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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly There is a thread already for this. Have you also downloaded the PDF files from the website? It has the info for free/classic, etc. I do believe if not mistaken that it is a maximum of 50 people or something like that. If you are referring to the weddings by riu website, they only seem to have 2009 brochures available; the 2010 (when I plan to get married) are not yet available.
  2. I've already sent an email to one of the RIU's and I am awaiting their response. I figured in the meantime, someone somewhere on this site already got this question answered; I still can't find the post that was previously mentioned. It must be hidden in another topic...
  3. Wow, thanks for the great tips! I've never been to an all inclusive so it is good to know what to expect. This is greatly appreciated.
  4. I have not found this thread after multiple searches. It is probably hidden in another thread with a different name? If you know which one, please tell. I do not have enough points yet to download anything so if there was a download for this I would not be eligible yet.
  5. Anyone recieve a quote on the cost for extra people to be included in the free wedding package?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KLee147 I don't know if I would be able to say for sure but you know what it's like when girls get chatting. What if I gave you my cell number so you could call when you're about to leave to see what everyone is doing? Keira that would be awesome! I can't pm at the moment, but if you can, that would be great! Thank you so much
  7. Umm, she is paying for the return shipment right? Geez, this is horrible. I am really sorry you are having to deal with this. You know what, whatever the outcome don't let it ruin your day. At least you have a beach wedding to look forward to. What did she say about express-mailing them?
  8. I'd like to go though I will probably be late because I would have to "TTC it" from the west end at 6pm-ish. How long are people thinking to hang out for? Will the party be wrapping up by 7ish or will people be there longer?
  9. Hmm... They must then have mixed info there because I recall being told I would have to upgrade to the next applicable package. Well at least I will know to push for the paying the per-guest charge if I end up choosing RIU. Does anyone know what the per charge rate is?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JanJan84 Thanks for your advice Stay-C. I actually didn't miss the point. As I responded to another post we have been together for eight years and he has never done anything like this. He absolutely disrespected me by not communicating with me and taking the money with out even asking or telling me what he was going to do you are 100% correct when it comes to that. And I was ready to kill him I am much more relaxed and calm now but when I found out I was a mess but I sat down and had a long talk with him and I no he is truly sorry and we will move on from here. You see the thing is I no the man I am about to marry we've been together since I was a freshman in Highschool and though he made this terrible mistake I forgave him cause I am not perfect I made my share of mistakes as well and we will learn from them together and be stronger as a couple. I really apprciate your advice thank you. I am glad that you are both committed to working it out; I was just worried that the gravity of this was being under-estimated. Hopefully your FH will see that he doesn't have to carry the burden by himself and that he has another strong, reliable person to count on in you (not to mention a huge capacity for forgiveness; I would still be seething in anger and insult if I was in your shoes). I wish you the best.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG I think when people post and say either license or certificate they use it in a sentence and when one reads that sentence we know what they are talking about. So really I don't think its an issue to say one and mean the other. So you are right in your title, lets NOT get caught up in the semantics. I agree that the sentence can be enough to put it into context SOME of the time, but it is not always. Furthermore, I have read postings where after a while it got really difficult to know who was talking about what because some people use the right terminology while others didn't. It is especially difficult if one is still trying to learn the ins and outs of getting married abroad (register for this, apply for that, petition here, appeal there). I just figured if the difference is clarified then it will help most people realize that one is NOT the same as the other. Please accept my most sincere and humble apologies for the mis-spelling of the word 'certificate'.
  12. Hello Allison, I was working with a travel agent who is also a Costa Rica DW specialist. My choice of dates were in either May or August of 2010. I was generally told that August is pretty rainy and it rains all day. Even this year in July I was told by my TA (who is in Costa Rica) that the rains have been quite frequent and long lasting. Having said that, she also told me that different parts of Costa Rica are different so I would get the scoop on the specific part of Costa Rica you are visiting. As for the cost of a DW, it is a bit all over the map. There are a couple of threads in other parts of the forum where a lot of people have shared their budgets; do a search and you will find exactly what you are looking for. I have seen ranges as low as $4000 and as high as $45,000+. It depends on what you are planning on incorporating into your wedding.
  13. Have you thought about going off-site to do some pictures? If it is just the two of you, then you could have Sandals just do the ceremony pics (just buy the minimum) and then you could hire a photographer to do more pics elsewhere. I was considering Sandals for just me and my fiance as well and I wanted to take some fitness/bikini pictures as well as wedding pictures. I don't have much faith in the adeptness of AI photographers so I would much rather hire my own and get the pics I want.
  14. Hey all, I notice that the terms 'marriage license' and 'marriage certifricate' are used interchangeably in various posts. This can be quite confusing as they are distinct documents. I am going to post the meanings for each of these and if anyone has any additions or clarifications to add please feel welcome. MARRIAGE LICENSE: This document basically gives you the green light to get married. Think of it as government approval for a petition to marry. The requirements to make this petition vary from country to country. Many resorts will ask for this information in advance so that by the time you arrive at your destination, the permission has already been granted and the wedding can proceed. This does NOT prove that you are married as the marriage would not have happened yet at this point. MARRIAGE CERTIFRICATE: This is the document that the resort will mail to you after you have gotten married. The papers that you signed the day you got married get taken to the appropriate government agency in your destination wedding location to register your marriage. They issue the certifricate and usually will send it to the resort where you married who in turn sends it to you. This is what proves you are married and this is what you use to initiate name changes and to assert your married status in your home country. Using the right lingo will help minimize the potential confusion.
  15. It was in response to the post entitled "feet are chillin and getting colder". I made a previous post and then posted again but the last post is not showing. If it hasn't been removed, then I'll just wait for another poster to put it into view.
