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Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Katie -thank you for that lovely reminder. Yes, it is true... The show will go on and it will be beautiful! My dad's girlfriend is downloading a bunch of audio books for him, so he will have things to keep him occupied while we are there! oh wow! what a good idea!! see, there's ways round everything! DON'T WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Good morning ladies...I am broadcasting live from Miami airport, chilling at the Admiral's club waiting for my connecting flight to Cancun. Should be at Azul in about 3 hours! So, what does everyone need me to check out/photo or post for them? Also have a meeting with an oniste coordinator. Any questions? hope you have a fab time Ash!!! I'll be happy to see any photos you bring back and any info you get!! Hope you get all the info you need ) Enjoy!! Katie.
hey afrommert, I don't know the answers to all your questions, but let me tell you what I do know.... The vendor fee ($500) is mainly used for bringing in a photogrpher that's not one of their 'approved' photographers. Most people use the hotels suppliers for everything else, so I'm not sure if you wanted to bring in someone else to do something else if the same rule would apply. And don't worry - most people don't have a photographer as a guest. There are plenty listed on this site who are based in Mexico who would be able to come in for your wedding for the day (but it does attract the $500 fee - tho for most this is cheaper than flying a photographer in or paying for them to stay at the hotel!) These are the links I was sent when my wedding date was confirmed... Bouquets: Category Bouquets - List of products - Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel Centerpieces: Category Decorations & Set Ups - List of products - Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel Music: Category Music - List of products - Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel Ceremony Decoration: Category Gazebos - List of products - Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel Private Event banquet Kit: http://www.karismahotels.com/sites/d...KIT%202009.pdf (sorry, you'll have to copy and paste into your browser). To hire a sound system - speakers - (just to use your iPod for music in the evening) is $250 I have no idea about best times to get married there - sorry! Your reception will depend on your budget and how many guests you have - the Spoons restaurant is offered for free if you have under 40 guests. If you do this, it doesn't cost anything, but you don't have somewhere to play music or have a reception. I think you are allowed and hour and a half in the restaurant (may be flexible) and then you'd have to go to the main bar or something after. Alternatively, you can pay for guests and just purchase the most basic meal ($14pp) and then you get a venue free, giving you somewhere you can have a boogie and you're own staff to serve everyone drinks for 4 hours. The venues are not totally private in that you're outside and people can walk past, but you won't be somewhere people will just gatecrash your party! You could hire a DJ but I'll leave that to the other girls to give you info on as we are keeping costs to a minimum and just doing an iPod jobbie! Hope that helps a little! Katie.
Hi ladies. I'd love to know everything and all feedback you have... I am currently booked to get married at Azul Sensatori but we are being ripped off with lots of overpriced extras and are now looking to change. I have stayed at this hotel before, but have no idea about the wedding side of things. Honest opinions would be really, really appreciated - I don't want to end up with the same headache again Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by Solidshan83 Afrommert - Welcome! This is a GREAT thread. If I did not have this thread I would have been really scared to get married at Azul. These girls will keep you sane I have already gotten married at Azul and I absolutely LOVED It. I have to agree that packages are pretty pricy and just when you think you paid for everything...you go the meeting a couple days before and drop an unexpected $2,000 for basically nothing. I had the MOST perfect day ever! I SWEAR not one thing went wrong. The resort is georgeous and VERY clean. The only complaint I have would be the entertainment. There is ONE show every night, but it's more geared towards older people. The pools close around 6pm so after that you go to dinner and possibly go to the show if you want to. I spent everyday at the pool, took a nap, dinner, show, bed. My guests loved it too. The wedding was perfect. DO NOT WORRY! Their is a wedding coordinator on site at the wedding and the reception. No need to worry PROMISE! I have been to dreams as well. not nearly as nice or friendly! Good luck! Shannon...what was the extra $2000 for a couple of days before your wedding Is there another hidden cost?
Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa Hi Ladies! It has been a couple of days since I posted... I've been AWOL. I have some icky news... So, on wednesday I get a call from my dad -the person walking me down the aisle and the only blood relative I have coming to my wedding- he fell and was calling form the ER. those of you who are squimish -don't keep reading. Turns out, he tripped over something(?) on the side walk, went flying through the air, ripped the cataract off his eye, ripped the eye open, it started to bleed near the back, which in turn pushed everythng out of it... he had emerg surgery on wed night. So, he is now 100% blind in his left eye, it is filled with blood so it is red and has a lot of pressure, and he may have to have it removed. He also has a wicked purple and red bruise on the left side of his face, as well as some scabbing, though he didn't break any facial bones. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! The doctors think he should be able to travel still -we are leaving one week today- though his girlfriend was trying to figure out if there was a train or something from Vancouver to Cancun -no such luck. Here's the piss of though. He's going to feel like crap. Here we are heading down for a lovely week in the sun to celebrate the one and only wedding of his only child, and he is going to feel like crap the whole time. Though we are considering dressing him like a pirate and calling him "Pirate Jim". Kinda funny. Kay, just needed to vent, thank you. I appreciate it. I think i need a drink -he probably does too. ITS A WEEK BEFORE WE LEAVE AND I FEEL LIKE PUKING!! sorry -thanks Ahh Allisa, I'm soo so sorry to hear about your dad's accident - it sounds awful. I understand what you're saying you feel like - you're feeling guilty that he's had this major accident and you want him to give you away on the happiest day of your life. But remember this...if you were your kid, wouldn't going to your wedding make you so happy and make you not want to miss it for the world...and be thankful that he will still be able to see it - the accident sounds awful but at least it hasn't left him completely blind before your wedding. Maybe coming to your wedding will be just what he needs to lift his spirits - being around those so incredibly in love makes you forget all our other worries. Stay positive chick and I hope your dad makes a speedy recovery ) Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Hi ladies. Today was kind of slow on the wedding side of things. My dj did tell me that we are getting ripped off on the equipment rentals, shows you what I know. He is going to talk to Lomas directly and see what he can work out I guess. My 7 year old came home from Mackinaw Island this morning with a nasty case of bronchitis and eye snots, my first thought was, jeez I am going to have a great time getting her through Mexican customs next week. One look and they would sick the swine flu police on us I am still not doing well on the picture posting, so I am just going to attach a link to the website with a few snaps of it. WhiteXchange.com - The Premier online wedding gown listing service | Dresses Ash, it's gorgeous! effortlessley stunning! hope your little'un gets better soon! Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by lilly129 Hi Ladies - I'm brand new! I got engaged in June and started researching destinations for our wedding. We decided last month on Mexico and then narrowed it down to Azul Sensatori and Dreams - I'm leaning towards Azul...I'm so excited to find this forum and your posts have been soooo helpful! Welcome Lilly! I have found this thread a complete life-saver and these girls have definitely saved me more than once having a nervous breakdown!! they are amazing. If you have any questions...just ask away and one of us is bound to have an answer for you! Congratulations and happy planning!! Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan I refuse to give up on this stupid Buganvilla package. I will keep you posted and let you know what happens. Kitten--that is the most creative monogram I have seen. I LOVE it. Good news today....I bought my dres Last night I was looking for nicer dress boutiques for the flower girl. I stumbled on a company that sells samples and what they call once wed gowns. All of them have to be in perfect condition and retail originally $3,500. I took my gay husband from work tonight, and in under an hour bought my dream dress! Even with alterations I am $1k under budget!!!! Finally something was cheaper than I thought. I may start sleeping easier now! I got quotes on the DJ equipment today also. Not as bad as I thought, so I may bring that DJ from Atlanta after all. Hey Ash, congrats on getting the dress!! and making a saving too!! do we get to see pics??!!! K.
Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa I had to dig out the reciept -sorry for the delay! The tulle is 6"wide, 25ft long and was $4.99!!!! They didn't have a ton of colour choices, but every Michael's I go into has a different selection and this one just happened to have my purple! BTW -picked up the boudoir book for my FH last night! I'm super stoked, I think it turned out fabulous! Hey Allisa... Sorry, I need an English translation!! lol what's the boudoir book?? whatever it is, im glad it turned out fab and you're happy with it!! K.
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Hi Ladies, Ok so here's my monogram... which ended up being less of a monogram and more of a... stamp It's to put our personal stamp on things I guess? Sunday in the shower the idea popped in my head... let me know if it's strange. I am going to have the diveted edge of the stamp outlined lightly so there is no black matting underneath. ahhh Amy is beautiful! I love the idea as well....a stamp is something a bit different but so effective. WELL DONE!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by gemwhite2b Tiffany also just sent me an email about this saying "This package has an untrue statement on it which says that that promotion is applicable to all Karisma Hotels. However, it is not available at all of them because Azul Hotels does not offer this package. So there is a Buganvillas package but it is not offered to Azul Hotels Wedding Couples" God, thought I could have saved the £££'s there! Bah! typical!!! goddammit!!
