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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lil_reeves Is he just making you suffer or do you think maybe he's waiting for an apology or something? It's so childish for him to do this to you. Maybe you do need to be a bit more aggressive about this. He clearly knows how much this is hurting you and no matter the argument this is not fair. Unless there were serious boundaries crossed no one needs this kind of space. It's talk time... Sorry to sound harsh, I just feel so bad that you are going through this and really hope things can be on the mend soon! Yeah that is definately childish and rude of him. Personally, I would have already made him talk or broke up with him...but I dont' know your situation. Time for him to work this out.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis Would you ever... tell the bartender to cut off a family member at your wedding or would you be too worried about making a scene? Hell fricken yes! And by then, they probably have already made a scene so I would not care if they are mad. Would you go skydiving if your fiance really, Really, REALLY wanted to do it and wanted someone to go with him even though you were scared crapless about it?
  3. Did my 45 minutes of cardio this evening...but MAJOR cheating on diet; 2 cookies, 1 power bar, and 8 fries...and 3 weeks 'til comp time. My trainer is going to be pissed.
  4. Yes, chopping your guest list is the best way to keep costs down without sacrificing the quality of the wedding.
  5. Yeah, everyone took the words right out of my mouth. She sounds disrespectful and obnoxious. Let us know how it turned out though. And remember, there are a lot of us on here and we fully back you up on this!
  6. There is a bride on here that had her wedding at RIU Bachata which looked really good. Her wedding review is here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35963 You can use the search function to see other reviews in the resort of your choice.
  7. Hi! Check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t933 . Here you will see how much people spent on their entire wedding. Your question is difficult as everyone has a very different definition of 'cheap.' Like you, my dream wedding is the cheap one where I still have money left over to start a comfortable life. My fiance and I are also footing the entire bill. Your best bet might be to find a resort with a free package and add on stuff as needed -- that consistently seemed to be the cheapest way to go. The RIU resorts have free packages and have semi-private receptions included with them that may suit your needs. There are a few RIUs in the DR and a couple of the resorts are relatively inexpensive (I am thinking of RIU Tiano and RIU Nabioa). The only catch is 80% of your wedding party must stay there and you must have a minimum amount of rooms booked before the wedding is free AND there is a per-person charge after 10 guests. Dreams resorts also have free packages and the cost seems to be directly proportional to the number of guests and not as reliant on people being there. There are extra charges for private receptions and semiprivate receptions, while free, are not guaranteed. Oh, and almost anywhere in DR, you will have to pay $300 for the legal fees regardless of whether the wedding is 'free'. BUT that is just 2 of MANY resorts to choose and it really depends on what you're comfortable with. You just gotta do the research and price out what you want.
  8. Did my leg workout today and 35 minutes of cardio. No diet cheats...yet.
  9. Okay now he is just making you suffer for no reason. I take it your attempts to warm up to him didn't work. I would straight up ask him how much more alone time does he think he needs and to decide on a time that you guys can work your stuff out. Alone time is one thing but flat out ignoring someone is another.
  10. I heard the included cake can actually feed a lot more than they say it does, so that is another thing to consider. I have heard that from more than a few people and one of the most common 'would've done differently' statements was going crazy on the cake and having HUGE leftovers... so I am thinking that I will keep the cake because either way, everyone will get dessert and not everyone eats cake.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jo&Daz 20-10-2010 Would you ever... help organise your FI's buck night? Sure...just lock him and a few friends in a room, toss in some world of warcraft, sprinkle some street fighter and we got the makings of a buck night he'll love! Would you ever...'do it' with your parents in the next room over?
  12. Yea you won't even remember them on your wedding day. Last people on your mind. They could fall of the planet and it would still keep orbiting, so don't even sweat it. And don't knock yourself for trying to be a good friend. To be close to someone you have to make yourself vulnerable but sometimes people take advantage of that. That is when you protect yourself, nurse the stings and then move on.
  13. muscular men : Arnold Classic
  14. Thanks a lot Irdavis! If you do have the flower pictures and are comfortable posting them here on the thread, that would be great. If you prefer to send it via email, you can send it to [email protected]. From what I read on the website, the cake feeds 10 people on the free wedding package so I wanted to know if it was single or double tiered. In anycase, I plan to email her a picture of the cake I would like and get a quote. I'll let you all know when I get a response.
  15. Well I am in the pool a lot so any jewelry I had definately suffered. Even my e-ring, which is a higher quality metal is slowly starting to show signs of wear. If I spent $25K on a ring I would definately not wear it in the pool. In fact, I would be scared to wear it period unless it were a really special occasion and even then I wouldn't feel comfortable until I put it away somewhere very safe. For me, it is like walking with an insane amount of cash; just not safe.
  16. Geez, life has a funny way of turning upside down every once in awhile...oh well like previously mentioned don't let it get to you. Good riddance to bad rubbish is what I always say. You don't need fake people.
  17. Maybe...if it would make me money. Would you ever eat a chocolate covered cockroach?
  18. Love it! Haven't done it in awhile, but it is a really fun and potent workout! When I get my own place I am seriously going to consider having a pole installed somewhere...just to be able to say "I have my own pole."
  19. Okay update (a bit shaky) Sept 5 - 45 min aquafit (as instructor) - Shoulder workout - 45 min elliptical Sept 6 - Arm workout Sept 7 - 45 minute treadmill Confessions: missed my second cardio and my circuit and I ate at Mandarin Chinese Buffet -- mostly cooked veggies and grilled stuff but still had 2 pieces of garlic bread...then I had a chocolate bar later that day, oiyee
  20. Umm...just want to be clear, because I have posted information about good places I come across but it has always been in response to someone asking for the information...or if I think it is a really good find, then I share it. Is that okay?
  21. Hi SillyGirl! When it comes to Costa Rica, there are quite a few wedding planners available. Try this website: Our Costa Rica Wedding Destination Wedding Service They would be right up your alley and will deal with everything except the airfare; and even that, they will guide you to good sources. By everything, I mean the wedding, the tour, and accomodations.
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