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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 Maybe you're right but joke or not i think its stupid of her to say You're right; definately flippant and stupid. Some people are socially inept and don't know what is appropriate and what is not. No arguments there. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 and her PM wasnt later it was 2 nights ago and that initially happened around march when my semester was done Again, some people are socially inept. I still think she may have been trying to get in your good graces. Some people just don't draw boundaries in the same way. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 maybe because I am so super sensitive..but there were times before where i used to swallow crap from others because I was afraid to open my mouth..and today I just dont care to... I agree. Protect yourself. Don't let other people's ignorance an ineptitude get to you. Sounds like you have amazing family support (including here on BDW and your new family in FH . Draw on that and you'll be fine.
  2. I bought the book. Definately not great fo AI resorts. If anything, they discourage them and pretty much go into the in's and outs of how to plan a local wedding abroad. Great for the non-AI person. On the plus side, it does have pockets for notes and sections where you can keep track of guests, gifts, venue options, vendor info, and so can still be used as a great planner regardless of whether you are doing the AI thing or not. I pretty much bought it for that. Costs ~$27.00 CAD at chapters-indigo
  3. Welcome ashor BDW fellow Torontonian!
  4. Yea it really sucks when the people closest to you who you really want at your wedding end up not showing, but honestly, unless they were ghetto about it, I would not be offended. Unlike some of the previous posters, I would not take a huge offense if someone put their own vacation or house project, or schooling, or whatever else in their lives a priority over my wedding vacation. It is basically asking for $1000+ and one week out of them where for a traditional wedding it is one day and maybe a few dollars for a gift and a card; the difference in the level of commitment is huge. It hurts a bit sometimes, especially if you know you would have moved mountains for them, but the reality is sometimes we are NOT important enough and we just have to deal with it. Everyone has priorities and the way we weigh them are different. As many have said, you will have an awesome wedding no matter what with the people that did prioritize your wedding and the ones that didn't won't matter.
  5. Well if someone is willing to buy... Personally I am always too rushed to sit on a toilet anyway and so I squat. Aim better than most men I'd wager. Besides, how do you keep it in your purse?? And how do you explain it to people?
  6. Hi, just read this and wanted to post some thoughts. 1. The FB aquaintance was flippant to write that about your fiance especially since she doesn't know him, but she may have just been joking and had no malicious intentions (hard to tell these things on electronic communication). I would have just told her she was flippant and really hurt you and your FH's feelings. If she is a decent person, she would apologize and be done with it. 2. That she tried to be all nice in a PM later was probably her way of trying to placate the situation and not to smooze an invite out of you. 3. As for your friend telling her about your wedding, she may have been trying to defend your FI as she did on FB and so just told her about your wedding. Not sure how much detail she gave her, but I can totally see people talking to other people saying 'oh did you know so and so is engaged' and word gets around --especially if you've advertised it on FB (not sure if you did). 4. As for the unreciprocated commitment from your friend, that always sucks but I think your choice to just sit back and not care is the way to go; it is good to give of ourselves to people but if it is not being reciprocated, then you don't want to 'throw what is precious to dogs' so to speak. Just 'dust your feet off' and move on to the next town (lots of bible metaphors here). 5. I think when it comes to weddings people don't always know what is and isn't appropriate and so we shouldn't take everything as a personal affront. I had people assume they were invited and all but demand invites but I think they just don't realize the imposition. You certainly don't have to invite anyone you don't want to and really a true friend would understand (or they're not worth inviting anyway).
  7. I got in my back workout and 45 minutes of elliptical but missed my second cardio On a positive, I stuck to my diet today and I am down to 122 lbs! (I was 135 lbs in July). Yea me!
  8. What is that link to the knot pics? Can it be posted here? If you'd prefer to email the link, [email protected]
  9. Ouch... Okay, super inconsiderate of her to pick a wedding date 3 days after you considering it puts a strain on you and the family to be at both. Sounds like there are a lot of pent up issues here though...hopefully you two can work it out. Sending you positive vibes
  10. There are many that would say that it is inappropriate to talk about gifts in anyway. If you don't want to completely discourage it, I would keep a diplomatic silence about it and not say anything on the invitation/website. If someone asks you, then I would politely say they are not necessary and leave it at that. Your family should say the same thing. Let the guest decide what they want to do..
  11. Could very well be for life insurance. Certainly makes sense.
  12. Update: Sun: 35 min run Mon: rest Tues: 45 min elliptical in morning. Legs and 35 min upright bike in the evening Wed (today): 45 min treadmill in morning. Will do chest and 35 min cardio this evening. 24 more days to alimentary freedom
  13. I would go with the "due to circumstances beyond our control" speech and just leave it at that. You are not uninviting them you are cancelling the party. No one will judge you for eloping and you dont' have to justify it. While the above poem is cute, it could ring inconsiderate to the person who has either been looking forward to your wedding or had already made arrangements to go.
  14. I ran into this same problem when considering Cuba as I had a lot of american guests. They would definately have to go through Canada or Mexico but it is really a gamble and if it ever got figured out that they went there and spent money then they could be fined. It really wasn't worth the hassle for me and since I had a lot of guests who would have problems I nixed it as an option. If your heart is set on it, and your friend's husband is the only affected guest, then I would say just go for it, especially if there is a good chance that they can't go anyway. If you REALLY want her and her husband there though, I would pick another country.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sjmacphe Hey ladies, I was originally planning to ask my BMs to foot the $200 bill for the dresses (I have 3 of them), but now I am thinking of paying for most of them and just asking for maybe $50 to help offset some of the cost (and any alterations if they need them)...do you think that's weird? I have also bought their shoes and jewellery...I probably wouldn't get them any other gifts (maybe something little). There is nothing wierd about it. Usually they are responsible for their attire. Only thing is if you are not going to get a gift, then I would just foot the entire bill for the dresses even if it means finding a cheaper one to fit the budget...oh wait, I saw that you bought jewelry and shoes in which case that can settle for the gift.
  16. I would do it because in the past six years of our relationship, my fiance and I have NO good pictures and I have nothing to put on our website for us. Plus you are getting them for free! Why not?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Islandbride2b games and drama.. not my cup of tea! send her an invite.. just with the wrong info!! haha.. or would ??!! lol...Yea find the address of some brothel on the other side of the country and put that on her invite! I'm sure she'll fit right in.
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