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Everything posted by finzup

  1. bride2b10, thank you for the information I will e-mail about the spa reservations and I will try not to stress..
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Maegan606 Ladies- Does anyone have a detailed description of the step by step order of the ceremony? I am trying to make my program for our legal ceremony. However, Xhail has not returned any of our emails for the past 2 weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! =) I would love this information too. I'm struggling with my programs because I can't seem to get a response from my WC It's not like I can design and print them once in Mexico....
  3. My wedding is 12 days away. I am leaving in 5 days. I still can't really get any answers from my WC (Claudia) I know it'll be fine and fabulous and it'll all work out and I'm trying not to stress but there are just a few important things that I need to know before I go... If anyone can answer, I'd be forever grateful We are doing strawberry passion package.. i still don't know the location of my ceremony/reception .. I know it's on the beach but my questions for the past few months have gone unanswered as to location. Is this normal How do I tell my guests where to be for the wedding, when I don't even know it myself? DJ - I want to do a DJ. .which they list as $540 for 2 hours. I want to have the DJ for the whole 3 hours but I can't get a response on that price... has anyone used their DJ ?? Are they good? Worth it? Music -- I want to bring down my "special" songs but I'm unsure about the format -- MP3, on a CD, etc. Anyone know how I should bring down my songs? For the cocktail hour, we want to have music but just play our own.. I don't own an iPod.. can I use a different MP3 player and what cords might I need? Spa - does anyone have confirmed appointments? I sent in the information to Claudia but I haven't gotten any confirmation that they are booked Payments - who needs to be paid in cash vs on a credit card?? I'm not using the resort photographer, so is it just the officiant? I can't seem to get a response to that either. Thanks ladies.... SO stressed out right now!!!
  4. The brochure is fantastic. I'm pretty much copying your design.. it's so great!! can you tell me though, on the inside, left, what's the section titled at the bottom (underneath the carry on luggage section) .. thanks!
  5. fantastic job!! if you could can you post or PM the information you included on the english to spanish brochure?
  6. OK .. seems the original code is now expired but code FIRST10 works for $10 off (on your first order)
  7. Coupon doesn't work for me... says, "There is no current promotion associated with the code you entered. Please check the code and try again" anyone have this problem?
  8. bikegirl is right. Those are fakes. Coach doesn't use those red boxes. burden of proof here is on the seller
  9. my paypal refund finally got deposited into my account. It was pending for quite a while. I'm just glad this is all over with and eveyrone hs either getting a refund, or getting their stuff. (I did not ever receive my stuff, but at this point a refund is good enough for me)
  10. those who said you get 2 free checked bags -- which airlines are you flying on? I didn't think any of the big airlines offered free checked bags anymore (except southwest, but I don't think they fly there)
  11. I ordered 22 oz stadium cups at Discount Favors with the setup fee and shipping it was $104 for 100 cups. I used code SALE04 to bring the cost down 5% so it was $99 and change. here's the link https://www.discountfavors.com/plast...dium-cups.html The cups were $50.00 (for 100) the shipping was $14.99 and processing setup was $39. Minimum order is 100. EDIT: I just noticed they don't ship to canada so if you went with them you would have to get shipped to a US address....
  12. Thanks! It's good to know they they don't "wear out" after use like some sneakers
  13. lisa the dress is gorgeous!!! so glad your aunt is able to do the alterations so quickly.. one less thing to worry about
  14. So july brides -- when are you sending out your invitations? Are you doing an AHR and if so are you sending 2 invites (one for the destination and one for the AHR) or are you combining it into one invitation?
  15. from what I heard the sketchers are similar... and a lot cheaper
  16. my refund still says "pending".... don't know why it's taking so long...
  17. that's going to be tough!! but you can do it suggestion: do an egg white omelette so you can add the cheese as the 'fat' .. it will be much tastier than a plain full egg omelette..
  18. For his past gambling problem -- did he ever get help? did he go to gamblers anon? did he seek counseling? Or did he just quit on his own? Gamblers are a tricky type of person..it is an addiction like alcohol or drugs and it doesn't go away on it's own. The fact that he took the $5k to pay off old debts in secret make me think that he has been gambling... I'm sorry I know from personal experience, the lying is part of the addiction. Sure he was probably ashamed when confronted but at the time, the decisions are controlled by the addiction. I think you might want to go to gamblers anonymous meetings together, as well as counseling, and take it slowly from there. If he's willing to go to counseling, that's a great start. Best of luck, I know how hard this is.
  19. oh and bing.com is offering 20% cashback on endless purchased right now (the percentage seems to change .. but right now it's 20%).. to get it, just go to bing.com and do a search for 'endless' or 'endless shoes' and one of the first results should be endless.com with a little bing icon saying it's 20% cashback. Also when you check out through endless, it shows you your cashback amount.. i have been shopping like crazy...
  20. just a thought, from endless.com or zappos you get free shipping both ways.. so you could buy a pair and try them on a carpeted floor to see if you like them.. if not they could just go right back... I will def check back in with a review after I've worn mine though.. i'm keeping 'em
  21. Thanks! Hopefully a good weigh-in tomorrow will move that slider a bit more to the right
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