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Everything posted by SSNM

  1. I am planning on doing a free wedding and only paying for extras; these extras don't get charged until we leave the hotel and then it is charged to our room. Therefore, nothing is really paid in advance so in the event something happened and the wedding was cancelled I will have lost nothing (except maybe the $100 deposit for the wedding which would probably be applied to our stay there anyway). Travel insurance should reinburse the cost of travel. If wedding insurance reinburses for cost of other things like wedding attire, legal documentation fees, and rings, then maybe it is worth looking into. Otherwise, for me, it doesn't seem that essential.
  2. back in time; don't want to know my future! Popeyes or KFC?
  3. Probably not; too much effort and too stuffed from the first dinner. Would you ever eat a whole cheese cake to yourself?
  4. I don't think that would look wierd at all rdhbride! Actually, it is my understanding that back in the days where spiritism was much believed in, the whole purpose of attendants was to confuse evils spirits as to who the bridegroom was; i.e. they should all blend together in terms of appearance. These days there would be no guess as to who the bridegroom is though, lol. History lesson aside, I think what you are thinking to do looks sharper and is an adequate distinction. If you were still concerned, you could give him a more elaborate or different color boutiniere.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you run down a busy street naked during the day for $500? No way!...you'd have to add a few more zeros at the end of that number Would you throw someone out of your wedding ceremony if they wore a white evening dress to it?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you rather have it rain on your wedding day or you FMIL show up wearing white? Truth be told, neither phases me (unless my FMIL was wearing a wedding dress) but in keeping with the game rules, I will choose the FMIL wearing white. Pepsi or Coke?
  7. On Thursday, I did a full body circuit and 35 minutes of cardio. Today was an off day for working out. Tomorrow will be another workout day.
  8. Well, after reading all this I must say...I wish I could tell a story like you. Such eloquence and charisma! Thank you for sharing. Gushing aside, I am glad you are okay and that you didn't get hurt (too bad he didn't get hurt...) Now I am going to convince my FI to buy a SUV...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Would you rather loose an eye or loose your nose? ...i dunno..lol Lose a nose; there's always plastic surgery You have a towel that is only big enough to hide your tits or hide your bottom...which one?
  10. The only thing I think you can do is just make it as easy and convenient for them to rsvp (i.e. pre-paid postage, tick boxes, use your TA, tentative poll on a wedding website). No matter what though, you will still get people who will not RSVP. I think unless you had to plan something that was REALLY that time sensitive, it is okay for someone to rsvp up to a couple of months before -- and, if I am honest, the only realistic number you are going to get is around that time; the tentative 'yes' rsvp a year+ in advance may not hold to the end.
  11. Well said Amandseth! I know if a bridegroom insisted that I give my final answer 7 months before I would probably just tell them no because my financial situation is very different month to month and I have no idea what I can and can't afford a year from now. I would probably have a better idea 1-2 months before and then book even later. On the other hand, I would resent buying extra OOT bags and then having to go through the effort to sell the extras just because I couldn't depend on an RSVP that I paid for, and made very easy to fill out and send back. I think I would take the approach of having a reply-by date 1-2 months before the event and then call whoever didn't respond by that point. Any 'I don't know' people will not get an OOT bag and will have to be included at the last minute for excursions if possible. Most caterers can accomodate an extra plate or two for stragglers so that is not a big deal. Sounds cut throat but I refuse to stress and waste money on things you can't be sure about anyway. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth I totally sympathize with your situations, but honestly, there is not a lot you can do to avoid the straglers. Pushing too hard may just put people off coming all together. As brides, its so easy to get caught up in the need to know mentality, especially when looking at preparing OOT bags and making decisions on outings. But as an invited guest, they are just looking at weighing the financial implications with the obvious great time they will have. Many people can not make this decision so far in advance, and need to see where they are at financially closer to the actual date. Hopefully though, you will get that feedback and be able to at least know how many guests are thinking of coming and estimate how many you will have. If you need to adjust the number a couple weeks before the wedding day, the resorts and tour operators will have no problem accommodating you on a couple weeks notice. As for yout OOT bags, buy 5-10 extra items beyond your estimate. If you don't use them, you can always try selling them to another BDW member after your event. I hate to see you lovely ladies stressing over your RSVP's, with still so much time left before the wedding. There's not much you can do about it, so there is no sense in worrying. It will all come together in the end, and as long as you and the grrom say your vows, that's what ultimately matters, right? Your guests will have a great time regardless of if they didn't get an item in their OOT bag, or missed out on a tour. It's ok to lay out an expectation to return your RSVP's by a certain date, but I really advise against pressuring your guests too much. They have to sacrifice time and money from thier own lives to attend your event, and you may come off as unappreciative of that if you begin making demands.
