My wedding is 12 days away. I am leaving in 5 days. I still can't really get any answers from my WC (Claudia)
I know it'll be fine and fabulous and it'll all work out and I'm trying not to stress but there are just a few important things that I need to know before I go...
If anyone can answer, I'd be forever grateful
We are doing strawberry passion package..
i still don't know the location of my ceremony/reception .. I know it's on the beach but my questions for the past few months have gone unanswered as to location. Is this normal How do I tell my guests where to be for the wedding, when I don't even know it myself?
DJ - I want to do a DJ. .which they list as $540 for 2 hours. I want to have the DJ for the whole 3 hours but I can't get a response on that price... has anyone used their DJ ?? Are they good? Worth it?
Music -- I want to bring down my "special" songs but I'm unsure about the format -- MP3, on a CD, etc. Anyone know how I should bring down my songs?
For the cocktail hour, we want to have music but just play our own.. I don't own an iPod.. can I use a different MP3 player and what cords might I need?
Spa - does anyone have confirmed appointments? I sent in the information to Claudia but I haven't gotten any confirmation that they are booked
Payments - who needs to be paid in cash vs on a credit card?? I'm not using the resort photographer, so is it just the officiant? I can't seem to get a response to that either.
Thanks ladies.... SO stressed out right now!!!