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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. I haven't been in any weddings really, but I am a bit sensitive to not put too big of a cost on my BMs. To me, $200 seems like a lot for a BM dress that will likely not be worn again, but from what I can tell, that seems to be the going rate for these dresses so it is not necessarily unreasonable. You also seem to be very accomodating in other areas. If it were me, I would partially/fully pay for the dresses and be less accomodating in other areas like having my BM stay in my master suite. If they are going to do that, then I think it is okay to let them pay $200 for the dress.
  2. Hi and welcome ashore BDW! Most people will incorporate loved ones in other ways in the wedding, like doing a reading, or giving them a special flower, or ushering, or some other task that makes them feel involved. You will find tonnes of advice on that here in the forums. Happy planning
  3. I could only make it for around 8 pm as I was not able to get out of work early . If there will still be a showing at that time, then I'll go for then. Oooh Kiera! So excited for you! Don't get too crazy now, you hear?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo Ugh... someone kick me in the butt! I got sick last week and then had my bachelorette party over the weekend. Now I can't seem to get motivated. We have a double header at kickball tonight so maybe I'll run laps before that. ***GET BACK IN THE GYM*** Not exactly a kick, but the next best thing Think of it this way; at least you don't have to feel bad about eating a handful of cranberries and wasabi peas; puts things into perspective. Now get to working out and have some fruit and a carrot afterwards for me
  5. Got in my shoulder/tricep workout and will do the 35 minute cardio later today. Yeah, unfortunately the diet doesn't allow for fruit and the wasabi peas I am sure are banned for the added sugar and salt . At least after this it won't be to hard to eat healthy...even a carrot is looking pretty good right now compared to what I have been eating.
  6. Okay so I just clicked on "view all subscribed threads" near the bottom right corner of th screen in the CP. Once I was in there, I just selected all the boxes. Then I went to the drop bar on the bottom right of the screen with the words "move to folder..." and seclected 'no email notifications'. I had 8 pages of subscribed threads so I had to go through all 8 to make sure they were all set to this. Hopefully that will work.
  7. If you go to user CP, there is a section called "edit options" on the left side of the screen if you scroll past the advertisements. Once you are in the 'edit options' section, yoiu scroll down until you see a section called "default thread subscription mode." There you can select 'no email notification' which should stop the emails... ...except, it does not. I still get tonnes of emails daily. Is there anyone who can determine how to stop this madness?
  8. I got in my back workout and 35 minutes of cardio. Diet was a bit shaky with a couple of cheats (2 handfuls of cranberries and wasabi peas :S) Comp #2 in 4 days...and they couldn't come fast enough.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam are you having a photographer? We weren't planning on it, the FI thinks it's too expensive, which I do agree, but I kinda think it's almost too important to leave to our friends to do... Hi Tam, I was looking at a few of the local photographer packages and they seem to be quite reasonable and the quality of the pictures seem pretty good. HDC photography, for example, have packages starting at $600 and TTD at $250. Their link is on this website on the left; Huellas De Caribe photography. And there is a thread on them as well in the D.R. section of the forum.
  10. Hi Katie and welcome! Hi again Pynklemonade! Congrats on getting your date! Is that August 9 or September 8?
  11. Today I got in my chest workout with 35 minute cardio in the afternoon, and then my biceps workout and 35 minute cardio in the evening. Number of cheat foods have been drastically reduced; I want a nice cut look for this upcoming show.
  12. My suggestion: do a fitness show. You can do it at any age. I have never worked out so hard EVER. I had a hard time staying motivated but as soon as I committed to doing a figure competition, it became do or die; I either work out consistently, or I look like sh*t on the stage. Best part, even if you don't win, you will be in AMAZING shape and people WILL notice. Bottom line, you got to set your standards HIGH. If you aim for basics, you will probably achieve less than basic. If you aim for perfection, you will probably hit excellence. Truth be told, I don't particularly enjoy going to the gym; but I do it. I just came back from a midnight workout -- that is the type of attitude you have to have and you got to be okay with it. Anything less simply won't cut it.
