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mexicana bride

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Everything posted by mexicana bride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Emelia Hi I'm getting married next year and we are looking at the BBGE near Playa Del Carmen in December. Any advice any one can give on this resort, weather in December on the Riviera Maya etc would be great. Thanks Emma Congrats and Welcome!! I'm getting married there as well, I think this is the thread you're looking for http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t29613
  2. Beautiful area! Happy Planning!
  3. Congrats and happy planning!!!
  4. sorry, spelling error Allen Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking
  5. Hey, I just found this forum and I think it's great to have a little support system! I actually quit recently after smoking for over 10 years!!! If anyone wants to try a different method (no patches, gum, drugs, etc), it worked for me. I know it will sound ridiculous at first, but I swear it worked for me and others I know. It's actually a book! You have to keep smoking as your reading it, and at the end it has final instructions that are totally easy to follow. Basically it doesn't lecture on how bad it is, but shows you how to be in a certain state of mind while quitting. Allen Carr's Easy Wat To Quit Smoking
  6. That was our big concern as well, but I ended up reading a lot of the reviews on Trip Advisor, and it seems that on really windy/rainy days (and a few days after) the beach is bad. Overall it's alright, but not the clear tranquil blue water. We still ended up booking it! Hope this helps
  7. Welcome and happy planning!!!
  8. My vote is Reese!! That's the one I'm wearing on the big day! Ultimately you have to follow your gut feeling.
  9. Game tickets! Great idea!!! Might have to steal that one!
  10. I got my dress at the Bridal and Beyond at Laird and Eglinton (TO). I told them by budget ($1000 & under) and they were great about it! They also have tons of sales happening all the time, as they're a new location. I ended up getting a Maggie Sottero dress with $300 off and coming under budget! As for my BM's I took them to the mall, and tols them to get whatever they culd decide they all liked...worked out perfect!
  11. Hi, So you girls totally inspired me to to a BD shoot for my FI! But here's a question...there's only one photographer I trust to make me look my best (he's also flying with us to do our wedding), but also good friends with my FI! I really don't want things to get awkward, I know he's a professional and all, but I want my photos to be pretty races. Should I go with him, or find someone else?
  12. We're going to be doing a welcome dinner at the resort 1st night in. Then people will be on their own for the rest of the week. We figure not to plan anything until we get there. After all it's their holiday too and they can do whatever they want. Probably will do what GinalynL did, just tell people were we're going and they'll come if they want.
  13. I agree with jerseykitten!!! I'm a make-up artist myself, and the first thing I tell my clients that are doing their own make-up (or hair) for a big event, is to PRACTICE! With make-up you might want to write down what you did, because on the day of, your nervous might kick in and you will sure to forget something. Also for sure go to MAC, etc and pick their brains a bit!
  14. I love all the ideas you ladies have! Just to share, we're getting fancy rocks and permanent markers for everyone to sign/write a message. When we get to Playa del Carmen, I'm going to go out and find a long straight vase that I like, for everyone to put these rocks in. That way, we figure, it'll be cheap and fit into our home decor.
  15. I've been all colors on the planet. At the end of the day you want to chose a color that makes you feel HOT!!! Especially on your wedding day.
  16. I love the dress!!!! Perfect for a destination wedding!
  17. Congrats and happy planning!!!!
  18. Thanks, I'll definitely will look into that with the resort.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by courtney_b00 I have the same problem...so thanks for posting this! I am definitely going to try some of these products. Btw what is a great moisturizer that doesn't make your face look too oily/shiny?? I use Hydrating Lotion (in green bottle) by AVEDA. It's awesome!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by cabobride10 Thanks Simistar! I have been wanting to get chair bows, but didn't know where to find them. What a good deal, thanks for sharing! Just a question...don't the resorts provide you with the chair cover, bows, etc Reading this is making me nervous, should I be looking into that? I just assumed that stuff is covered.
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