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Everything posted by Krowan

  1. I decided to go directly through my hotel (Regent Palms) and they have there own coorrdinator but before I was sure I had spoke with Nila Destinations and they were great getting back in touch with me. Seems e-mail is the fastest way. This the Rosalinds e-mail: [email protected] Try her she was very good and I have heard that Nila has a great reputation. Good Luck. Kendra
  2. I was thinking the ballroom or ballroom terrace for the actual reception? Any ideas as I said in the other Thread where at the Palms for reception and ceremony? What I was saying is to just have dinner at parallel 23 right outside sitting at the tables. I dont think I need a private event for the rehersal dinner do I? Otherwise the beach barbacue can work I just wanted it to be super good food. I want the guests to know they spent money to come and I am spending money on them when they are there. Maybe O'Soleil would be better? Obviously they would not offer a private affair I would assume.
  3. So it says 6:22 for May 2010 so I should have ceremony at like 5 pm then right. Then reception usually follows how far behind? I would assume like 7 ish would you agree? Wow this info is so so helpful hopefully the coordinator at the palms is in the know with many of these things. Any suggestions on location for ceremony and reception since I am sure you have shot other brides at Palms?
  4. Hi again Krys Is it a mistake to have the rehersal at parallel 23 is that too much Regent? I dont want to really get into cab rides and make things complicated. Is there anywhere close in relation to the Palms that is walking or near walking distance. I really wanted a formal type feel a really nice dinner because people are coming so far. It should be about 25 people....or so. Kendra
  5. Thank you for your great answers. I think I am set with Friday my Father seems to prefer Saturday but he can pin point why. I just think people are more accustomed to Sat weddings but they all have a 3 day minimum regardless therefore it really doesnt matter and I will have Sunday with any left over guests to go to Nikki Beach Party which I think should be fun!! In order to book Ileana do I need to know the time of the ceremony? I have not finalized those details yet we are actually in early stages and currently waiting for our contract in the mail form the Palms and then they will forward me to a coordinator who will help with those things but I would like to get Ileana locked in asap. It seems like I should not have many worries about hair that they are multiple qualified people so that is wonderful and when I said trial I did assume I would pay. In the states you pay for any trial also just wondering if this was a common practice in Turks for weddings. Thanks so much for your help I am sure I will have more questions of need advice but this is a good start and I will e-mail April shortly. Kendra
  6. Hello Krys Mann, Are you one of the photographers from Tropical Imaging? I have been e-mailing with Ileana Ravasio and I just need to decide whether the wedding is Fri the 14 or sat the 15th of May2010 and I will be booking her and that will be next week for sure. Any opinion on fri vs sat ceremony? I prefer Friday myself. Also I know you live on the island so you would know who may be best for a traditional up do. I definitely want my hair up so if its super hot it wont be a total mess. I would love any suggestions you may have. Do island brides usually get a trial on there hair. A trial would definitley make me feel 100 times better because that is one of the things I worry about. Kendra
  7. I don't really know how this typically works but I want to take full advantage of the spa at the Regent therefore I was hoping that the hair and makeup could be done there and the girls could get manicures and pedicures at the same time. Is this possible would hair and makeup come to me? Would Regent allow outside people in the spa or would I have to use there people? Do they even have in house hair and makeup? Does anyone know?
  8. I have just finalized with the Regent Palms today. I am quite happy with my choice of The Regent Palms as well as Turks and Caicos after considering Atlantis and the One and Only in Nassau also. I would love to help with any info I may have regarding Turks and Caicos. Is is a nice place for a high end type feel. Do to the fact that there are so many wonderful 4+ star resorts the room rates can be quite competitive and Grace Bay is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I need advice on where to go for rehersal dinner, makeup and hair if anyone has any? Any other newbies getting married in Turks?
  9. I am having my wedding at the Regent Palms we are actually just booking it today for May 2010. If you are considering them there service has been nothing but exceptional especially Martin Young. I was looking at Nikki Beach and Gansevoort also. Nikki also had pretty good service we were just unhappy with the man made beach and Gansevoort did not have very good service and was very pricy even with the group discount and the Palms is rated just as hi and has a good reputation with many prior weddings. So far so good but just in the very early stages.
  10. I am using Tropical Imaging also. I have to book them in the next week to make sure I can get them they seem quite busy. I am having my Ceremony and Reception at Regent Palms. I did almost a month of research before choosing them over Nikki and Gansevoort. Althogh Gansevoort is beautiful I choose Regent do the room pricing as well as the best customer service of the bunch. Martin Young is helping us in this begining stage and he is really the best with follow up I have seen in a long time. If anyone needs any info on The Regent Palms please contact me. I would love ideas for where to have the rehersal dinner and who to use for flowers.
  11. I am just begining my process. I was considering Nikki Beach, Gansevoort and Regent Palms. Regent Palms has been above and beyond what I would have expected in regards to service and we have just yesterday decided on them for the ceremony as well as reception. I have a lot of info if anyone needs any. I also would love any suggestions for rehersal dinner. I have found you can get better room rates yourself if you work them a bit rather than having coordinator do so for you although it is a huge headache..
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