  13. Today I did 45 minute treadmill run in the afternoon and a leg workout in the evening...as soon as my chicken is done I am going to the gym for another 35 minute cardio workout (probably x-trainer).
  14. Ooh, I hope everything is okay Ashley. Let us know what the final verdict is when you get a chance!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by TAHOEJENI Sweet! I almost got into fit comp but my trainer moved away and I didn't want to make that huge time commitment. Fast forward five years later - I race mountain bikes about 9 months out of the year instead. I'm an adrenaline junkie. Jeni Gotta love the extreme sports!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Regarding the menu prices, I think this has been asked before, but I can't find it this early in the morning: Does "pick one" mean you pick one meal for everyone to eat? I'm assuming this is the case, but what about allergies, will they do substitutions for those people? I know I'm going to want shrimp as part of some course of the dinner, but I have one guest with shellfish allergies... Will they give an alterative to her, does anyone know? Hi Tara, I asked about this and Deyanira said that they will substitute meals for people with allergies/food restrictions and will do it for free as long as that is the reason. Otherwise, it is "pick one" for all guests. btw..hi! I've been silent on this thread for awhile now. Would you believe I STILL haven't booked my date?? Talk about procrastination (well actually I have been mad working out preparing for a fitness comp...came 2nd and I have another this weekend coming so one more week of mad-dash training). Love the activity...had to spend the last 30 minutes catching up! I'll keep peeking incase there are any questions I can answer. Oh and thanks for the 2010 prices LaToya!
  17. SSNM

    Punta CAa

    Welcome ashore BDW fellow Torontonian and DR bride! I would strongly recommend taking a look at Dreams resorts in Punta Cana (there are 2 of them). Their packages should suit your needs PERFECTLY. Check out this thread and see what you think: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15317 Cheers!
  18. Yeah, anyone who complains about $580 AI vacation for 5 days really has no sense of how much these things cost. I will not tolerate complainers at my wedding. My sentiment is unless they are the groom, their presence is not a necessity. If they come, I don't want to hear a peep of whining about it. If they can't accomplish that, they should STAY HOME and save me the headache and the money. Speaking of which, I would have put that person in their place who said that the bridegroom is passing the cost onto the guest; that is absolutely OBNOXIOUS
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM Wow! Congratulations! You definitely deserve a little indulgence! Thanks Karen! It certainly wasn't easy but a nice payoff for all the hard work. It seems like next week's competition will be a go so back to the gym I will go starting tomorrow; today I am still too exhausted.
  20. Today was my fitness competition where I competed in the figure category and I came 2nd!! Not bad for my first competition! I will be taking it easy this week although I may do another competition this coming weekend while I am in good shape. I must admit, I did take liberties at a restaurant with my post-win dinner
  21. Oh...my...God... I was just reading your turmoil and I must say you have some SERIOUS PATIENCE to deal with that sh*t. I had to deal with some crap from my FI's parents but nothing like what you described. I would've had a coniption! I mean, I would have gotten seriously GHETTO on my MIL and FIL if they pulled that crap -- I mean, it would hit the news. Anger set aside, your FH has to deal with it. It sounds like he is trying his best as it is really hard to be so torn between your parents and your spouse, but seriously, he has to protect you and your well-being mentally, and emotionally. He can't allow his parents to talk bad about you or disrespect you AT ALL. My FH and I had to fight for each other with our parents. When my mom expressed dislike and was putting up pictures of my ex around the home I had to put her in her place and tell her that is not acceptable. When his parents were telling me not to call him and hanging up on me, FH had to put them in their place. If neither of us did that, we would not be together because marriage is already hard when things are going well and you don't want that added stress. Anyway, definately keep us posted! Wishing you all the best for your wedding and, more importantly, your marriage.
  22. I think the general rule is EVERYTHING is negotiable when it comes to weddings. I like the way Lori went about it, because it doesn't insult the vendor by implying that they are over-valued; it just states what you are able to spend. Most vendors, if they are good, will work with your budget.
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