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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. Kitten... I really love the flowers so will talk to FH tonight when he sees the difference in price between that and what we would get charged at AS hopefully he'll be convinced! And I love the fact they can dye them to whatever colour you like!! Not sure how to work some into centrepieces - doesn't really look like they do anything...I don't really want to lug heavy vases all the way there!! so not sure what to do about that...I was thinking ideally of a flower arrangement like you normally get on the top table (not sure of the name - hopeless with flower stuff!!), but I can't see anything like that on here. hmmm must keep thinking!! Katie.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie - You know what, that might work! How many are you looking at getting? Meagan - grab the link that says for posting, I believe it's the fourth link under the picture and then paste it in the area where you right the message I have abolutely NO idea! lol what is it exactly that you are ordering? can I order anything off the site just so long as the total is more than $50?? I need some centre pieces for my reception and thought maybe I could do that?? I didn't really have a lot of time last night to look through her website but I'll have a better look today Katie.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart We can actually order any color, it's just a minimum of $50 I'm ordering black and an ivory one for myself. Kitten, I may be interested, but would you be able to take them to the resort i could pay you for the extra baggage if we did it? just no point shipping them here to the UK and then us shipping them to Mexico! will have to discuss with FH tho just seeing if its an option! and please don't feel obliged to say yes - i won't be offended!! Katie.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Ok, someone has to tell me how to post pictures again, I think I need an account of sorts or something. go to photobucket and upload on there, then paste into here K.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Well, I just found out about something that is going to create yet another extra cost for me. We were going to go with the $11 meal, but I was just told by Tiffany, that if you have more than 5 vegetarians (which we do) you have to get a customized menu, which I am pretty sure isn't going to be any $11!!! I just emailed her to ask what the details were for getting a customized menu with multiple meal options for guests, but I haven't heard back yet. WHy can't they just make the pork for those who want meat, and the vegetarian meal for those who want that? hmmm...why am i being quoted $14 p.p for the same meal??
  6. Ash that's great!! and you are only saying what the rest of us are thinking!! Keep us updated on your response!! I still can't believe that if you take your own fabric they charge you $100 just to set it up!!!! I'll do it myself!! Humph. K.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Thanks for the positive reviews for my OOT bag items. i probably over did it -but it was fun! I also forgot to mention the ai rfreshners in the shape of dolphins -tee hee! I thought that was a super cute touch! My dress is finished too! I picked it up today. My FH is threatening to peek though...bad bad fiance.... Are all your grooms like that too?! wow! congrats on the dress I'd be wanting to peek at it and put it on all the time!! I reckon when I get mine, I'll keep it at one of my parents' houses instead - but that's more for my own good rather than FI peeking!! tho tbh - if i was him and your dress was there, I'd want to peek too!!! The good thing is that no matter what he sees of it beforehand, it still won't give him a clue how its going to look on you on the day but yes, mine would be exactly the same!! Katie.
  8. omg they don't even let you put the money towards another one that's ridiculous. we're just looking at options and whether it works out financially better off for us to downgrade our package from gold to silver - part of the gold package is that we get a photographer for an hour and a half, wedding album and 36 photos. BUT they can't even tell me how much of our money goes towards paying that so they can't tell me how much extra i'd need to pay to get more hours of photography etc. really is a joke. but hey ho! just keep smiling!! :) lol Katie.
  9. don't do the napkins and everyone can wipe their mouths on the tablecloth!! sorted!! well just goes to prove like you say that no wedding is 100% plain sailing. but hey, we're all going because we want to get married there, and we will come back having got married there - mission accomplished, and other stuff is just details. K.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yeah Katie, BTW, what weight do you have to lose! I thought you had a lovely shape in your BEAUTIFUL gown! ah thank you but I really do!! more for my bikini than my wedding dress as they do wonders to hide lots lol but I need to tone my arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't escape that on my wedding day!! arrrgggghhhhh!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa As for my OOT bags... I ordered vintage-looking bags from Blue Q that will double as beach bags. I am putting a kissing kit together with listerine strips and chapstick. Then I am putting in a hang over bag with Rolaids, Advil and Emergen C. I am also including a mini Tiger balm, Q-tips, kleenex, bandaids, wet naps, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, playing cards, crossword book, a mini spanish phrase guide that I down-loaded from single-serving.com (thanks to another Brides idea -though I can't remember who), nail file, beach balls, sudoku puzzel books, shot glasses, personalized small bag off coffee and a personalized lemonade. For Favors, we have fans for the chairs at the ceremony, little bottles for blowing bubbles post ceremony, pashminas to hang off the back of the chairs -they are doubling as decor- and little packs of single serving tea for the table. I think I have enough stuff.... lets see if I can actually get it there! I promise to post copious photos when I do my planning thread!!! WOW Allisa...I want to be at your wedding!!! they are going to be well and truly spoilt! congrats for getting it all together and sorted! Katie.
