Ohh! That is soo sweet!!!
I love how he remembered about you mentioning the waterfalls, and that asking you was easy.
Well I guess my turn....
My FI and I were traveling through some parts of Europe last summer. One of our destinations was Switzerland, were one of his brothers lives. On one of the last days there, we went to Zurich for the day (which he knew I would LOVE). Towards the end of the day, during sunset, his brother casually disappeared and my FI and I were on this long dock (for cruise ships), surrounded nothing but peaceful water with swans, and the mountains around us with an incredible sunset. We were taking pictures, and as we were about to leave he said "I have something to ask you..."! Pulls out this beautiful custom ring that he has been designing for 6 months and continues the usual speech. I'll tell you, thank God we were alone, I was crying like a baby! After that his brother appears out of nowhere and we buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate right then and there, I love Europe for that, LOL! After we came back from our trip I check my emails, and there's one from his brother....he captured the whole proposal on camera, and made it into a slide show for us!!!
Now we'll be getting married a few weeks short of our 7 year anniversary!