Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO My big hits:
The deck of cards
First aid kit which had packets of Tylenol, Motrin, & Immodium, Purell hand wipes, & chapstick
Flip flops for both men & women
The mini-wallet/purse used as a key card holder or for money
The pashminas-the women loved them, especially for late nights in the lobby, on the beach & in restaurants for dinner.
And yes, the travel mug was the biggest hit by far! Everywhere we went on the resort, my guests had their mugs. It was very convienent and well used at the bar!
The only thing that I second guess is the use of the monogrammed canvas tote as the OOT bag itself.
While I loved it & will certainly use it again & again, I wonder who else will really use it again, with the exception of my mother! While it made for a great beach bag as I did see my guests using it on the beach or on our shopping tours, I'd still love to know if it will get used this summer by anyone else. Maybe I should have gone with the personalized paper gift bag or god forbid, skipped putting my monogram on it & just gone with a generic Jamaica design.
Just food for thought for you brides to be! Hey!
Just wondering were did you get your travel mugs I can't find any I really like online that aren't expensive.