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Everything posted by JT3

  1. Hey Di what color sashs do you need? I am selling ivory if anyone is interested.... Kittenheart: I still have to get bags and some item within that, then i still have no idea what to do with the table number or seat cards... I am a mess... LOL
  2. Hey Di I just began ordering. We kinda called everyone to see if they had a yes or no and we got plenty of maybes lol.... So we just ordered the total of people we got yeses and maybes... At this point I couldnt afford to pay for Rush service.... Good Luck I say hound those people to get some answers lol...
  3. Hey kittenheart when are you leaving to mexico we have the same wedding dates (i think i have mentioned this b4 sorry if I did).... I am losing my mind lol... I feel like there is so much to do and well I dont know where to start... Its crunch time my lovely MAY BRIDED....
  4. ok I tried uploading the pic... Hope it worked
  5. Hello Ladies I ordered my sashes in the wrong color and now I have to sell them...LOL These sashes are ivory organza sashes.. They come 10 to a pack. I am selling 9 packs and I am trying to sell all at one time if possible... The price is 55 dollars including shipping. ANY TAKERS!!!! ' alt='a>'>,
  6. Cecilia told me that they were all included in the package.... That helped me soooo much.... I also asked her about certain ones on the powerpoint to double check... I would suggest you email your WC to see if the ones you like is incuded and then she could give you the price for boutinnere (sorry I am a bad speller) and the bridemaids bouquets....
  7. My mom found me a cute strapless mini dress and when I put the dress on with my shoes i was in love... I will def be changing...
  8. Hello Many ladies have emailed me for the flower power point. I was wondering if any of you ladies that I sent the powerpoint to can put it on the forum... For some reason it is not uploading from my computer....
  9. I have a powerpoint that Cecilia has sent me of the included Bouquets... if anyone needs it email me at [email protected]...
  10. Hey ladies I have around 75-80 people going too and still have some that haven't even booked the hotel... Liek really they ew about this since last summer... My mom brought the violence to my attention... I was like "mommy we are tourist nobody with money for them to bother us" "also we travelled to other countries when they were in their peek of drug Wars and had no prombles" ... we have to remind them that the news always makes thing worse then they really are... Good Luck to you all with these crazy guests lol
  11. WOW... How did you do your table numbers and escort cards?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nicdeb928 Hi ladies... quick question...i love the bag ideas but im curious...you bring all the stuff with you in your luggage and prepare them there we might have up to 50 people there and as much as i love this idea, im unsure where im going to fit all of this stuff? hey Nicdeb928 i totally understand what you are saying... i am having around 75-80 people coming... I am making my oot bags really simple... i chose nylon drawstring bag (its unisex and so easy to handle). The contents within the bags are simple woman are getting sarongs and well for the guys we might just give them condoms LOL (alot of the guys are young). For some of the kids we are putting like water footballs and some card. I am also making little just in case things like tylenol, hand wipes and hand santizers and I am looking for immodium AD.... Hope this helps..
  13. Oh Lady Di that sucks... I agree with Karen. Maybe your fiance's parents could help you out with this... Good Luck
  14. hey everyone... Can anyone give me her prices?
  15. Kittenheart I am sorry about your mom... I could only imagine the tears.... I am here at work and had to run to the bathroom to hide my tears... Well my brother is not going... Just found out supposably he cant afford himself and his son... So my nephew(which Me and my mom practically raised) will be attending.. My nephew is one of the few men I could count on .... Thank you all for the kind words....
  16. O ladies.. My list is the same as all of you ladies.. I have to get my souvenirs, the bags pick our songs, item in the bags and god only knows what else lol.... I agree with all you ladies with people being so flaky.... It is so annoying my own brother hasnt even booked yet and on top of that he is giving me grief about his son. By the way me and my mom has paid for his son's room deposit (150) and his suit (150) and his flight (280). He is giving us so much Cr*p about paying us back... Like really he make almost triple my salary.... He has known about all these plans since august 2009 and I always told him hey i bought your sons flight and he oked the days and etc. But now he is on some crazy stuff... The best part is i spent maybe 150 for his suit and when i showed it to him he just had stupid comments like its to hot and not once asked how much do i owe you for that. For goodness sake he is my older brother and he acts like he is 2.... AHHHH I am so freaking angry with him... How dare him give us so (me and my mom) much grief... Like I dont have anything else to freaking worry about... Sorry Ladies I really need to vent I can't wait to go argue tonight... (By the way much more behind this ahhhhhh) I can't stand inconsiderate people... Well ladies lets keep planning...
  17. JStar thats great for your grandma... I hope she gets to make it for your wedding... I am having wedding nightmares as well.. I have no clue what else I have to do or get eeee.... LOL Ladies I have a question for all of you.. Do you guys know that we will have to fill out customs card but are you ladies stating how much you are really bringing.... I usually put zero dollars but should we put more?
  18. Hey ladies... Is anyone else feeling a little panicked... I am at work and it has hit me that I only have March and April to get this whole thing together... AHHHH Well I hope everyone is doing great...
  19. Kitten heart. Your picture is amazing I bet your book is going to be great..
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