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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. oh my god...its seems you have all had the same problem we did. When we first had the idea of getting married abroad (given that we live in the UK) we thought we'd better check who'd be up for coming to Mexico so our first thing we did was ring around our nearest and dearest family and friends and ask. Amazing how they were all majorly excited and definite yes's....then when it comes to getting people to committ so i can book (I booked for everyone in the end so we're all in one group booking) people are less excited. even my mum and my brother kicked up a fuss about it all and said they may not be able to come ( In the end we listened to concerns (its expensive to fly from here to Mexico!) and tried to compromise as much as we could. but we drew the line when family members started suggesting that we get married somewhere else - England or somewhere more local in Europe!!!!! I spent hours making sure they knew, in no uncertain terms, were we getting married anywhere else other than Mexico - its where we got engaged and had the most amazing holiday ever back in February. Eventually people came round. some couldn't make up their minds so we've just booked without them and they can sort themselves out if they want to come. But i know how frustrating it is. I spent 2 weeks being upset, angry and soooo frustrated - especially when my own brother told me he wouldn't be there. I would suggest, stick at it. if it takes you arranging to meet them all at your TA, do that. i did it with my mum and made sure she didn't leave until it was booked! We have 21 booked (inc me and FH and kids) and hopefully another 4 or 5 will be booking themselves. not bad I don't think for something people are going to have to fly half way round the world for!! ) but trust me, as frustrating as it is now, it's worth it the end when you get them all booked. Katie anyway, not much help, but wanted to show my support more than anything!
  2. Hi girls! Has anyone used the hotel-provided photographer(s)? If you have, were they any good? We're trying to make that decision at the moment and with the cost of having a non hotel-provided photographer we really would appreciate any feedback beforehand. lots and lots and lots of thanks in advance K.
  3. KatKen - wow! thank you so much for all that valuable info! I'll have to keep that somewhere when I'm making decisions! love those pics of you and hubby in the sea - did you have a different dress for that? or if not, did you have another dress to wear for the rest of the evening? has it cleaned out all ok now?? Thanks so much! Katie.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie, You have everyone booked! Oh how lucky! That's the hardest part Well as soon as I finish my passport invites I'll show you and if you need help I'll send you the template and whatnot. =) I definitely think part of the fun is doing all the crafts and projects for sure! I'm a planner and I'm already nervous about stuff so I'm doing it way in advance but that's fine, feels better that way. Amy Hey Amy. Yeah it did feel very stressful! lots of trying to please everyone etc etc. but at least it's done now we wanted to get as many people as possible on the same booking just to make it easier for everyone. plus (god help everyone else) we will all be on the plane travelling together which I think will be a good laugh! I know what you mean! I'm a planner too and worry about everything so I really want to start doing something so I can stop worrying that I'm not doing anything lol going to try and investigate some art and craft places this weekend and see if it gives me any ideas or things I can use with some of the templates all the lovely people have put on here! (all the materials used were bought in America, so I need to improvise!) I really want to do one of those leaflets people on here have done too. and the goody bags. now I need to stop talking about it and actually start doing something! Katie.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Hi Ladies! I have to catch up a bit... I decided to read this forum from the beginning, I'm only half way through and its been like two weeks! I did find the sign up sheet of who was getting married when that was started months ago by Jenny and I thought it would be great to update it and get it current. I have done my best to make sure we were all there, but please double check and add yourself if I've left you off! I also added stars to those who have already married! October 2008 November 2008 *jennrenn23-November 3, 2008 *andrea110808 - Nov 11, 2008 *amysteele444 Nov 14, 2008 December 2008 *Magda&Neil - December 22,2008 January 2009 *Mrs.StephP2Be - Jan 8, 2009 *winwinbride - Jan 10, 2009 *candj08 - Jan 17, 2009 *McBradley - Jan 21, 2009 February 2009 *tsashamia - February 7, 2009 *shannonmarie09 – February 28, 2009 March 2009 *saavy - March 7, 2009 *manders757 – March 14, 2009 April 2009 *Lucky1 – April 8, 2009 *jhawkev - April 11, 2009 *lilmisssunshine - April 16, 2009 *mitchell.johanna - April 18, 2009 *miro2be - April 19, 2009 *khoyle - April 22, 2009 *Katherinehealy4-09 - April 24, 2009 5 pm *JHarwood2Be – April 25, 2009 *Polly….Prince – April 26, 2009 *teethdh – April 26, 2009 May 2009 *trayce2222- May 3, 2009 *MGP - May 5, 2009 *milejilo – May 8, 2009 *weddingchick – May 9, 2009 *Sensatori Bride - May 14, 2009 *Polina - May 15, 2009 *jennik13 - May 17, 2009 *moore.vj1 -May 17, 2009 *heather hunder - May 20, 2009 *kddsmj - May 21, 2009 *khoyle - May 22, 2009 *pepper55 – May 24, 2009 June 2009 *katken - June 5, 2009 *AustinGirl- June 6, 2009 *Jenkatherine - June 12, 2009 *Soon2beTWells -June 12, 2009 SolidShan83 - June 26, 2009 July 2009 mrs.meyer73109 - July 31, 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Allisa – September 9, 2009 October 2009 selina - October 1, 2009 Shandalier – October 2, 2009 Wendi80 - October 24, 2009 November 2009 Nikki07 - November 5, 2009 mexicanbridewithquestions - November 6, 2009 Ania - November 12, 2009 lenka14 – November 14, 2009 Anon101 –November 14, 2009 beachbride 2009 - November 20, 2009 - 4pm hoosierfaqn – November 21, 2009 heather0618 - November 21, 2009 rtswan – November 26, 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 Lolo –March 3, 2010 April 2010 May 2010 27 dresses - May 5, 2010 BIG HUGS!!!!!!!! Allisa well done you!! that must have taken ages!! I'm getting married (hopefully) on 7th May 2010, and KittenHeart is getting married on 8 May 2010. 