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Everything posted by KPEG

  1. Welcome new girls! Happy planning. Congratulations Bridget!! You are gorgeous and I loved your wedding pics! Can't wait to read your reviews. I ordered chair sashes online but now I love the look of the white wooden chairs. Don't know if it's really in our budget though!
  2. Thanks ladies. I am open to both options but having a really hard time with finding a place that dyes in my city. I've resorted to online shopping too, but the nice shoes won't ship to Canada!
  3. Hey Peg Girls! Does anyone know where I can buy or have shoes dyed in Winnipeg? I called LA Collections and they don't dye them. I tried calling Stella's too but no one answers the phone there! Thanks!
  4. Now they are talking about euthanizing our family dog who is almost 16 years old, mostly blind and arthritic because he can't be vaccinated before we go (due to his age) and kennelled. I can't help but to feel that if we weren't going on a DW, we wouldn't be faced with this decision for our dog. So much guilt around this wedding and I feel so selfish sometimes.
  5. Don't worry, not everyone we sent an invitation to even looked at our site. And not one person had commented. I felt bad at first too, after all the time you put into it, but I too had to brush it off.
  6. I am in Canada and am 2 months from my wedding. Where can I find green shoes?? I love apple green or something similar in colour and do not want to dye them just in case they get wet. I have searched high and low, any suggestions? Thanks!
  7. Thanks svetayasofiya. I am in the process of finding out what this uncle's address is. I knew he wasn't going to be coming which is why I didn't even think to make an effort to send an invitation. How did the wedding trip turn out for you?
  8. Kind of late, as I just found this thread, but how did it all work out Jennierin? My FI's dad has also been in Cda since the 70s and did not see a need to get his cdn citizenship. He has applied for a permanent resident card (I think it's the same as the landed immigrant card) and a renewed Phillipine passport so I hope he won't have any problems coming back to Canada. I just don't understand sometimes. Thanks and a very late congrats!
  9. Ok, so I just need to get this off my chest. I got engaged in June 2009. At the same time, my sister was pregnant and due in 3 months. Everyone was excited for the baby since it was the first grandchild of the family. I was excited for her too. My FI and I decided to have a DW in May 2010 to allow for family who were in school until April to attend. Everyone was agreeable to our DW and looking forward to a real family vacation. We made the decision back in July of 2009. I was on holidays in Sept 2009 and went dress shopping by myself and made/sent out invitations by myself. Shortly after I sent out our invitations, an out of town cousin announced her wedding plans being bumped up from 2011 to Aug 2010. (The entire extended family will be attending that wedding and only immediate family at mine.) Soon after that, my parents asked me who was sent an invitation and if I sent one to an estranged uncle. When I responded that I didnt (how am I supposed to know where he lives or how to address it - he's living with a new wife - that no one was aware of when they married), my father threw a fit and has since stopped speaking to me. In Nov, my FI and I decided to build a house. Come December my family decided to build one too. Our possession is June 2010, theirs is July. They are in the middle of cleaning, organizing and boxing up the current house in preparation for listing soon. I don't need to list current place of residence, b/c I am going to rent out my place and have already lined up a renter. I can't help but to feel like everyone's attention is being diverted all the time with everything going on (and I know ppl's lives have to move on and I'm by no means asking them to hold their plans) but I feel like I'm being put on the back burner. I also feel like an inconvenience by having a DW. Father in-law was not a citizen so he had to apply for all sorts of paperwork in order to travel. That whole family had to apply for passports. My sister has to travel with an infant now (bring diapers, bottles, toys, food, stroller, car seat), my brother who is a student has to pick up extra shifts at his PT job to pay for the trip, everyone has to take a week off work now. My parents both have to take a week unpaid b/c they don't get holidays at their jobs. Meanwhile, we all need money and time for the moves and to go to the cousin's wedding in another country. This DW was something I always wanted but it's starting to really feel like an inconvenience and a hassle. It's almost as if everyone (including myself some days) just wants to get it over and done with so that we can all move on with our lives. I don't want to feel like this. I want to be EXCITED to be getting married and going away AND being able to celebrate with the most important people in our lives, who actually WANT to be there.
  10. Dolphinluck: PM me your email address and I can try to take a pic of the linen swatches and email them to you. I think someone posted in the suit thread but I can def try to email you this weekend.
