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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis Not to sound harsh but your guests shouldn't suffer for a lack of foresight on your end. No, they shouldn't, and it sucks. But to that end, shall a bridegroom go bankrupt to save face? It is one thing if the money is there, but if it really isn't, what can you do? I am sure this is not the first time a bridegroom set out to plan a wedding and then found out down the road that the cost was way more than they bargained for. That pretty much happened to me when planning a local wedding and there is no way in 9 hells would've gone in debt to save face. Fortunately, I didn't send out invitations, but I did tell everyone that plans were on hold while I re-assess my options and thus how I came to start planning a DW. Sometimes, sh*t happens and we have to roll with the punches.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 I think I'm just so caught off gaurd, shocked and amazed at the same time, I invited 150 thinking I would only get no more than 50-60. My other friend who got married in Aruba invited 300 and she got 35 guest that attended, you invited 200 and got 27. so i thought i was ok with sending out 150 STD's. After re-reading this post and the previous post you responded to with this, I couldn't help but notice that Aruba and Turks and Caicos (where the other poster is getting married) are expensive destinations. Therefore, it is natural that many people would not be able to afford the trip and they would, as a result, weed themselves out. Dominican Republic is relatively inexpensive, so the more likely that more people can afford to go (that is why I am strongly considering it).
  3. That is definately a toughy. I was so afraid of that happening to me that I only plan on inviting the amount of people I can afford to host. I did toy with the same thought as you, which was to invite people but cap it at the first 'X' amount of people that booked, but I was told that would be poor form. If it does become a desperate situation where you REALLY can't afford to host 150 people, then the only 'ettiquette friendly' options I think you have is (a) Cancel the wedding and turn it into an elopement with an AHR afterwards; just say that you had to do it due to 'unforseen circumstances.' ( If you have a bridal party or keen family/friends, maybe they can throw you a stag n' doe; i.e. a party where funds are raised for the bridegroom's wedding. I know it is controversial and there are those who would say it is tacky, especially for a DW, but there are a lot of people who do it and it may help offset some costs. Here is a thread on the topic where you can get some ideas on what you can do for it and some etiquette issues surrounding it: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ot-have-45280/ © Downscale the wedding. The cheapest way I can think to do it is that you could have the ceremony in the evening with cocktails and/or cake, and champange. Afterwards, everyone can go take a hiatus and grab some grub while you and your new hubby take pictures. Have a nice romantic dinner for two in your room while everyone is doing their thing, and then plan to all meet and head to the disco for dancing as a group. Have the DJ there announce you are recently married and have a first dance. Then everyone gets drunk and parties. Certainly not your typical wedding but you are doing all-inclusive at a respectable resort, so there is going to be stuff to do and people will have fun regardless. Although I do agree that it is wonderful that you have so many people who would want to share in your special day, there is also the issue of practicality; you don't want to break the bank on this and no one should expect you to. I hope that it works out for you in the end. Keep us posted
  4. Hey all! Geez, it seems like I blink and I miss a tonne of chatter! Nat - LOVE the dress. Excellent pick! I like the detailing. Tam - I would inquire about extra baggage fees. If you are trying to minimize the cost, maybe get family members to bring stuff...just make sure it doesn't look off (i.e. instead of giving one person 10 vases, give one vase to 10 people so they are not suspected of bringing stuff into the country that will not be taken back with them or sold in the country) LaToya - I'm gonna read your thread now and respond to it Cheers!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Keiths_wife_2B I just contacted the Domincan Embassy here in Washington, DC....and they have informed me that as of September 1, 2009 they no longer do legalizations. So I'm---LOST as to where to turn to now. For those who have used WeDo, and have been successful----please let me know! That sounds really wierd. So how do you legally get married in the Dominican Republic? Maybe someone at the embassy is confused? Is there a consulate in the area that will do it? Unfortunately, I am in Canada, so I don't have much information for you. I would ask your WC for advice on that -- they may know more of the situation. Even WEDO has to send your papers to the embassy/consulate for legalization so if they don't do it, then who would?
  6. Today I did my back and my 35 min cardio, but I missed calves. I also didn't make up anything yesterday. Gonna do some crunches now.
  7. I say you don't need to tip. They are charging you what they think their service is worth, so that should be enough for them. Other workers like waiters and movers who are usually getting a salary and don't have the ability to charge what they think they are worth should be tipped as seen fit for their service, IMO.
  8. Everything looks great Keira! And your date is soo close! Congrats! Very innovative too
  9. Aww, Sabrina that's wonderful news! I am glad things are coming together well with this!
  10. I did my chest/biceps workout yesterday and 35 minutes of cardio. Unfortunately, I missed the abs and my calves ...but I had a great night with FI after Today is a rest day (or I'll make up for missing abs and calves). Then back to the grind tomorrow!