I'm confused!! For my wedding we are purchasing the gold (or silver - may downgrade) wedding package and then the Sky Deck on top. What is the $1700 you're referring to? And what is that in comparison to? the silver or gold package? (I paid for my packages in £ not $ so don't really know how they compare!)
Quote: Originally Posted by meghan I just want to make sure I understand this....If you pay for a private event (I'm getting Menu 1) we get white linens, PLUS CHAIRS COVERED? I thought I was going to have to pay for chairs to be covered, but that's awesome if that is included! hey meghan yeah that's right - if you pay for the meals, you get the venue, linen and white seat covers all included...you only pay if you want colour-scheme linen or bows around the chairs. i'm opting for the classic white bows!! (FREEEEE!)
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie - I was totally thinking the same thing, I feel like I know you ladies already, 8 months from now we'll know all the details of the wedding for sure! I think that's what we'll have to do then, stop by each others wedding for at least a quick toast if not extensive dancing and fun! Nicole - That sounds like so much fun! Family traditions are the best wooo it's a date! haha well we'll be having an iPod and $250-to-rent-speakers (!!) so pls feel free to come and celebrate with us....tho not too much - don't want you being hungover for your wedding the next day!!
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart HAHA! I am always saying to FI -"The girls on the forum..." or he asks where I got an idea or why I all of a sudden want to do something and I say "My forum friends" ... I think he kinda likes it because he's a technical nerdy sort Telling my friends though... they're like you're part of a what? haha I say exactly the same things! someone will say 'why don't you do this?' and I'll be like 'well the girls on the forum said...', or one of the girls on the forum said, or yeah one of the girls on the forum did/saif that!! haha. well at least now i know its not just me! lol i'll have to get married again once May comes just so I can stay in contact with you all!! xx
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Really So I can come crash you're wedding? I might need a drink cause it will be the night before mine You can totally crash mine too the next day! I tossed and turned and dreamt about monograms and had nightmares about it... ugh, how ridiculous is that? It turned out great, he hasn't sent it to me yet because we spent 3 hours on it and I had to go to bed =) So I am afraid he's gonna keep tweaking it lol YES REALLY! it's 8 months away, and I feel like I know you all already! imagine what we'll be like in another 8 months!! you are more, more, more than welcome Amy I'll let you know where we're having the reception...and if you fancy a peek, you know where we'll be getting married too lol (3pm!!) Katie. x
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Good suggestion Allisa!! Man 2 weeks I might have to be taking some serious sleeping pills or muscle relaxers I already dream wedding stuff non-stop! I'm sitting next to FI's BM who's doing our monogram with my direction, I'm going a different route so hopefully it turns out well! Wow, good luck!! hope it all turns out perfect i'm sure it will! Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan Hi ladies - I'm doing a private event, and the linens, chairs, etc come with it. Now if you want colored bows on the chairs, that's extra. We are doing Option #4 and that comes with the bar package. I just got my spreadsheet back from my WC and there are no "odd" charges listed. Yes you're right!! I'm doing the same with option 1 and we get (I hope!!) everything included linen wise and a privately served bar for 4 hours, just for us!! woooo Though any of you other brides out there who are there at the same time....feel free to join!! Katie.
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Ash - I can't see the picture either Actually $85 isn't bad at all considering the prices on Lomas for some of the other so/so centerpieces. Katie - as a group we only need $50 total... since I don't need $50 worth of pasminas I thought we'd go in on it together to get the good price. That puts us at needing 13 pasminas when I only need maybe ten, Bree is getting 10 and you can let us know how many you want. I'm also going to scour the internet for a coupon code, hopefully free shippng or get them cheaper! Then we'll all just split the cost and go from there! Amy & Katie, I'm so glad you like the flowers! That makes me feel a lot better about my decsion and happy to save the money. =) hey Kitten, Sorry, I got confused!! I thought you were talking about the flowers having a minimum spend!! damn it! shame coz I really want those flowers now!! might see if they'll deliver to the hotel while we're at AS instead! Katie.