  16. Hi, I made a post last night and I can't see it although it lists me as the last poster. Was it removed or is it a glitch. If it was removed, why? Thanks for the head's up. Stay-C
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by JanJan84 Now my delimma is my fiance lost his job and we were short on money for the wedding. So I begain to cut some things out like the releaseing of the doves at the end of the ceremony and a couple of other extras so we can cover the wedding part of it. Now My FI is feeling like less of a man because he is not making what he was us to bringing home unemployment is a little check and he feels like he is not doing his job of taking care of his family and no matter how much I talk to him he feels he has to make this right. So he decides to take our wedding money to Las Vegas to try to double it. The end result is he lost all of our wedding money now we are three weeks away from our wedding and we do not have the money to pay for it. Everyday he is crying saying he want's to kill him self how could he be so stupid and he is sorry he messed up my dream wedding. I am very hurt stressed and clueless as to what i'm going to do to get this money in three weeks time but I am not as mad as most brides would be. As unfortunate as this situation is we will get through it and we will get married in Jamaica. The lesson I learned from this situation is he would do anything for our family no matter what. But ass long as he don't ever take another risk like this one we will be fine. He does not even gamble so I'm confused as to why he thought he would even be able to double the money. The next reason why I was mad at myself cause he told me he was going to vegas to celebrate his friends birthday which did take place but he did not tell me he took the money and what he was going to do with it so I feel like I should have told him he could'nt go to vegas and then none of this would have happened but it's situations like this that makes you as a couple stronger when your able to work it out. Wow... JanJan, I think you are really missing the mark on the lessons to be learned here. It is nice that you can see the good in your FH but what he did was reckless and, if I can be honest, really disrespects you as an equal partner who is supposed to have equal say in the relationship. This guy took matters into his own hands without even talking to you about it. And now that he has made things worse he is making suicidal comments?? I think he needs some serious counselling on coping strategies with his feelings of inadequacy, and you, at the risk of being pointed, need to open your eyes; believing that you are partially to blame for not refusing him to go to Vegas makes absolutely no sense; he was not honest with you about money which is the number one reason for divorce. If this doesn't get addressed you may find you will have even worse problems than coming up with money for a wedding.
  18. My thoughts: 1. Stag and Does are basically "help-fund-my-wedding parties" (distinct from showers which are "help-fund-my-new-married-life parties"). Therefore, invites really should be restricted to people who were actually invited to the wedding, unless you are planning some amazingly orgasmic event that a lot of people would want to go to. Personally, I was put off when I received invites to stag and does of couples that I barely knew and was certainly not invited to the wedding; It wasn't like it was an invite to have an audience with the Queen of England, so I didn't go. 2. I think that if the above is adhered to, they are OKAY to have. It gives an opportunity for those who couldn't come to still celebrate with the bridegroom and help them out at the same time at the expense of a few dollars (vs. the $1000's that those attending the DW will pay). 3. DW's may be cheaper but they are not "cheap". Just peruse the budget topics on this website and you'll see that most couples are spending tens of thousands of dollars to host their wedding abroad investing in group excursions, cocktail hours, private receptions, OOT bags, etc. 4.The main reason DW's are cheaper is because less people go; if the same amount of people that would attend a local wedding attended a DW, the DW would cost substantially more than the local wedding because the per-person charge is so much more (e.g. a $10K DW attended by 20 people works out to $500/pp vs. a $10K local wedding attended by 100 people at $100/pp ). So, if for a local wedding, we are accustomed to "paying for our plate" when we give a gift, I think this puts things into perspective; yes most guests will pay more than $500 to attend the wedding, but they are also getting a vacation out of it (at least a weekend of festivities and vacation fun vs. one afternoon/evening at a local wedding). Guests for whom it is inconvenient to go, will not go. Guests who are going have seen some value to go beyond merely supporting the bridegroom IMO (e.g. family/annual vacation, needed time off, explore a new country, etc).
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by vivrant_thing is it rude to ask if they would wanna do their own hair & make up that day? If they say no then i will pay for them... but it is way over budget already :S Seriously, don't break your bank. You are already doing more than most as it is. Your bridesmaids I am sure will appreciate it. And honestly, when it comes to destination weddings, an attendant should really look at it as doubling up a vacation with attending your wedding. Some bridesmaids pay close to $1000to be in a wedding (attire, showers, parties, gifts, etc) and they didn't even get a vacation out of it. I would straight up tell them that they are responsible for their hair/make up but also that they are not obligated to go to a salon to do so. That way, those who can't afford to have it done professionally do not feel pressured/obligated to do so. Heck, if any of them are make-up saavy, you could make a party out of it. It is most certainly not rude.
  20. I hope you are able to work out these emotions with your fiance and that you two can move forward. It's like they say; marriage is not like getting a box of goodies...it is more like an empty box that you spend your whole life filling with goodies. Everyone has given really good advice. I would second the counselling and, if you two decide to stay together, perhaps changing towns, if you are able. It is tough to be around negative stuff all the time and constantly having your relationship challenged by other people. Good luck
  21. Hi Sara! Firstly, welcome and congratulations! RIU Tropical Bay is one of the places on my list for potential wedding locations and for the same time of year! (May, June, or Aug 2010). I have heard nothing but amazing things about it and from the research I have done RIU does great weddings. They do a lot, but that seems to only attest to their adeptness. Furthermore, from what I have read, most brides don't seem to get that cookie-cutter feeling simply because it is their day and the only thing they are thinking about is their life partner -- not the other weddings. I wouldn't worry about that. There should be a section on reviews where you can find info on RPTB. If you do a search through the forums, I am sure it will come up. Cheers!
  22. Seems like a lot of this stuff is negotiable. Josee, did you talk them down to that or is this a case of conflicting information?
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