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Everything posted by MayaLove

  1. Strapless looks best on you, imo. I like #1 and #3. You have a great figure and those dresses look great on you!
  2. James Franco : Spider-man
  3. http://i37.tinypic.com/349f2o8.jpghttp://i33.tinypic.com/24mi8o4.jpghttp://i33.tinypic.com/2zxqeee.jpghttp://i38.tinypic.com/2z3qvdd.jpg
  4. While I haven't found my dress yet, I'm pretty sure that I will be wearing my hair up. Here are some styles that I like: http://i38.tinypic.com/avoeja.jpghttp://i37.tinypic.com/a598g7.jpghttp://i36.tinypic.com/20a5fg5.jpghttp://i38.tinypic.com/i3v5g7.jpg
  5. Welcome Natasha! You will find tons of great information and tips on here! Good luck with your site visits.
  6. Antigua is such a great place, I love it! Welcome to BDW!
  7. Welcome! When I first read this post I thought you meant January 16, 2023! LOL Anyways, congrats on your engagement and happy planning!
  8. Jan. 16 will be here before you know it! Welcome to BDW and congrats!
  9. Welcome Julie! Good luck w/ your planning!
  10. MayaLove


    Welcome to BDW, LuLu!
  11. Aww, poor baby. I hope someone will find him soon and he gets back to his new home safe!
  12. There's a lot of cute stuff on there! Thanks for sharing the link.
  13. Has anyone had their honeymoon or wedding at one of these places? We are trying to figure out where we should stay for our HM and have narrowed it down to these two...
  14. Diane Keaton : Something's Gotta Give
  15. MayaLove

    Hi :-)

    Congratulations on your engagement and welcome to BDW!
  16. Did anyone watch the premiere tonight? If so, what did you think? I think it will be a pretty good show but I'm not confident about how well it will do in the long run. I have really been looking forward to seeing it and I didn't get that "wow, this show is great!" moment like I hoped I would. :/ The high tech equipment they had annoyed me and I also noticed some bad acting. I guess I'm picky about these type of shows. I do plan on watching next week though.
  17. Julia Roberts : Pretty Woman
  18. Like! Dancing with the stars?
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