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Everything posted by sfrench0621

  1. Just got my monogram & think it turned out great! Ordered through Sarah at Belletristics.
  2. Blah bought 20 of these coupons on Ebay and none of my targets will accept them because the trial sizes are .99 and the coupon is for $1.00 off. Has anyone seen the trial size Banana boat anywhere other than Target?
  3. Hmm so strange. That's the exact email response Claudia gave me. I am making a trip down in January, so maybe when I meet my WC in person they'll give me the option of the mariachi? It sounds like the resort is beautiful and you had a great trip. I can't wait to see all of your photos! Quote: Originally Posted by BethBride1 SFrench- are you sure you have the correct information? I just got back from my site visit and she did not say that the Mariachi band was not available for the ceremony anymore. She included that as one of the options for us, and actually that is what we chose.
  4. Saw these tonight at my local Walmart and they are really cute! Love that they have a small pocket inside too.
  5. So disappointed- went tonight and no trial size things were on sale at my Target
  6. Definitely making a trip to Target tonight. Hopefully they'll have the travel size sunscreen on sale... that would really make my night!
  7. I know... I really had my heart set on that. I might splurge and just spend the extra money. Haven't decided yet. Quote: Originally Posted by CaraW OMG I can't believe the mariachi isn't an option any more! I am so sad about this....
  8. Hi Ladies, I got some clarification from Claudia regarding options for ceremony music included in the packages for 2010. Here's what she told me: "The music included in the wedding packages are the following: Violin, Saxophone, Flute, Musician ( guitar and keyboard) Mariachi band in no longer included for the ceremony. However you can get them for the reception 45 min $ 400.00usd." I also asked if the speakers and microphone were still free with the package and she said yes. "The audio system that is included is one big speaker were you can plug in your I pod and Cd´s and also a microphone is included" Such a bummer the mariachi is no longer an option. Has anyone selected the guitar and keyboard for their ceremony? If so how were they?
  9. I found the cutest OOT bags for my DW. Got them from a bunch of Marshalls and TJ Maxx around the Pittsburgh area- pretty much wiped out the stock here. The bags include a matching beach towel. All these were on clearance and were either $5 or $2 (depended on the store). So excited!!
  10. Hi Erica, Sounds like you had a great day! It scares me that they overbooked your reception spot. Did you request the pool location ahead of time via email or what? Were they able to offer you other outdoor reception locations due to their mistake or were they all booked? I'd hate to pay for a package that included an outdoor reception only to find out that no spots were available outside. Thanks! Steph Quote: Originally Posted by eblum999 Hey Girls! I had my reception at the French Restaurant at the Palace. I do not think this is a customary thing to have the reception in a restaurant.. it was suppose to be outside by the pools but they overbooked my reception spot and had a make an extensive exception for us... but everything worked out for the best. I had the Ocean Scents package and added on an hour to the reception (only 3 hours are included in the price of the package). I believe it was an extra $9 per head. I had a total of 45 people. They did such an incredible job... I would do it again in a second! My photographer that I used was Elizabeth Medina.... I loved her!!! She has yet to post my pictures on the web.. but as soon as she does I will post them on here! Any day now! Also I used the Kiko and Carlos band.... My guests were raving about them! They were honestly the best live band ever! Totally recommend them ten times over! They made the party! I used a makeup artist... He was so awesome.... Came and did my makeup trial for my rehearsal dinner and did myself, mom and whole bridal party the day of the wedding... and everyone loved him! He is so nice and I would again recommend him to anyone! I wish he lived in Jersey... I would totally use him again... He does not have a webpage... but here is his email... Tell him Erica recommended ya if you decide to you him! Adrian Guerra - email.... [email protected] PS Does anyone know how to post just one or 2 pics on his site? I have a couple that people took.. but I am clueless on how to post them! Thanks -Erica
  11. Related question for everyone. We are planning on sending the wedding and AHR invites together as well. We are having a formal AHR and need to know number counts for that as well as the DW. Did you plan on sending 2 response cards- 1 for the DW and one for the AHR or just one combined response card for both events?
  12. Related question for everyone. We are planning on sending the wedding and AHR together as well. We are having a formal AHR and need to know number counts for that as well as the DW. Did you plan on sending 2 response cards- 1 for the DW and one for the AHR or just one combined response card for both events?
  13. Finzup, I was thinking the reception in the package was for 3 hours... do you have to pay extra to extend it? If so, do you know how much it costs? Quote: Originally Posted by finzup ceremony 5:00 cocktail hour 6:00 reception/dinner - 7:00-8:30 reception/dancing 8:30 - 11:30 After that I guess we will go to one of the bars or discos if we're still partying
  14. I'm wondering the same thing. My ceremony is scheduled for 4pm. I'm guessing it will be over by 4:30. I don't want to eat too early so I was thinking 7-10, but I also don't want a 2.5 hour gap between the wedding and reception. Also- I was considering a cocktail hour after the ceremony while photos are being taken, but that would only take me to 5:30 maybe 6:00, which would still leave an hour between that and the reception. I wish I could have had a later ceremony, but that was the latest time available on my date. Quote: Originally Posted by harv0136 What time is everyone having their dinner from? Is 6-9 too early? Would you do 7-10? What time does the dance club open? thanks!