  12. right girls...those that said about seeing pics of my dress, I've sent you all PMs with the link to my album...ENJOY!!! Katie.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I am having a future in law's issue. I can't get over how little they want to be involved in our wedding. They told us months ago, when we decided on a destination wedding that this wasn't the ideal way they saw us getting married. They have complained about the traveling and now have only decide to stay for as little time as possible, just to see the wedding. My feelings are really hurt that they can't get past their personal feeling and be happy for us. My parents and friends tell me not to worry about it, and the people who love us and really want to be with us will be there. I know need to get over it but just can't seem to. Am I being a bridezilla? mrsVaughn... I know EXACTLY how you feel but for me it wasn't the inlaws that were the problem - it was my own parents (divorced). Ultimately I knew they'd be there no matter what, but I had such difficulty with it all - the comments about cost to them, the time they'd need to take off work, why are we doing it so far away, cant we do it 'here' 'here' or 'here' instead....endless comments like that. it feels horrible, like someone's just burst your bubble and stamped on your parade. what i've had to do is try and let it go over my head. i've tried to involve them as much as possible and I've found involving them more has helped and made them more responsive. my mum and her partner are still only staying for 1 week instead of 2 like everyone else, but she'll be there for the important bit. as hard as it is, you have to accept it or it will ruin all your plans and your big day. try and just talk about the wedding in front of them lots and you'll probably find they'll get more and more involved. hope that helps a bit. xx
  14. Hi girls Has anyone used Caribe photography? Caribephoto They are the approved photogs for the resort where I am getting married, but I've really struggled to find much info on here about feedback. I would really, ReALLY appreciate it if someone would be able to let me know their views. Many thanks, Katie.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by gemwhite2b Oh I am excited to see your dress. They said that it would not be a problem to move the wedding to anywhere as long as I do it by the 13th September and there may be a £35pp admin charge. If the new location is much cheaper than AS, and as I have already paid in full, I would get the difference refunded. As it turns out, i did look at other locations but couldn't really find anywhere I liked as much and especially for cheaper (there was one in maldives). I am sticking to my original choice and crossing my fingers and preying for sun. ah ok...I dont think I'd be able to change now anyway as we have all 21 people on my one booking so all the rooms etc I doubt they'd just move to some other hotel and lose a booking that even without the wedding, comes in at £27,000!!! but that's good that you had a look but didn't find anything better that you wanted to change to that makes me feel better too Now I just need to pray my iPhone will let me upload my pics onto here!! Katie.
  16. oh Bree, that's so awful that you had not been looking forward to your wedding. I hope that changes now and you can start looking forward to it again. Best of luck. Katie.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by gemwhite2b Me too Katie, I even called Thompsons to see how doable it is to change at this late stage! I think I was just having a crazy moment though cos the more I think about it, i remember the reason why i chose AS in the first place. Good news about the dress. that is a big thing sorted. I am just waiting on mine to be finished and hopefully no more fittings needed as being made to measure. I actually can't even remember what it looked like on!!! Can you tell me who it is by or style without risking you FH seeing it? I'll load the pics on my computer tonight and will attach them to a message for you I ended up trying on so many dresses I couldn't even guess who the designer is!! I ended up buying from Confetti and Lace because (well, the dress obvioulsy) but also the alterations package they do. what did your TA say about moving the wedding?? (just out of interest lol) Katie.
  18. thank you Ash - that makes me feel somewhat better. here's hoping you only have good things to report!! K.
  19. oh and I'm starting to worry slightly about the number of people changing their resort from AS - it's making me doubt myself.....
  20. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I bought my dress on Saturday ) Even got pics (but not putting them on here as FI logs on from time to time!!) but I'm soooooooooooo happy! can't stop looking through my them! now for the hard work - dieting. ah crap...that's what I'm hopeless with - hate veg, don't like fruit or salad and I crave all the stuff you're supposed to avoid like the plague! Katie.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Katie, are there mosquitos all year round in Mayan Riviera? I HATE being bitten! hi meghan, the mosi's come out when there's been a bit of rain - whenever that happens. but please don't panic - I seem to attract them from anywhere!! think in the 2 weeks i was there, I got bit bad about 3 times and the others were just nothing. they're attracted to women (because of your hormones) and especially if you are at 'that time of the month' (more hormones) and also more to me as I'm diabetic on insulin - apparently that makes them looooove me! great! i'd just give people something just to be safe Katie.
  22. Hi Jenna, many congrats on your forthcoming wedding and welcome to the site!! You'll be getting stuck in in no time!! this is great for ideas and asking lots and lots of questions!! Enjoy!! Katie.
  23. ~Katie~


    hi patrick. welcome and congrats on your forthcoming wedding! I'm getting married at Azul Sensatori but in February 2009 me and my boyfriend went to Grand Riviera Princess (tho Riviera and Princess are the same!!) you'll love it!! we stayed in the Laguna villas and I have to say, without doubt, they were well worth the upgrade price - there's only I think 12 laguna villas and those staying in them get access to a private pool (adults only) and own concierge and waiter service - true bliss. in fact, looking back, im now jealous!! ENJOY!! Katie
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa BTW -stagette was last night. SUPER fun! We took pole dancing/lap dancing lessons and then hit the clubs. Head.... hurts... body.... aching.... ready for coffee! ahh thats so cool. i did the same for my friends birthday and it was such a laugh and really hard work!! lol glad you had a brilliant night Katie.
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