used a makeup artist... He was so awesome.... Came and did my makeup trial for my rehearsal dinner and did myself, mom and whole bridal party the day of the wedding... and everyone loved him! He is so nice and I would again recommend him to anyone! I wish he lived in Jersey... I would totally use him again... He does not have a webpage... but here is his email... Tell him Erica recommended ya if you decide to you him! Adrian Guerra - email.... [email protected] PS Does anyone know how to post just one or 2 pics on his site? I have a couple that people took.. but I am clueless on how to post them! Thanks -Erica Hi Erica -- were the makeup artist and band ones that the Barcelo offered you or did you hire them from outside? If so , was there a vendor fee or did you have to pay for a night's lodging for them? thank you! PS Can't wait to see your Elizabeth Medina pictures, I bet they are awesome
  16. How's everyone doing today?? Hopefully well. I am doing okay despite being so sick... I am home with bronchitis/sinus infection but staying on the diet. I actually got a prescription for NO SUGAR cough syrup.. they thought I was crazy.. They asked, "Are you a diabetic" I said, no, I just don't want extra sugar or high fructose corn syrup.. It's hard because all I want is a huge bowl of home made chicken noodle soup (it's just not the same w/o the egg noodles)..... *sigh* 12 more days until cheat day! jkcz0702 - Big congrats on the adoption, that is SO exciting!! I agree an excellent reason to celebrate!!! Best of luck with your new son!
  17. Great idea! i'm doing the cheat your way thin so my diet has changed drastically. I do, however, need to add in exercise. I have been sorely lacking. I'm sick now with bronchitis but once I get better I'm going to resolve to exercise 2-3x a week (Ideally I would like to do more but small steps I think are best for me).. once I can do that I will go for 4 days per week and if I can keep up with that I may even shoot for 5 days! Beyond the CYWT diet, I had previously given up trans fats and high fructose corn syrup (did you know it's even in Nyquil??) I got some prescription cough medicine and it took them 10 minutes to find one that is no sugar. When I get to the pharmacy to fill it, they say , "they don't make that kind anymore"... Luckily the pharm found one and got it approved by the doc. I have enough trouble dieting, I don't need sugar/HFCS from cough syrup OK sorry to get off topic.. EDIT: I forgot one more thing -- I am a "social" smoker -- i can go for days/weeks without one but when I drink or when I'm with someone who smokes, I always want one.. I want to stop "social smoking" Drinking -- i have stopped on the CYWT diet but in general I need to cut down on the alcohol consumption. I love a dirty martini!!! lol So those were 2 other small changes I have made. Interested to hear what everyone else comes up with
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck 5.5 lbs lost the first week! Yay! congrats!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 Anyway, that's about all I have to say about that. I'm really hoping to lose more weight. I'm a little afraid that it'll take me all week to lose what I gained, then boom, again, another cheat day! The FI and I decided that we would only eat 1 or 2 things we're craving on cheat day. Not like the day we just had. Maybe order your fav pizza for dinner but eat normal meals for the rest of the day. I dunno, I think I'm going to try that this cheat day. on cheat day maybe try to still eat the 6 meals -- by the fact that you're eating 6 meals, they all will be smaller? I am going to try it and let you know how it goes.. (in 12 more days).... but great job on the diet so far!! and...just think , only 6 days to your next cheat day..lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 Katie - I'm not sure if I formally congratulated you on your weight loss, but WOO HOO girl, I'm so happy for you!!! Thank you!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jstinemari Also, on the chart breakfast is at 7 and i was up today at 8 but didnt eat until 8:30, should i get back on track with the chart and eat again at 10 or wait 3 hours between my first two meals and so on?? I would just wait a few hours hours or so between meals.. the important thing is that they are all spaced out and that you never get hungry.. so if you have breakfast at 8:30, maybe do meals at 11:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00 , 11:00? I have to say I had trouble with the meals on the days when i wasn't working -- I got up later so I ended up only eating 5 meals. 8:30 - breakfast 12:00 am snack 3:30 lunch 6:30 dinner 9:00: pm snack so I kind of missed the afternoon snack.. but there was no time and I wasn't hungry so.. hopefully I will be okay. Next weekend I am going to try to plan the times out better.
  22. 1. I don't know really -- i am thinking maybe a nice necklace to wear at the ceremony? 2. I reallllly want to do the BD book ... we will see what I look like come spring time (dieting)... if not then I will probably get him a nice watch
  23. I loved the story -- i hope she loves seattle and everything works out!!
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