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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Well remember, that it is not the extra person coming to the resort that is the issue, it is just you accomodating them at your wedding. Your wedding is most likely one day out of the entire week so if the extra guest were to just fend for themselves the one day while your invitee was at your wedding, would that be so bad? Kinda like if I were going to a conference and had a friend join me and they just chilled on the resort while I was at the conference for a few hours a day, I don't think they would feel out of the loop. Also with respect to the cost of the resort, they may not have to worry about this if they book with your TA (if you have one) and then just arbitrarily pair up people for cost purposes. Then when they are at the resort, they could sort actual room situations. I don't think the resort would be particular if people were "chilling" in other peoples rooms, for example; they don't have to know if is over night
  2. Thanks Nat! I am feeling much better now and I am glad it didn't put a huge kink in my routine. On the other hand, spending a week with my BF/cousin/MOH did; two nights of eating out and I held nothing back. I am back in the grind, though, and started out with my egg/oatmeal breakfast and took all my vitamins. Today is a rest day so I will focus on my diet and making sure my meals are prepared. SgtPepperette, I hope you are having a great time!
  3. So, really, why send a faxed copy of the CC? I would much rather just take my card down there. They pretty much charge the cost of your wedding to your room so why go through the extra risk of sending CC info electronically?
  4. I am also of the opinion that you should only invite who you want there, but my only reservation with this situation is the fact that she was invited to the engagement party. Is it not proper ettiquette that you only invite people to other wedding events that were/will be invited to the wedding? That may be partially why she assumed she would be invited to the wedding. Then again, I tend to be the one who tells ettiquette to go f*ck itself unless it benefits me (lol). Any clarity on the ettiquette of engagement party invitations would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I do not believe this superstition but I share the same discomfort with someone else wearing my ring. I also would not want to wear someone else's ring. I believe that it is not just a piece of jewelry but represents a significant moment in your life where you decided to throw your lot in with another person, your FI. I think there is a certain reverance in that that should be respected. Kinda like Queen Elizabeth's crown. It would do nothing to her reign if someone else were to try it on, but I am sure if you asked her to try it on, she would probably not let you even if you had a bunch of guards around you to make sure you didn't steal it. It is a symbol of something very big and should not be scandalized by making it commonplace.
  6. The only guests I am allowing to bring a guest is those who I feel will stick out like a sore thumb at my wedding. That is, they are not bridal party and will not know anyone else other than myself or FI. Otherwise, everyone should be able to get along with each other and not need a plus one.
  7. Aww, Ashley, you should not feel that way at all! I was a lifeguard/instructer and the best instructers I had that taught me were bigger people. Your weight has absolutely NO BEARING on the type of instructer you can be. I know people who are bigger than me that can swim circles around me for days. If you really want to do it, you should! Swimming is also a great workout; I attribute my arms to swimming I feel you on the hair though. I used to wear braids and/or relax my hair and it was constantly dry when I taught. Since I stopped swimming I saw a HUGE difference in the health of my hair. But that is partly because I am lazy and didn't put in the due dilligence to make sure it stayed healthy. If you can get past that, though, it is a really rewarding and fun experience. I think swimming is a life skill everyone should acquire especially if you live near water.
  8. My update: Oct 29/09: off day Oct 30/09: imposed off day (sick) Oct 31/09: taught aquafit which included cardio and abs. Will try to do legs later today.
  9. Hi all, Yesterday I was still sick so I pretty much stuck to fluids; more low sodium soup and tea. I didn't work out because I was relatively under-nourished, but I did walk up 19 flights of stairs to my apartment instead of taking the elevator which was quite a workout in itself. Today, I felt a little less crusty, so I taught my aquafit class this morning despite cancelling the day before; the lifeguard who would've replaced me was really happy to see that I made it although I did get the stern "do you have a fever" (read: 'swine flu') screen from the aquatic supervisor before she let me teach. I get a decent cardio workout doing that, so I am glad I got something in. I may work on my legs today at the gym later. I will try to get some clean food in me today to start building my energy back. I started with a protein smoothie and will go from there.
  10. Hi Tam, That is probably the safest bet. I'm simple, so I prolly would have just given them the info without even thinking about it. But if you call visa to inform them that may help.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaANDJermaine I'm taking notes...lol Me too. I'm gonna rock this
  12. I see this term 'contract' flying around. So that means that at one point, you actually do sign one? Is it for the wedding, the travel/lodging info, or both?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Stina4242 What is a BD book? Sorry if that sounds stupid since it seems like everyone else is on the same page. A BD book = A boudoir book. This is a photobook with racey pictures of you (usually in lingerie or other sexy clothing) that is given to your FI on your wedding day. Seems to be quite popular. I want to do something similar but in fitness; that way, it can double as my portfolio for potential casting calls.
