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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by MayaLove Would you rather hop to or run backwards to work? Run backwards. I would be gassed trying to hop. Would you prefer for your ideal engagement ring a larger, lower quality diamond or a smaller high quality diamond?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs D To Be! Would you ever choose to keep your pet over living with your partner? (ie your partner hates animals and refuses to live with one...you on the other hand love animals!) Ooh, that is a toughy...I would make my partner suck it up; I would resent him too much if he made me give it away. Would you make a private porno video with your FI?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MayaLove Tabasco sauce? Me, like; FH LOVE Mercades Lackey's Valdemar novel series?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by MayaLove Would you rather eat a cricket or a cockroach? Cricket; I can't stand cockroaches. It's talent night! Do you sing a number from Sound of Music, or perform a solo dance number from Grease?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bholthof Would you take something someone offered you for free, even if you knew it was a stolen item? I'd think most people would say no, but then then I think of piracy... If you won the lottery and no longer had to keep your job, would you keep it anyway?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth Lipstick! Would you rather eat a rotton banana or a ripe brussel sprout? A rotten banana...mixed with some eggs and flour and baked in the oven mermaid sheath dress or empire dress?
  7. I know! I saw that $90 price tag and was like o_O??
  8. meh...I think I'll err on the side of dislike as I don't like to be scared. FI loves them though! hairy chest on men?
  9. I plan on going cheap as hell on centerpieces. I don't think it costs a lot of money to put a nice one together from the dollarstore if you are crafty enough. Candles, for example, can look really pretty and ad a really nice warm touch. I was thinking of just getting those tea candles and a deep bowl/glass to protect it from the wind. Throw some pretty rocks around it and voila!
  10. I love getting up early in the morning! I feel like I get a lot more out of my day. Cudos to you for being successful at it...I haven't been able to do it for the last 4 months Yesterday, unfortunately was a missed workout and for no real reason. Today was a crap-eating day. I REALLY don't want to slip back into old habits. I am going to get to the gym and get a good workout session in.
  11. Wow... Hey is there any way I can take the place of someone who has dropped out? I have been silently following this thread thinking that I would join the next season in time for my contest prep for my April 2010 show. If it doesn't make sense to then I can wait until next season. Let me know!
  12. At this point, you are not going to lose much in the way of fat. I can post for you what my workout regime was for a figure/bodybuilding show that I did in my last few weeks before competition but be warned it is not meant for long term and there is some dehydration involved. Just take it with a grain of salt and if it looks/feels like it is too much, just don't do it. CARDIO: I did two 35-45 minute sessions daily for 5 days a week WEIGHT TRAINING: I split my workouts into 5 body parts for 5 days of the week (2 days one off, then 3 days on and one off): legs, chest, back, shoulders, biceps/triceps. I did medium to high reps (8-20) for 3 - 5 sets. I did about 3-5 exercises per body part. On one of the days, I did an extra full body circuit (5 exercises, 20-25 reps, 3 sets, 30 second rest between each round OR 2 minutes cardio in between eah round) DIET: - NO CARBS. NO DIARY. NO FRUIT. NO EGG YOLKS. NO SALT (everything was low sodium to no sodium added) - Basically I had 5 meals of LEAN protein and veggies (e.g. chicken breast and brocoli) - The only carbs I had was sweet potato with 2 of my meals and 50g of oatmeal with 113 g of unsweetened applesauce with my breakfast. - Condiments are okay (HP sauce, ketchup, mustard, etc) - I ate every 2 - 3 hours on the clock but I also listened to my body and didn't force feed or underfeed myself. - I drank A LOT of water until the day before the competition and then cut that to almost nothing. NO CRYSTAL LITE; it has asperteme which makes you bloated. - I took 1-2 capsules of dandelion root with every meal for the 2 weeks prior to comp day. This acts as a diuretic so you lose water (I know this seems counter-intuitive when you are drinking more water. What is happening is that you are tricking your body into going into 'expel water mode' so when you stop drinking the body just expels the water in your body very quickly) So that was my regiment to get as leaned out as possible so that all the muscles show. I lost about 3 lbs a week on this regime while cheating left and right, so if you stick with it, you may see even better results. However, it can feel like crap and once you start eating your body will absorb it quickly so on the day of and after the wedding be sure to pace yourself.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you rather go on a date with a really handsome guy or a really funny guy? Funny guy...handsome gets played out after awhile. Would you rather go without eyeshadow or lipstick?
  14. Ceremony no; reception yes! Would you ever perform a strip tease for your FH?
  15. Hey Tam, I did try calling that floral place but never got anyone and the website wasn't working for me...I suspect they only deal with real flowers anyway. Sorry I wasn't much help in that department. If you wanted to peruse them yourself to see if you have better luck, the website is Petals & Twigs
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by CHAKLIT Would you ever tell your boss how you really feel?? Did that today actually! Just some issues at work that were bothering me. I feel much better for it too! Would you ever do a bodybuilding show?
  17. The effect of this shoe may be lost because your BM dress is longer but: Clear Ballerina Ribbon Sandals Red Blue 5" HEEL Size 10 on eBay.ca (item 310149264134 end time 13-Nov-09 18:49:32 EST) lace up shoes clear sexy fairy goddess ribbon 5-6 heel on eBay.ca (item 150379673706 end time 21-Oct-09 15:13:10 EDT) SEXY CUTE RIBBON CALF WRAP CLEAR STILLETO HEELS WM SZ 6 on eBay.ca (item 110412084554 end time 06-Nov-09 00:29:16 EST) I was thinking of these shoes for my BMs and they could just do whatever colour lace suited their fancy. They also have good re-wear value and could be used to dress up any outfit. Just thowing another idea out there.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by CHAKLIT Would you rather too cold or too hot?? Too cold...you can always warm up to it Would you rather deal with wilted flowers on your wedding day or a stained wedding dress?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 Would you ever dye your hair a really whacked out color? If icy snow white is a really wacked out colour then yes!! Would you ever yell at your boss if (s)he got really out of line with you?
  20. love...gave me awesome arms. playing with bubble wrap?
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