  15. Claudia did end up emailing me a few pictures she had taken of a beach reception and wedding setup today, but didn't give me the location of the events, so I'm not sure where they were taken. Anyone have any idea? She said she will also send me some professional photos later on. I will post those if she sends them!
  16. Hi Sparkles, Sounds like you had a great time! Just wondering what part of the beach you had your reception at? I am trying to decide where I want to have mine. Thanks! Steph
  17. Have a great trip! I can't wait to see your pictures!! Hopefully you can take a few of the different reception sites for all of us -Steph Quote: Originally Posted by BethBride1 Hey girls! I am leaving for the Palace on Saturday!!! I am soooooo excited! I can't wait to see the resort & I promise I will take lots of pictures! I am also so excited to meet with Claudia (I have already set up an appointment)...I want to try to get as much planning done as possible when I am down there. Any suggestions or ideas on what I should get done while I'm down there? This is what I have come up with so far: -food tasting & choose menu -pick cake -flowers -centerpieces -observe wedding -observe DJ -check out possible reception sites & cocktail hour sites Is there anything specific that maybe I could help any of you with? I know I'm going to take picks of anything & everything & check out the different restaurants as well. Just let me know!
  18. Sounds good. I'll request them from Claudia as well and see what I can come up with. I really wish they would come up with a section on the Barcelo Maya's website with wedding information, photos, etc. That would be so helpful and would probably give them more business. Wishful thinking! Thank goodness we have this website to help! Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrs.D Thanks sfrench0621! I emailed Gabriella yesterday to ask for pictures of the locations, so I will post them if(when) she sends them to me.
  19. FutureMrs.D, I had asked Claudia about the locations available for the Strawberry Passion package and she told me the following: "At the Palace we have three options of location for dinner reception on the beach, those can be the Coral Beach, the Palmeras Beach or the Palmeras Grill restaurant" Does anyone have photos of these spots they could share? I want to see what they look like so I can put the reception location on hold. I've already told her I want to hold my ceremony in the gazebo, since I didn't want to show up and have it already booked by someone else and be disappointed. Thanks! Steph Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrs.D Hi everyone.. I was just wondering if any of you have received pictures or details from the WC regarding the different locations that are available at the Barcelo Palace for your ceremony, cocktail hour, reception? Is this supposed to be decided before you get there or only once you meet with the WC?
  20. I agree with all of you about the strawberry package- I figure this is a once in a lifetime event, and it is worth spending a little extra to have the reception on the beach! I am having an AHR a few weeks after we get back. The funny thing is that the AHR will cost more than the DW, but my mom is pretty adament that we have something for those who couldn't attend, and my parents are paying for that, so I can't really argue. Quote: Originally Posted by MObride09 Hi everyone, To FutureMrs.D I completely agree. I'm leaning towards the Strawberry package simply for the outside reception. I really don't want to be in a banquet room when we flew everyone to Mexico... My FI is not happy that we would have to spend so much extra money on the meal per person over 15 guests, like 66 dollars p/p That can really add up!!! His point of view is that our guests have already paid for their meals in their AI rates, so why pay so much more for the extra meal when the food at the restaraunts is very good I guess I can see his point, but I also understand that the extra rate is for the private staff and that it is supposedly "different" food than what is typically served at the a la cartes. It's making the decision making very hard as we are not sure exactly how many guests we'll have, but right now, it's looking close to 30. Sorry for all the venting, my actual questions is: Also, are ya'll having an at home reception in addition or just having the party in Mexico....? Also in response to the photographer question: I contacted WC Victoria at the resort and she emailed me back saying that as long as my photographer was a guest staying at least one night at the resort, that this was fine. She did not say anything about having to pay the fee since my photographer had a room for 3 nights. I did make a copy of this email to take with me in case this becomes an issue next may.
  21. So my date (May 15, 2010, 4:00pm) is finally confirmed with Claudia!! I had asked her about reception locations for the Strawberry Passion package and she said the following are available: the Coral Beach, the Palmeras Beach or the Palmeras Grill restaurant. Does anyone have photos of the setups for any of these locations? Where is everyone else planning on having their reception? It's so hard to decide without seeing it in person, but I want to make sure I reserve the spot I want now so I won't face disappointment when I get there if it's already booked.
  22. I'm glad I found this thread! I'm getting married May 15, 2010 at the Barcelo Maya Palace in Riviera Maya, Mexico. As of now I've only really booked the ceremony date at the resort, booked our travel and booked the venue for the at home reception. I sent links to our wedding website to guests and am working on STD's now and will make them through Vistaprint. Hope to get them out in the next 2 weeks. I already bought a lot of wedding supplies on sale from Big Lots- they had Martha Stewart ones really cheap- $2 for 40 a box of invites, response cards and envelopes; $2 for 24 heart shaped favor tins; $2 for 40 thank you cards; $2 for 20 wedding program fans as well as $2 guestbooks. They're all really cute and I couldn't beat the price! Saved me a ton of money!
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