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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. With the iberostar package, do you have to pay an upgrade fee to have chair covers, tie backs, aisle runner and decorated arch? I like their beach set up but I don't see any fees associated with it...how much does it cost? Question 2: Do you have to pay to have enough cake or is that compliments of the $18/pp charge? What does the cake look like?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Just 2 quick questions and then I will give you some advice. Are you expecting any children to attend? What time of year are planning to get married? Yes, I am expecting children which has cut out some otherwise more desirable options. I want to plan it for any time between May - September 2010. Thanks for helping
  3. Hello, to increase affordability for my guests, I am considering Holiday Inn sunspree in Montego Bay. I was wondering if anyone has done a wedding there before and knows what it is like. Also, how is the resort itself? I know it is not as upscale as places like RIU, Sandals, and Beaches, but I have never been to an AI before and so I am wondering if it will make a difference to me. Personally, I would love to do it at RIU, but I am really afraid to risk my wedding getting cancelled due to too many of my guests booking at cheaper resorts (RIU has a strict policy where 80% of your guests must stay at the resort atleast one day or they will cancel your wedding). Sandals and Beaches are outside of my budget. So, what is the scoop on Holiday Inn Montego Bay?
  4. I would be in accord with most people who say to just stay at your resort of choice and let people figure their own accomodations out except that the OP wants to have her wedding at RIU. I, too, was looking at RIU and liked their resorts and wedding packages the best...however unless 80% of your guests stay at the resort, they will cancel the wedding. If your guests decide that they are just not coming, that is one thing...but they all decide to book at other cheaper resorts, you will not have a wedding for them to attend... That really sucks that you might be forced to give up your first choice for wedding venue...I don't know a way around this one with RIU's policies... Any thoughts/suggestions?
  5. I just wanted to point something interesting out based on what I have read thus far: Average amount that brides plan to spend on bridesmaids: $100-$200 Average amount bridesmaids think the bride has spent on them: $40-$50 My point: no matter how much you spend, your bridal party will probably under-estimate how much you actually did spend; so don't feel like you have to break your pocket. Just go for thoughtfulness first and they will appreciate that the most.
  6. I have 6 bridesmaids and a limited budget. So far, I am commited to buying their dresses to increase the affordability of being in my wedding. I am not picky about matching hairstyles, makeup, shoes, or jewelry as I feel that is a personal thing and would let them do as they see fit, again, to increase affordability. Depending on the amount of effort I submit them to to be in my wedding, I may feel moved to do more and adjust my budget accordingly. As of now, I am not holding them to a shower or a bachelorette, and because they are spread out all over the world, I have not really asked for any help beyond just their input, so I think I have been pretty low-maintenence thus far. I really just want their presence more than anything else. As for how much I have budgeted, I was aiming for <$100 per person for the dress.
  7. How is this normally done? I was wondeirng about that because my ring bearers are, like, 3 and 6 years old and I know it is the BM and the MOH who typically hold on to them. So what, really, is the RB's role?
  8. Wow, that is special... Well I am glad I read this post so that I know what to expect for my DW. A lot of my closests family told me they would be up for it, but my gut feeling says that may change closer to the date. I already had my MOH (who recommended a DW to me in the first place) tell me that she may not be able to go. That definately took me aback, but I guess it is to be expected. Oh well, saves me money, I guess. Either way, my FH and I will open our first all-inclusive carribean hotel experience by combining our lives together. Can't beat that!
  9. Okay another question: What if you just want to tack on your husband's name to your name, but without a hyphen? I am a licensed professional and so I want to continue to use my maiden name in my professional life. Outside of that, I want to be called by my husbands name. So basically, I want to be Mrs. "FH" but Dr. "maiden name." Does it basically work the same way or are there special considerations to be taken? I am in Ontario.
  10. Yeah, I would call and get the answer. If I didn't get one, I would let them know I will assume no and leave it at that.