  12. Hi! Is the resort called "Punta Cana Resort" or is it another resort in Punta Cana, DR?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 I met up with my personal trainer today, and when I was feeling bored (instead of munching) I did Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs... haha very corny but a fun way to get in 40 mins of cardio!! Nice to see you on this thread page nsbride I, too, will need a new passtime for boredom other than eating. Now that I am not in competition mode anymore, I am starting to slip into old habits where food = social activity. Sok though, I'll not let that happen again; once you get a taste of excellence you can't go back to mediocre.
  14. I did 45 minutes of x-trainer cardio today...and then indulged in a sampler cheesecake dessert with some asti bubbly and fruit On the plus side, I did drink a lot of water today and I think it definately helped to clear the system a bit. And with the exception of the above, I did stick to a relatively clean diet. I will chalk up tonight and the rest of this week to 'honeymoon' phase after 3 months of strict dieting and start working on a more balanced, maintenence diet for the rest of this year.
  15. Thank you so much for the emails Erin! This stuff is really useful!
  16. Is the packet postable on the forum? That may be A LOT easier
  17. It is definately not in line with etiquette to put ANYTHING on the invitation regarding gifts, even if it is to say 'no gifts'. However, I have never been really put off by an invitation that has said anything of it whether it was 'monetary gifts only' or 'no boxed gifts' or whatever. Some people have very valid reasons for it (i.e. moving away) and honestly I wouldn't want to have to deal with getting rid of a gift that I didn't want and then have the giver get upset when they found out that I did as much. And believe me, I do not like clutter so unless I have a use for it, I WILL get rid of it. My sentiment is, I would never show up at a wedding without a gift anyway and I absolutely HATE gift buying so I appreciate the extra direction. If I felt put off for any reason or if I didn't feel comfortable giving the gift they were asking me for I would just not go to the wedding. Unless I was being forced to go to the wedding by the bridegroom, I would NOT bring a tacky gift to spite (I think that in itself is tacky). Finally, if I was the type to get put off by an invitation that requests a certain type of gift, then then I could not, in fairness, be the type to get upset if the bridegroom decides that my gift is not needed and tactfully gives it away or sells it.
  18. I did a total body circuit, 35 minute eliptical and worked my calves (one of my weak spots in competition). I think I will alternate between doing circuit/cardio and one big cardio 4-5 days a week and see how that goes.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek Congratulations AGAIN!!! You did good!!! Wish I could be as disciplined as you. Pooshek, I see you posting more on here than anybody so I would say you are quite disciplined yourself It is all about committing and RECOMMITTING everyday to get the workout in. Best part is, once you have been doing it for so long, it feels so wierd to go back to old habits you won't WANT to stop working out. Let's keep it up everyone!
  20. So I did my second competition this week and came second place again in my category! So I am 2 for 2 for 2 in my fitness career (pun fully intended). And so this week I take a much needed diet/workout break...unless my FI successfully convinces me to do another competition at the end of the month
  21. I did a circuit today as well and 35 minutes of cardio. Tomorrow I will rest up for Sunday's competition (though I may teach an aquafit class in the morning if time allows).
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