2 more for your list!! Katie.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I know right?! As this adds up I'm like wait... I thought this was supposed to be the inexpensive route! LOL, I just keep telling myself, relax it's a vacation too You should ask Grace (who is my WC too with Karisma) to see if they can book the sky deck for you. My TA just requested it be done and Fabio let him know it was booked. Ok this is what I've got so far, which doesn't feel like enough: Secured wedding date Secured ceremony spot Signed a contract and blocked rooms at the resort Created my wedding website with all the info and RSVP location Designed, crafted and put together my STD boarding passes and sent them all out Booked my photographer who will do my engagement shoot next month and fly down to shoot my wedding day. He is traveling for free, staying for 3 days and shooting my wedding so he will technically be a guest. Wedding bands purchased Wedding party selected and accepted Chosen a friend to MC the event Picked our first dance song (I think) and started downloading songs for wedding dancing since we're using my iPod Next we're designing two different postcards with RSVP by dates for those unresponded and for those who have RSVP'd that they will attend will get a postcard nudging them to book early for good pricing. I'm not getting ready to try on wedding dresses and discover my flower choice for my bouqet and start my DIY project for invitations etc. =) Wow, now you seem mega-organised already!! well so far we have: signed the initial wedding documents with the TA booked us and all 18 other guests at the hotel ) booked the gold wedding package (which includes the photographer) and that's it!! we're not doing STD invites as pretty much all those coming are already booked as its such a long way for guests to come and so expensive to get to from the UK we had to liaise with family and best friends first before booking to make sure they'd be able to come. I thought I wasn't going to do much other than just turn up lol but after looking at some of these planning threads, I REALLY want to do the wedding brochure/leaflet things, and the luggage tags, and the boarding pass/passport invites and a whole range of other things!! problem for me is, all the info i've seen on here for how to make/buy the things is all based in America and so not really an option for me. going to make it a little harder, but hey...weddings are made to test you i think! I'll just have to put in a bit of extra hard work! just hope I can pull it off...?! Katie.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Oh wow Katie, how fun! I was hoping I'd get to meet a BDW bride there while I was there! I am arriving there Tuesday, May 4th and leaving Tuesday, May 11th We are doing the Sky Deck ceremony and Zocolo reception I would love to exchange timing advice with you, I'm kinda lost at the moment as to what to do! glad I'm not the only one!! we're there for 2 weeks from 2 - 16 and hopefully getting married on the 7th! because we're flying in from England (UK) we are making this our honeymoon as well - this is not such a cheap option as we first thought!! aww we wanted to Sky deck ceremony but as we booked through Thomson (our TA) we couldn't as they don't offer it. we're going to have to see if when I get my wedding coordinator, if they'll let us add it on. we haven't got where the reception will be yet either - guessing that also comes when we get our W.C. what are your plans so far? everyone seems like pros on here! have you got your own photographer or the one with the hotel package?? Katie.
  8. Thanks for the ttd forum link. think we will buy an extra less expensive dress and suit to do this in as really dont want to ruin the dress at least untill after our reception back home lol also has anyone used the gold wedding package and the photographer that comes with it? are they any good? does anyone have pictures i can see taken by these? we have the gold package but are a little concerned about the photographer
  9. ah thanks Nikki that's really helpful - never knew it was called that! there's lots of abbreviations on here I'm going to have to learn! STDs was the first one that stood out lol wondered what site I'd joined!! thanks again...I'll have a look )
  10. hi ladies... I have a really stupid question...that I will probably regret asking but I'm too curious! I love those photographs of the bride and groom lying on the beach with the sea washing over them - I take it you just have to ruin your dress to do that?? has anyone else done it? was your dress ok afterwards?? thanks!
  11. ~Katie~


    thanks everyone...what a warm welcome! ) xx
  12. well done!! This thread is a life saver to me as I didn't even know what I should be thinking of planning to do but your post was so straightforward its really helped me out a lot, so thank you ) I've still got 318 days to go!! xx
  13. good luck Shannon...I'm sure it will all be brilliant, and can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics!!! Katie. x
  14. ah thanks guys ) KittenHeart - we have requested Friday 7th May to get married - still waiting for confirmation. We didnt think you could get married at the weekend but obviously you can! We'll have to compare notes as we'll all be there at the same time! What date are you getting to the hotel? amy - thanks for yours too...I didn't realise Azul Beach was a seperate place! Just rushing to get into bed but will try to reply more tomorrow. Katie. xx
  15. hey everyone... I've just joined so feel a bit lost! We are getting married in the hotel in May 2010 (just waiting confirmation from the travel agents that we can have the date we want!!). I just don't know where to start!! I'm not even sure what I should be planning or organising! If anyone's got any quick tips to help me get started that would be really, really appreciated! hopefully I'll be able to get online tonight and have a look through what you have all said already ) thanks all...sooooo excited!! xx
  16. ~Katie~


    Hi all, Just joined up to this site after reading so many good posts on here. The site has already helped us to decide on where to get married. My name is Katie (in England) We are getting married in The Sensatori Resort in Mexico in May 2010. There seems like so much to get sorted and planned. any tips would be greatly appreciated (tho I will look through the other posts as well!!) xx
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