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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 Would you ratherkeep the job you have now for the rest of your working years or quit and pursue something you love and be financially unstable for 2 year? I have been debating this for 2 years...if all goes well though, I will be choosing the latter and persuing my passion! flavor or flavour?
  2. I attended my FI's sister's wedding which was a bengali muslim wedding. On her wedding day was when she got her engagement ring for the first time and then they exchanged wedding bands at their reception the following day. I was actually buying my FI an engagement ring at the same time he was buying me mine! So now we each have a ring. I think to stay true to his familiy traditions, we may exchange the engagement rings at our legal ceremony and then exchange the wedding bands at our DW.
  3. That is soo something my FI would say! Thanks for sharing! Btw, I like that idea of waiting for the prospective BM and MOH to book first before putting them on the spot to assume a bigger role. I wish I did that, but then I didn't know I would be strongly considering a DW. Good stuff to think about for other brides though
  4. Didn't see it but I generally don't care for telus commercials so I will go with 'dislike' Peanut butter and jelly on rice cakes (yummmm.....)
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Would you ever have a fight with your FI in front of his family? I think I would be to dignified to do that...but then I can have my ghetto moments. Ethical dilemma: You are a doctor treating a patient and you find out they have an STD but the patient doesn't want to tell their spouse. You are bound to pricacy laws. Would you warn the spouse?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 Would you rather be attacked by a stranger or someone you knew? Stranger...I would be too shocked to fight back against someone I knew but a stranger I would just go buck wild on and hence have a better chance of escaping and would probably be less hurt about it. Veil or Tiara?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ursula Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again Never speak again...I may still have some friends that way 7 up or sprite?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you ever give your baby up for adoption? Hard to say...I am WAY too selfish and a bit too broke to want to take on motherhood but I may feel very different once I actually saw him/her. I think it would come down to my ability to adequately take care of him/her. Solution: don't get pregnant right now. Would you ever keep in touch with an ex without your FI/DH knowing?
  9. Warm rainy day; I hate being cold would you rather be: Sailor Moon or Sailor Saturn?
  10. Hi again! I recall reading in one of your previous posts that you had trust issues with this guy and so I am not sure if his blow up is a red flag or if he is just getting fustrated at this point? I agree though, he should not be yelling at you for asking questions. I can see how holding on to a stub may raise an eyebrow, but then I think of myself who has held on to pictures and cards and letters from my ex and if I were asked to destroy them, I would not feel comfortable with it. I wouldn't take them with me when I move in with my FI but I wouldn't destroy them either...I'd probably leave them with my mom. Some people just don't like to let go of certain memorablia but that doesn't make them any less committed to their partners. Anyway, bottom line is, he needs to do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable in the relationship -- especially given your particular circumstance outlined in your previous post I read. You, however, also need to trust him a little. He can't be held responsible for another girl's actions afterall. If one of these can't be achieved, then the relationship really needs to be re-evaluated. Marriage doesn't make these things better; they get WAY more complicated. Make sure you are 'sure'.
  11. Yesterday I got in my cardio first which is unusual; I prefer to do it at the end. Afterwards I did my chest/biceps workout and finished off with some calf presses on the machine. Got a good log going too! Today will be another session.
  12. I like the dress on you I actually like the flower where it is...my eyes were drawn to it right away and it is a nice touch. In fact, if it were me I would use that flower as a hair clip and get an even BIGGER flower for the dress...but I have particular tastes. I would say the part of the dress that attracts me the least is the bottom...not doing a lot for me. Is there anything they can do with it to make it stand out a bit more? Maybe some feathers, or leaf-like flappings...I like the neck line as it is (I don't remember what a sweetheart neckline is right now). Anyway, like others have said, it is still a lovely dress on you no matter what...but if you are not 100% hold off. Smiles..
  13. SSNM

    Hi :)

