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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. If you are having a symbolic ceremony, you can have it in english. If you are having a legally binding ceremony, it will have to be in spanish unless the judge is running late or something in which case it will be done in english by the wedding coordinator and the judge will sign the papers at the end (personally, I am pushing for the latter). It may or may not be possible to find your own officiant to do a legally binding one in english, but I have not looked into this.
  2. I did my arm workout and 45 minutes of cardio. I am now about to go for a 35 minute run.
  3. I like dress #1. Neither are inappropriate for the beach. Go with your gut.
  4. After a conversation like that...well at least the question to invite her or not is clear and family should definately understand at this point.
  5. passion : Queen Mary of Scots
  6. I had the same problem; asked 6 people to be my BM when planning a local wedding and then decided on a destination. I just let them know my plans have changed and I am re-evaluating the feasibility of a large bridal party. I also anticipate some of them not being able to come since the expense has drastically increased. Just be honest with them as everyone said and I am sure they will understandn...or be relieved. You never know.
  7. chocolate chip cookies : forbidden
  8. I dont' think asking people to pay for the guest pass is tacky. My first choice for a resort was one of the RIU resorts in Jamaica. However, they are also relatively pricey for my guests and I knew they would just stay at relatives' houses or cheaper resorts (I have a lot of family in Jamaica). The problem with RIU is unless 80% of the guests stay at the resort, they will CANCEL your wedding -- forget day passes. So when you have a situation like the one above, how is it unreasonable to simply say if you are coming to the wedding you must plan on staying at the resort? As for priorities, I am not above having no one there if they could not afford it; better that than me not getting married at all because people chose to do things their own way. Furthermore, how many people who paid for day passes also paid the same amount of money towards the people who DID decide to stay at the resort you were at? I don't think it is fair to pay for day passes for people who stayed at cheaper resorts while the people who invested more to stay at the same resort pay full price with no breaks.
  9. Wow that was close! Making me worry about a deposit I have at a bridal store that I haven't been in touch with in a few months...I better make sure it is still there!
  10. Nice ring! I am looking for a bevelled segmented titanium ring for my FH..anyone have any leads?
  11. I have had to deal with this also although I was the dumper and he the 'dumpee' and there is always a part of me that feels a bit of guilt for that. It doesn't help that the reason for dumping him only for not being ready to move forward at the time and he was actually an amazing guy. However, life has moved on and I found the guy that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I cut the ex off because the few times we did conversate were only on reminiscing and I would end up feeling really bad at the end of it...had to cut him loose.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Love3 I totally agree SLOAN!!! Just pick what works for you. We gave people 4mths notice lol. Not for any specific reason other then we were looking for 3mths prior to the 4mths for a resort!!! We also didn't care who came other then us, so we had the attitude of whoever comes great, if not pis* on you lol kidding we are more then o.k with us just being there, but the more choices and ownership you give ppl the more they take and the more problems they bring!! lol..I like your style! I say do what you want and let them fall in or out. People will make time for the things that they want regardless of what else is going on in their lives.
  13. I am definately the one doing all the research and planning but I do go to my FH to get his input. If I am stuck, he usually has an idea that makes it simple. He has such a way about him that makes such complicated things seem so simple. Makes me wish he was the one doing all the planning and crap while I sit around and play world of warcraft
  14. Me and my FH's ambitions are: wedding, home, car, and business. Personally, I am the type to go "jack-of-all-trades style" and try to do it all. At the moment, that is what we are doing and we're okay with that so far; nothing is orgasmic, but nothing is completely run down either. As everyone has said, it is a very personal decision and there is no generic right or wrong answer. Just do what you and your FH are comfortable with.
  15. I agree with the last two posts; just move on. It would be a perfect world if she and her daughter could come and her husband be cooperative but it sounds like they have some serious issues to contend with and really you can't make it your problem...well you can, but seriously, there is nothing you could do anyway. Ignore her quibbles about you not having a local wedding. Her problems are not yours and you should be able to have the wedding you want.
  16. That is really not cool. Personally, I shun people who shun me and it makes me feel a lot better that I have one less useless person to deal with. Not everyone is like me though I am sorry you are having to deal with this. It would be interesting to know why she blocked you on FB though. Something is up.
  17. I like #2. #1 seems a bit poofy for my tastes, but then someone might like that and it might just be the picture not doing it much justice for me. At the end of the day, it is what you feel better in though.
  18. I never knew that the bridegroom are supposed to give gifts to each other either (mind you, this is the bride talking here). Well I like the idea of a boudoir book but I think I would do fitness pictures instead as he would appreciate that more and not have to wonder who it was that got to take racey pictures of me. Or I may surprise him with a trip after our wedding. He is not much into material stuff so I may have to get creative and do something special. I just want to see him cry at our wedding. That would be priceless.
  19. I have a similar sensitive situation. My cousin actually tried to snag my FI for herself while he and I were "on a break"...that was 5 years ago. While I thought my FI was an a$$ for it as well, I thought she was especially an a$$ since she was family..I mean how trifling is that?? Anyway, I have since dropped it since I never could get the same story out of either of them and obviously FI and I are set to be married. Problem is, my cousin has a history for causing drama and I really don't feel like dealing with it at my wedding. Still on the fence about inviting her because she a very close family member (may look wierd to the family if she is not there) but if she causes drama it will get ghetto...
  20. So I just read this...I would have ousted her as a BM. You don't need the hassle and stress. That was very rude of her to say although I agree that she may have not realized the extent of her rudeness and was just stressed about finances. Just cut her loose.
  21. This thread may give you some more insight: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t45967 I too am on the fence...are there differences with their wedding packages/wedding extras? I find that the Dreams Palm Beach section on the website is not as upfront with the wedding extras as the Dreams PC and so I was leaning towards the latter.
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