Looks great! We just placed an order for a custom made one. I really hope it works out well. We also chose English Beige. I was torn between that one and Light Beige. I hope it looks good in the sun and with my dress! I'm so nervous. Hope it doesn't get stuck at customs for too long and won't need alterations!
Did anyone pay for the satin lining in the linen pants? The website says it's recommended with the lighter coloured fabrics. I'm between light beige linen and english beige. We are hoping to measure him this weekend and hope for the best. We are 3 months away!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jewellz55 Hi Ladies!
I have been talking to Elke with the spa and she has sent me some pictures of hair updos that they have done. Hope this is helpful. She also says to bring any pictures you like and they will try to match it.
For some reason I cant seem to be able to upload these pics. If someone knows how send me a message and maybe I can email them to you or something and you can upload. THANKS!!
Julie Amy! Could you by chance help Julie upload these pictures I'd love to see them!
Thanks Julie and Amy.
Good point. Luckily the one I has does ok with burned discs. I'll just double check first. Do you think it'll be a problem to have it set up/plugged in/used during dinner? I think we may have ours at the SSG too but maybe just a long table or a couple of round ones. There's only 15 of us so far. We aren't insisting that it be a private function or anything. Maybe off to a corner on the patio that's all.
I don't have an ipod, no one coming with us, has one. So, I was just thinking about bringing CDs to play during dinner. Think this will be a problem? Will it be better if I just bring a little portable cd player?
Now I really wished we booked 10 days. We are paid in full already though and already have vacation time booked. Maybe we'll just take a last minute deal somewhere over the winter as our alone time.
Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 This is a question directed at any of you that have ordered your suits into CANADA.... can you give me an idea of what your shipping costs were and how many suits or pair of pants that included? I'm worried that with the high cost of shipping just for the swatches that it might be Unreal for the suits themselves. THanks!! Good question Echo2_62! I paid waaaay too much for a few swatches too! Hopefully the suit wont cost much more than that.
I don't know much about your resort but if they are the resort photographer, I'm sure you'll be fine. usually if you don't hear news, it's good right? Ppl are more likely to complain than anything right? just enjoy the day!
Wow! Those are pretty good quotes! Thanks. Wonder what it would be for food and drinks too. I'd love to do the catamaran but i know a few of us get seasick on them.
Get in touch with resorts asap!!! You might luck out...
I would say, be open to destinations though. If you are, I don't see why 10-10-10 wouldn't happen.
Congrats and welcome. We are also having a Dreams wedding...can't wait! It'll be fabulous. I'm sure you'll find out after sifting through all the info!
Check out the work out thread Sara. I feel your pain though. My dress fitted perfectly when I chose it in Sept 2009 and my wedding is still 3 months away. I'm hoping it's just as nice when I get the call when it's in! Good luck with everything!