At this point, you are not going to lose much in the way of fat. I can post for you what my workout regime was for a figure/bodybuilding show that I did in my last few weeks before competition but be warned it is not meant for long term and there is some dehydration involved. Just take it with a grain of salt and if it looks/feels like it is too much, just don't do it.
CARDIO: I did two 35-45 minute sessions daily for 5 days a week
WEIGHT TRAINING: I split my workouts into 5 body parts for 5 days of the week (2 days one off, then 3 days on and one off): legs, chest, back, shoulders, biceps/triceps. I did medium to high reps (8-20) for 3 - 5 sets. I did about 3-5 exercises per body part. On one of the days, I did an extra full body circuit (5 exercises, 20-25 reps, 3 sets, 30 second rest between each round OR 2 minutes cardio in between eah round)
- NO CARBS. NO DIARY. NO FRUIT. NO EGG YOLKS. NO SALT (everything was low sodium to no sodium added)
- Basically I had 5 meals of LEAN protein and veggies (e.g. chicken breast and brocoli)
- The only carbs I had was sweet potato with 2 of my meals and 50g of oatmeal with 113 g of unsweetened applesauce with my breakfast.
- Condiments are okay (HP sauce, ketchup, mustard, etc)
- I ate every 2 - 3 hours on the clock but I also listened to my body and didn't force feed or underfeed myself.
- I drank A LOT of water until the day before the competition and then cut that to almost nothing. NO CRYSTAL LITE; it has asperteme which makes you bloated.
- I took 1-2 capsules of dandelion root with every meal for the 2 weeks prior to comp day. This acts as a diuretic so you lose water (I know this seems counter-intuitive when you are drinking more water. What is happening is that you are tricking your body into going into 'expel water mode' so when you stop drinking the body just expels the water in your body very quickly)
So that was my regiment to get as leaned out as possible so that all the muscles show. I lost about 3 lbs a week on this regime while cheating left and right, so if you stick with it, you may see even better results. However, it can feel like crap and once you start eating your body will absorb it quickly so on the day of and after the wedding be sure to pace yourself.