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Everything posted by cjaruba

  1. Congratulations on your upcoming engagement Julia! I am also planning an Aruba wedding. My fiance and I were just down there for a site visit last month and learned a lot. We've met a lot of great people and picking 'the location' was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I had been keeping a journal and just last week though it might be helpful to put it online in the form of a blog (Our Aruba Wedding). I don't have much on there yet, but I did list the resorts / venues we visited along with what we did and didn't like about each. I don't publish anyone's name, but if you wanted to message me privately or through the blog about anyone specific I'd be glad to share with you. We still have a lot to do before our October wedding!
  2. I just visited several resorts down in Aruba last month. We are going to do the legal ceremony at home and then a beach ceremony with family and friends in Aruba. I had assumed that you really wouldn't need anything for a 'renewal of vows' type of beach ceremony, but was surprised that they Hyatt did need the proof of marriage. It didn't come up as an issue at any of the other resorts. They just asked whether or not you want a legal wedding.
  3. Hi - I am in the process of planning my October Aruba wedding. It's been a lot harder than I expected. We finally chose the Aruba Marriott for our resort. When I started planning I was looking for accounts from brides detailing the 'process'. I couldn't find anything so I just started a blog to detail my story as I go through this: Our Aruba Wedding. I'm hoping other Aruban brides may benefit from the things we learn (especially the things we learn the hard way). Anyway - I'm looking forward to using this forum to help me through the next steps like ideas for decorating, welcome bags, welcome parties, etc. In advance I thank the members of this forum for their help and support. CJ
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