  11. LaRomanaBride - Feb 2010 - CONGRATULATIONS! Bridget - March ?, 2010 (sorry Bridget, I forget your date!) jlcoon - April 13 2010 Jenne - April 21, 2010 LaRomanaStacey - April 22, 2010 Odarcka -April 26, 2010 Amy - April 28, 2010 Maybride2010 - May 3, 2010 hjack - May 7, 2010 brbr.bo - May 7, 2010 Heather (dolphinluck) - May 15, 2010 KPEG - May 19, 2010 VallieR - May 29, 2010 LizzyJane- July 6, 2010 GEM - July 9, 2010 Andrea (sunandsand) - July 14, 2010 Nadia - Sept 3, 2010 LastMinuteCouple - Jan 12, 2011 fyniac - May 26, 2010
  12. And I absolutely loved hers and her BMs shoes!!!! I can't justify $800 for Manolo Blahniks and simply can't afford that but where can I find knock offs or similar I need to have green shoes! I have 2 months.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Joss Hey ladies, it's been a long time since i've been on here, but wanted to say congrats to all the recently married ladies, and soon to be ladies. I leave tomorrow, well, more like in 3 hours for the airport, and am pretty stoked to finally be on my way. Take care everyone! Joss, congrats and I hope you had a great time!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by sjmacphe Hi fellow Winnipeg-ger- wow that's crazy, do you tan easily?? I don't usually...I'm thinking of starting in April (leaving at the end of May), where do you go? I am thinking of TanFx cause there is one right by me... Hi. I do tan pretty easily but I didn't think it would be that quick! I bought a month unlimited at Lava Suntan Studio. The beds are great. I use the stand up there and seriously, it was awesome. I've used other stand ups before but nothing compared to this one. I also considered TanFX b/c the prices were more competitive and it's also not to far from home but Lava had a little more of a relaxed environment. I have to tell you though, the type of lotion you use makes a HUGE difference. And this time I used a bronzer which really sped things up! I have a makeup appointment in a month, so hopefully I will be as tanned as will be on our trip. Good luck.
  15. Amy: Tiara told me it was 8-10 per round table.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by dolfinluck I'm looking at the english beige and rome beige, do you have picture of your i can see? Thanks! Dolphinluck, I'm not really good with pictures and posting and uploaded etc. but I will see what I can do. I didn't have much time this weekend for BDW. I have to say though, it's hard to see what the true colours are based off the internet (b/c of your computer settings). I know for the suit, we loved the colour as much off the internet as the swatches and suit but I also ordered chair sashes online and the green was not what it looked like at all online. If you want, you can check out the Studio Suits website or check the Custom Linen Suits $99 thread. I'll see if I can figure out how to do this photo uploading business this week sometime.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jenne I was also wondering if anyone knows if there is anywhere to plug in speakers at the wedding gazebo for music or if they would have to be battery operated. I just noticed that the wedding package does not include the Caribbean Music Trio anymore. Good catch Jenne! I emailed Tiara about the trio a few weeks ago, asking when they would be playing and whether it was during the cocktail hour and all she said was yes. I hope it's still included! The only thing she said that wasn't included anymore was the photo album because I asked when it would be ready and she said it's not offered anymore. But yet she said yes we choose the best 50 photos for the album!? I sure hope both are still part of the wedding package. Otherwise, there's no real value added to the Ultimate package anymore (it's starting to feel that way anyway).
  18. I started my tanning March 1, and after only 2 sessions I'm already tanned! My wedding is mid May. It's crazy, I have a feeling that I am going to end up wasting a lot of money since I paid for a month unlimited. Their beds are crazy powerful compared to what I've used before.
  19. Dolphinluck, I wrote a "few" replies on the thread for Custom Suits (Studio Suits is the place). I was torn between Light Beige and English Beige. I ended up choosing the English beige. It looks great. I'm sure I would have been happy with either. My FI has a "natural tan" so I didn't want him in a colour that was too dark and have too much contrast. I'm sure you will be happy with any colour you select. Us especially, since we couldn't find linen suits anywhere in the winter...in WINTERPEG. Good luck.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by nsimpson This is awesome news KPEG! Did you guys end up ordering the suits that were posted for $99 on BDW or did you go with a different place? Yup, I used Studio Suits which has linen suits for $99. It was a bit more because of the conversion to Cdn $ but still totally worth it. And they were really fast and have great communication. It even came with a suit bag. I would recommend it, if you can't find what you're looking for locally.
  21. After seeing my FI in his suit that we ordered online, I am definately getting more excited. It's making this all so much more real! Does anyone know if a microphone will be needed/available/provided for a ceremony in the gazebo? Since your guests are outside of the gazebo, I'm wondering if the wind and ocean will be louder than us.
  22. 2 hours for hair and makeup eh? I never thought it would take that long. I wear my hair straight and wear very little makeup on a daily basis. Maybe I should book my appts for 11am then! I want time to eat, calm my nerves, get dressed, shed some tears, touch up my makeup, do some photos...all before 3pm. Thanks girls!!! What would I do without you?!
  23. Thanks Meghan! I'll throw the suit in the wash then and partially dry it in the dryer. I hope it shrinks a little.
  24. Does anyone know how to care for these fab linen suits? I know someone took it to the dry cleaners. I'm also wondering if they will shrink at all if I stick them in the washer and dryer. (if so, it won't necessarily be a bad thing!) I just don't want them to be all wrinkly and twisted and un-wearable if I do.
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