    Hi and welcome ashore BDW fellow Canuck! I don't think I have come across that website when I was looking up Florida as a possible wedding location....but I am sure someone on this site might have! Happy planning and welcome again!
  14. WTF?? How the hell is someone going to lock you out of a room IN YOUR OWN HOME? Yea, sounds like you are better off without them in your party and I agree, better now than at your wedding. But seriously, like others have said, people don't just do things like that for no reason unless they require medication...I wonder what would have made them act like that towards you? Anyway, it is in the past. Just keep looking forward to your new life with FH
  15. I haven't booked yet but I am liking that deal NaM got! I shall make sure to ask about these with whoever I get to manage my travel arrangements.
  16. Well said KittenHeart! While we would generally agree that it is not anyone's business how we decide to get married, it is better to not burn bridges and just gracefully accept their complaining as a decline. Sometimes things seem pretty impossible far away from the date but as it gets closer the dust settles and it seems a bit more achieveable. I've had my share of grumblings as well but I just think of the great wedding I will have and then I am happy. Hang in there!
  17. I only very superficially browsed around when I was planning a local wedding. One place that seems to stick in my head was a guy in Dundas Square in the building with the Jack Astors' and Milestones; he does $500 down and will work a design out for your entire wedding and then the $500 is applied to the cost of flowers (or you can just steal his ideas for $500). They seemed nice and creative enough from the store, but I am not sure if he does real touch flowers. I can try calling him tomorrow if I can dig up his card.
  18. Who did you contract to do your bouquets, Tam? Oh btw, Ebredhawk,your bouquet is really lovely!
  19. SSNM


    I think we all appreciate candid discussions from time to time I can relate in some ways. I too have too many familial examples of infidelity and sometimes question whether a truly happy monogamous relationship really exists. In fact, when I first got engaged the first book I bought was "After the Affair" By Dr. Janis Abrahms Spring, PhD -- a good read for even new happy couples IMO as it had some really great tips on getting connected and really building a relationship. It's not always natural to us, but if we are committed, you can have a very fulfilling and stress-free relationship. As for the self-esteem issues...have you ever thought about just taking up some type of physical activity -- not for losing weight -- but just because you enjoy it? Exercise does so much for your emotional well-being and it doesn't have to be virgorous. You won't want to do it at first, but when you do get moving -- even if it is just walking around your kitchen -- you will feel a lot better and that will eventually turn into self-confidence. I have seen countless stories of it. I have never come across a fitness enthusiast who was overly depressed. Another way of looking at it is, when we really care about something (lets use a new car for example) we really take care of it (get regular oil checks, wash it weekly, etc). When we have an old, beat up car, we tend to not care about it as much...yet shouldn't that be the time when we care about it the most? My point is, don't get wrapped up in what you don't like about yourself, but instead focus on what you do like about yourself -- that way, you will be more inclined to take care of yourself and hence feel even better about yourself. Hope something in that verbal vomit you...or anyone else for that matter. Keep your chin up
  20. Yesterday I got in a midnight workout for my legs and a 35 minute cardio session on the cybex eliptical...AND I got in my ABS yea!! Today, I will hopefully get in another workout (I think chest/bi day) and cardio.
  21. And from what I have researched, Dreams can set up transfers or the tour operator can. Dreams may only do it if you book directly with them though (not sure, only saw the option through their website). Your best bet besides other BDWers' experiences is to research the tour operator you are using and see how well their transfers are handled verses Dreams' transfers.
  22. Hey, I'm actually not married yet, but a prospective bride like you! I am just horrendously behind and still haven't set my date (I may buy a business instead, which will change the budget quite drastically if things go through). I hate the stagnancy of wedding planning, but it is worth it to make sure that the marriage is financially set as well as the wedding From what I have read from other reviews, Dreams seems to be the last stop from the airport so unless your whole group monopolized the transfer bus, then you will be stopping at all the other resorts first, depending on who needs to go where. I also read a near horror story of someone who's bags were almost left behind on the road after leaving them in the care of whoever is supposed to load them so just have everyone keep an eye out for bags and make sure they get on the transfer bus!
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