  11. Based on my experience thus far, I would say: 1) start with a guest list of people you would like to be able to invite so you can give a rough estimate to vendors (doesn't mean you will actually invite them, but write it down on paper to get a sense of your numbers). 2) determine your budget; know how much you want to spend right off the bat so that when you are gathering information, you will already know if something is out of your price range or not. As for which DW to choose, I am honestly just doing a lot of google, and a lot of travel magazines, particularly DW magazines. Carribean vendors are definately vague and slow at responding to you and I have definately been stressed out and know your feelings exactly. For me, I have to literally pry myself from the cpu and just go do a workout so I dont' forget about the rest of my life. Good luck!
  12. I am not having an AHR because I can't afford to and as someone previously mentioned, if we really wanted to celebrate at home we would have just gotten married at home. Also, I am not obligated to buy everyone food and drink just because I am getting married. My life with my FH comes first and unless I can still have the lifestyle I want after I am married, an AHR really is not high on the priority list.
  13. I am paying for my bridesmaids dresses which are doubling as a gift. I have 6 so I will have to go lower on the price due to budget constraints ($100 a dress or less). I am also not holding them to a shower or bachelorette party so that they can better afford to come to my wedding. Things that I consider when I made this decision include how much work they are putting into my wedding (so far, I haven't solicited their help for much more than being a soundboard to my various ideas), how much cost I am putting on them (flight and accomdations), and my budget.
  14. At first I was planning a local wedding of 200 people. When I did the math, the cost was just way too much for my FH and I to handle. We decided on a DW to keep costs down and invite only our closets family and friends. I definately feel bad to have to tell a lot of people they are not invited, but honestly, it is money thing, not a personal thing and if people want to get offended because I am not "balling out of contol", then really, that it not my problem. To appease, I may have a very small gathering before I go for those who don't get an invite/can't make it, but I really like the idea of a DW and so that is my priority. To Troy'sBride: That is awful that they would challenge you to justify your wedding choices. In fairness, I didn't fully appreciate the costs of a wedding until now that I am planning it myself. For me it is strictly a budget constraint and not that I value them any less. You have to cut the line someone and you chose how you chose and that is that; don't feel bad about it.
  15. My fiance and I are not expecting gifts for our DW as we much more value the presence of our guests. Although based on some people's posts we may consider just registering and just telling people if they ask us. I am also not holding my bridal party to a shower and I will be buying their dresses to help keep their costs low.
  16. I agree with everyone's comments. My fiance and I have many expenses coming up and we just can't afford to blow our savings on a lavish wedding for 100+ guests expecting an invite. Having a DW seems to be the most diplomatic way to keep costs low and only have the people we really want there. Since I am marrying someone of a completely different culture and religion, we are actually having two ceremonies. Our DW will be our 'big event' ceremony that legally marries us. Before our DW we will have a VERY small low key second ceremony in his culture that will be done in our home and very cheaply (think extended family get-together; this is how they normally do it anyway and so it works for our purposes). Anyone who can't do the DW would be welcome to come to the other ceremony to celebrate our union provided they understand that it will NOT be posh. Then those who care to make the trip will travel with us to Jamaica for the "big event." That is my plan atm until I change my mind (which happens frequently :)If they don't like it, I no longer care; it is not their wedding and they aren't paying for it. I'd rather have a nice home and car than pay for people to eat like royalty for a day and then live in a shack and take the bus.
  17. SSNM


    Aww, thanks guys! I will be on here frequently and I hope to be as much help to people as some of you have already been to me (and not even realize it). Love. Peace. Happiness -Stacey
  18. SSNM


    Hello, My name is Stacey and I am new here. I just wanted to thank you all as the few posts that I have read have helped me a lot. I will be getting married in 2010 (no firm date set yet) and just recently decided that I wanted a destination wedding. I am considering Jamaica at either Holiday Inn Montego Bay, Starfish Trelawny (soon to be Breezes Trelawny), or one of the RIU resorts. I am still trying to gather information but it is extremely stressful (I guess part of being a bride-to-be). Anywho, thank you again for sharing your vast information. I will try to post information that I know as I see fit based on the questions that others are asking. Happy planning! -Stay-C
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