  11. Congrats everyone and especially Kelly for winning! Keep it up! I noticed my name isn't on the list which may be because I just came on or my weight wasn't received? Should I have sent a PM?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 OMG I had the exact same my little pony that you have in your picture right now!! Hahaha! that's awesome! I just had to say how much I loved seeing that! lol..yea, that is my 5th Generation twinkle-eyed pony named Mimic. I am an avid My Little Pony collector and I bought her on ebay for the low price of $90...far cry from the $5 she probably cost way back in the 80's. If you still have that pony and don't mind parting with it SELL IT. She is worth probably atleast $100 on ebay and you can probably sell it for more. She is a rare find. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, my original comment still stands. As much as it may irk to do it, take the high road and tell her that you understand if she cannot come and that you'll be thinking of her. If she keeps being a b*tch and insists that you are inconsiderate, then tell her that you don't want anyone there that doesn't want to be there and will be complaining the entire time.
  13. Okay so my update: Monday: Rest Day Tuesday: legs in the afternoon, 35 min cross trainer in the night. Missed calves Stayed tuned for Wednesday...
  14. I got sick during my training in the summer and I pretty much stuck to my training with the exception of a couple of days where I felt really crappy. I just ate some low-sodium soup and took that time to drink A LOT of water. If you don't have low-sodium soup then just dilute regular soup (same difference). Just smush in some frozen veggies and chicken for nourishment. I weighed in today at 127.6 lbs; been hovering around that mark for the last 1-2 weeks so not much change there. Gonna see what happens over the next few weeks. I'll post a recent pic when I get home.
  15. Last time I checked, she was neither the bride nor the groom. I say good riddance! Hopefully she keeps her whining at home and away from your wedding.
  16. Hi Kelly, The girl that beat me out was also wearing a red two-piece suit, had dark hair and red lipstick. She was skinnier, had more abs, and had a bit more definition compared to me. I think it was the definition that beat me out, particularly in the abs and legs. I also didn't tan very well for that comp and so the light completely washed me out and made my muscles less visible (notice that the other girls look darker than me and they're white!). It was a great first experience and I look forward to improving on my body for the next competition. You are right; the fitness competitions are the ones you have to do a routine for. The figure is strictly grading your body and so you just have to stand their, turn when you're told to, and then they pick a winner. It is a great experience and honestly, it is not far fetching. Yes, you have to be dedicated but I think that is pretty much what we are all striving for anyway. And once you do that extreme, eating just a salad and a piece of garlic bread for lunch doesn't seem as boring anymore
  17. ...found it! Jose Ramon Hernandez, Groups & Incentives Supervisor, Amstar DMC, Dominican Republic [email protected] Got his info from the WC at Dreams Punta Cana when I inquired about catamarans/excursions. You can email him and see what he offers. I never got back to him as he asked me if I was a travel agent, wedding planner, or private client. I decided that I wanted to find one of the former to talk to him for more bargaining power
  18. I was given an email for a catamaran in Punta Cana. I will see if I can dig up the email; hopefully I didn't delete it in my email cleanse frenzy...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 that is funny SSNM.... 2 celebrations for the wedding hahaha Oh I am not kidding. I was just thinking to myself that there are so many different places that I would love to have a wedding..I could totally see myself just going to a different country every year and doing one of their "free weddings" at each one just to relive the experience. I am completely crazy...
  20. Good night Tam! And don't stress yourself! Honestly, if doing a symbolic is what you want, then do it! It is much simpler and your guests will not know the difference! If the civil is what you want, then you have plenty of time to get the paper work in order. If you go straight to the consulate in Toronto, you don't have to worry about notarization...only legalization
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you ever go on a "City Slickers" like cow herding trip? Probably not, if I am honest...then again, I really don't know what it is Would you ever do a lap dance for your FI?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you rather all your guests have something wrong with your room and your room be amazing or vice versa? Vice versa...I know I would feel too bad otherwise. teddy or corsette?
  23. I don't think that is something you can start until about 3 months before your wedding. I believe there is a consulate downtown where you can just walk all your stuff into. They will take care of the legalization for you. Are you divorced/adopted/had a name change? If not, then it shouldn't be so bad. So you have decided to go with the legal ceremony afterall? I remember you were back and forth on it because you were concerned about guests feeling "jipped"(sp). Are you doing the ceremony with the judge or just the paper signing after a symbolic ceremony? I was going to do the latter, but then figured if I was going to do all that, might as well save some money and do a legal at home. Plus it gives me an excuse to celebrate my wedding more than once and I am a bit of a diva, lol.
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