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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Sounds like this bride was strapped for cash and probably could have been a little more appreciative of your efforts that allowed her wedding to go off the way it did. It's a classic lesson of having appreciation and compassion. I am glad you two were able to work it out though. All the best with your wedding. I, too, am trying to minimize the amount of work my BMs have to do so they don't feel taken advantage of. I think I have been good so far; they won't be paying for their dresses, I am not picky about hair/shoes/make-up so they can do what they see fit, and I am not having them throw me a shower or bachelorette, so really their only job is pretty much to be a soundboard to my ideas and stand for me on the day of...they are all over the planet so I don't see them doing much more than that, so I think they got a good deal going. If it turns out they do end up doing a lot of helping then I will try to budget for another token of appreciation in the form of a gift or an outing of sorts.
  2. For those doing their own music, do you just compile the songs yourself or do you hire a professional to compile them? How do you know how to space fast songs, from slow songs, upbeat to low key...I am sure there is some type of art to it and I am pretty inept when it comes to compiling songs on my own, so how do you go about making the actual playlist?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle6114 Ok I am pretty speechless after reading some of these replies. There is no gracious way to ask for money. Wishing wells, money trees, poems, ect just all shriek """""GIMEEGIMMEE"""". If I got any invite of the kind, I would show up with a tacky plastic frame just to prove my point. It is not the guests responsibility to donate toward a house payment, honeymoon, or anything else. Some guests take pleasure by shopping for a wedding gift for a married couple, they feel they made a heartfelt choice in picking out what they did. I personally HATE gift shopping as I never know if what I am getting is actually needed/appreciated. And I would really be hurt if after hours of pining over a gift, it turned out the couple didn't really care for it and got rid of it. Personally I think money is the most convenient gift anyway but it is a direct exposure to the value of your gift and if I didn't feel like I could give a 'respectable amount' then I would not go to the wedding -- that is the risk you run if you ask for money gifts. I recently got an invite to an engagement party where the invite said something to the effect of "if you insist on bringing a gift, you may bring a bottle of wine as we are starting a wine collection." I don't know if the gift etiquette is different for engagement parties but I appreciated the direction on what to get the couple. It saved me HOURS of trying to figure it out for myself, and now I know they will appreciate what I give them. I certainly didn't feel offended; it is much better that they did that than me bringing something useless to clutter their home with.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn&Kraig Does Dreams have a restriction on outside photograpghers? What are you ladies doing? I am now considering other resorts! I believe Dreams allows outside photographers as long as the day pass fee is paid for them to come onto the resort. I was going to go with the resort photographer but I am now looking into photosouvenir as they seem to get rave reviews and I have particular needs with my wedding package.
  5. The way I look at it is you can always upgrade; it may be more difficult to downgrade. Most wedding decisions don't happen until you get to the resort anyway so if you booked a free wedding and then closer to the date when you confirmed your numbers, said you want to upgrade to the caprice package because your party of 10 turned to a party of 55, then I am sure they would not have a problem with it. For most things when I priced it out, I found the free wedding plus add-ons worked out to be cheaper. I would only do packages if I actually cared about all the little extra frills they throw in (some of them are actually nice so really it is up to you).
  6. Hey we just might be date twins! I am hoping to be married Sept 4, 2010 at Dreams Punta Cana. I am very aware it is hurricane season but hurricanes are not that predictable anyway. As for rain, you may want to check out the sites below to determine and follow the weather in Cancun. If it is like Punta Cana, there is rain but it is short lived an refreshing so I am not worried. Oh, and I am definately buying insurance just like a previous poster said. The link: Weather in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean in September | cancun-guide.info Cancun Weather Forecast and Conditions Mexico
  7. This is an old post, I know but I am sure someone will happen upon it and appreciate all the advice everyone has given here so far. I will add my two cents, which pretty much echos everyone else's in that your wedding is for YOU AND YOUR FI so plan it to suit your needs and let everyone else follow suit. That is exactly what I am doing. I picked a resort that FH and I will like first. Then I let others know where it is. If they don't like it -- don't come. Personally, I know money is a big issue for some people and I would not take offense to someone who says they can't/don't want to go to my wedding because it is inconvenient -- it's not like I planned my wedding around them anyway. Besides, if they don't come, it is one less plate to pay for, making it cheaper for me. It is a win-win situation.
  8. I don't know what type of dress you were wanting for the bridesmaids, but if you get like an empire waist dress that flowed freely down and wasn't tight, you would only really have to worry about the bust area which should not be too hard to gauge (maybe 1-2 sizes up from where she is now). Would that work?
  9. Geez, sounds like there is no way around it...my FH is from bangladesh and so getting his may be a bit of a challenge...I hope he can get his hands on it!
  10. They didn't charge you the 10% service charge (sorry to sound like a broken record, but it stated on their menu that they add this fee...it sounds like the waived it for you? Or did you just tip them well)?
  11. At Dreams Palm Beach there only seems to be a preferred honeymoon suite and no "regular" honeymoon suite. At Dreams Punta Cana there seems to be a regular honeymoon suite and a preferred honeymoon suite and the preferred deluxe room ranks higher than the honeymoon suite (as you mentioned). Anyway, I think the answer is clear enough after viewing their website. I just wished that Palm Beach had the same type of hierarchy as Dreams PC. Thanks for the response. Oh and I may not have enough "rooms" booked; I am only inviting a few guests mostly comprised of families that may be bunking together in a family suite so the actual room count may not add up. Since most guests can be fickle in terms of their commitment to come I just want to be on the safe side and book at the appropriate category.
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