  14. Okay so I called the officials to figure it out to what extent can one change their name on the basis of marriage. The final verdict is: 1. Wife changing last name to that of husband: Yes; once the marriage certificate is received use this to show to all the places where you want your ID to be changed. 2. Add spouse's last name to your own (hyphened or no): Yes; once the marriage certificate is received use this to show to all the places where you want your ID to be changed. 3. Wife adding a new name to her own that is not her husband's name: No; one must do a legal name change which requires an application and approval. The cost is $137. 4. Change or drop first or middle name: No; one must do a legal name change which requires an application and approval. The cost is $137. 5. Husband changing last name to that of wife: No.(surprising, eh)? He must do a legal name change which requires an application and approval. The cost is $137. This is for Ontario; it may be different in other provinces/countries. Thanks everyone for your input!
  15. I figured I would give a daily update. Today I am sick, so I made a batch of low-sodium soup and threw some veggies in it. I still had to go to work for a partial day so I just grabbed a bottle of ginger ale to drink while I was there. I got hungry while I was there so I bought a beef patty at a jamaican restaurant near work (didn't have time to eat a more health-conscious food like veggies and meat). I came home and drank some more low-sodium soup. Fortunately today was a rest day so I haven't missed a workout yet. I'll see how I am feeling tomorrow.
  16. Yes, do keep us posted! I would like to second the suggestion of having other guests help keep her in check. At least if there are multiple people forewarned of her potential tantrum, they will be ready and can help to diffuse it quickly -- and you will feel much better knowing that there are people that DO love and support you to make sure that your day is special. This will really help to keep you calm and feeling positive during what would otherwise be a very stressful and upsetting moment when your mother decides to get ghetto. I would even dignify anything that she said with a response; let your 'designated guests' rebuke it. I wish someone would give me an ultimatum to attend my wedding...even would recoil when I finish with them.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by affiwin If you had a wedding at home and these people came they may probably just spend a good $100 per plate talking bad about you, your dress, and your details. That is the very reason I cancelled my local wedding; I didn't want to have to stress planning the wedding, just so they can come to the wedding and make snarky remarks about something I toiled to do FOR THEM. If I am going to have to go through the stress of planning an event, I am going to make sure I enjoy it and it is my hope to weed useless people like the ones above out of my wedding day.
  18. For Wednesday, October 29, 2009, I got in my chest/biceps workout and 35 minutes cardio and some calf workouts...and then started coming down with the flu Tomorrow is a rest day fortunately so I will be drinking lots of fluids.
  19. I gained 0.2 lbs from last week. Not a big deal really. Can't think of anything that would have made those 0.2 lbs appear except for random variability. I had an okay week. Eating is a bit more under control with the new diet but I didn't follow it fully. I am having particular difficulty eating every 2-3 hours...always seems to be more like 4-6 hours due to my increasingly busy work schedule (and the lemon cakes that I will eat to my self :-s). Workouts are going good and so I will continue to work on the diet. Congrats Steph on your loss! Just watch the eating and you shouldn't gain too much of it back. Think of it as a nice clean slate!
  20. I think I already said this but that's great! That will really make a big difference. I know for me and FI, our stay is a HUGE chunk out of our budget. A free stay really helps.
  21. That's wonderful news! That should free up a nice chunk of change
  22. Can I just say, you are probably a better Granddaughter than I was ever a daughter to my mom. Your post really touched my heart, and I want to thank you for sharing it. It is wonderful that you grandmother could be such a blessing in your life and it sounds like she has no regrets. God bless you and I wish you the best during this time. If it is any constellation, you will soon have a new love in your life and possibly even more to come...and your Grandmother's spirit will be in all of you both now and forever
  23. lol...there was recently a lively discussion on a very similar problem here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...r-guest-51072/ To sum it up, there is no 'nice' way to do it. If you do, people will feel hurt. Although I COMPLETELY understand the situation, ettiquette says that once you send the STD/invite, you can't really un-do it. Her first course of action should be to downscale the wedding. If she can't downscale it enough, she could cancel it, elope, and then do a less formal (read 'cheaper') celebration afterwards or even as a 1st year anniversary celebration by which time she may have more funds available. She could also try to pool in more funds via either a stag and doe or via parents (or the bank). If none of the above are acceptable options...well, like I said, there is no nice way to 'uninvite' people. I really hope she can work it out.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Hello all! I just wanted to say a quick hello! I got married last year in PC at Ocean Blue, but I'm posting here because my SIL is getting married this coming April at DPC! Her day is the 13th I believe. I can't wait to go back to the Dominican, and it's going to be just shy of our 2nd Anniversary, which is so great. The weather up here has started to turn and I'm already dreaming of the white sand, blue ocean and steaming hot sun! Cheers to all the upcoming brides! Welcome fellow Canuck Debs! There's a really nice vibe in this thread and tonnes of information. Make sure you check regularly though...blink and there will be mountains of threads to go through! How did you find Dominican Republic as a destination? Is it a place you would revisit on your own (i.e. even if it wasn't your sister's wedding)? I am having a hard time selling my FI on it. He is nervous about the beaches being not that great.
  25. So today is Tuesday so I did my legs, abs, and 35 minutes of cardio...AT 9:30 AM!!! Not overly early like Pooshek's 6 am boot camp, but a far cry from my usual twilight workouts at 10 pm. Now I can relax for once after work instead of rushing to the gym before closing time. Tomorrow is chest/bi day, so we'll see how early I wake up for that.
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