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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I mess my nails up so easily, I am just gonna have to bank on spending the 1 million dollars to get them fixed! ok, here is a logo I have been working on...it is SUPER girly so brace yourselves...and maybe borderline cheesy...here goes... PS, everyone calls my FI by his last name and refer to us as "Lutz & Lindz" so thought that would be cute to include our "name" in our logo! ah wow...that is soooo cute!!! and I LOVE that it's pink!!!! well done you!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Yeah, I figured I could get a set of acrylics before i go, but they're gonna look like hell by mid week. Hmmm, this is tough and I don't have a lot of time left I'd say your best option is to at least get them done as close to before you go as possible - that way at least they're done and it leaves you with more options once you get there. They may be able to just re-do the nail varnish at the resort (cheaper) and they could look fab again. Or you have the option if you really want, of getting them done again out there. If you don't get them done before you go, i think you limit your options once you're there in case you don't want to pay the money for them etc. Just be careful doing stuff once you get them done so as to not break any, though if you're acrylic is anything like mine, you'd have a hard job to manage to break one!! Hope that helps a little
  3. hi, This may not be much help for you now but hopefully will help other brides shipping stuff via Fed-Ex - they do NOT allow you to ship any liquids. My FH works for them here in the UK and works on the international shipping side and things will get ceased at customs if the paperwork is not completed correctly or you have packed things that you are not allowed to ship. Unfortunately I do not know how to help you get your boxes back the problem is the tequila as it is a liquid and therefore banned, so if there is some way of excluding this from your package, you should then be ok. Before shipping anything you should be aware of the customs rules of the country you are shipping to, as well as the courier company - Freight Terms and Conditions - General Terms and Conditions at FedEx.com Here's Fed-Ex's restrictions: You are prohibited from tendering the following items for shipment, and they will not be accepted: - Cash, currency, collectible stamps and coins. - Live animals, except as provided in the Live Animals and Ornamental Marine Life (Including Live Fish) section. (Edible seafood, such as live lobsters, crabs or other types of fish and shellfish for human consumption, is acceptable, provided the shipper is in compliance with all local, state and federal laws.) - Animal carcasses. (Animal heads and other parts for taxidermy may be accepted but must be properly packaged. This restriction does not apply to properly packaged meat or poultry products intended for human consumption.) - Human corpses, human body parts, human embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains. - Shipments that require us to obtain a local, state or federal license for their transportation. - Shipments that may cause damage or delay to equipment, personnel or other shipments. - Lottery tickets and gambling devices where prohibited by law. - Hazardous waste, including, but not limited to, used hypodermic needles or syringes, or other medical waste. - Packages that are wet, leaking or emit an odor of any kind. - Live insects. - Shipments or commodities that are prohibited by applicable local, state or federal law. - Waste or garbage for disposal. Notwithstanding any other provision of the FedEx Service Guide, we are not liable for delay of, loss of or damage to a shipment of any prohibited item. The shipper agrees to indemnify FedEx for any and all costs, fees and expenses FedEx incurs as a result of the shipper's violation of any local, state or federal laws or regulations or from tendering any prohibited item for shipment. The alcohol comes under the point relating to 'products that are wet, leaking, or omit an odor of any kind' Hope this helps someone!!
  4. I have acrylic nails all the time anyway and I am dreading what to do with mine - no doubt if I get them done the day before we fly out, a week later they are not going to be looking their best. I am just praying that the hotel does something that will help - I may take a DIY acrylic set JUST IN CASE something happens. I'd be the one getting married with acrylic nails but with one missing or something stupid!! And I need to learn how to do my hair and make up. I'm going to get my hairdresser to do my hair with my 2 bridesmaids there so IF it needs to be done by them, at least they stand some chance! Same goes for my make-up I think!! Arrgghh! I'm sure getting married abroad was supposed to be the easier option!?!? lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ oh good idea on the makeup thing! I can't believe I never thought of that considering I google everything lol. I actually have a friend who is a make up artist that was supposed to come to the wedding and take care of that for me. Needless to say, she isn't coming now so I have to do it myself. She did a trial on me and it all made sense as she was going through it and seemed simple enough, but then as the days went by my memory of how to do it got worse and worse lol! So ya, I think the youtube idea is a good option for me right now! What are you girls doing for your nails? I noticed that lomas site said it was $95 USD to get acrylic?? That's freakin crazy! Hey Nicole, Another one to look at is Videojug - Get Good At Life. The world?s best how to videos plus free expert advice and tutorials. which is a site with videos on how to do whatever it is that you search for! just another option ontop of YouTube! I need to learn too!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz oh yes! Only 25 more posts til I am a full member. Being a "noob" sucks! hahaha haha I spent AGGGGES saying that too!! lol then only 50 more til you are a 'member' (rather than 'junior member') woop woop!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Three months!! OMG, that's so crazy, I'm down to 6 and it makes me seriously nervous. How exciting about your dress too! Amy, I'm using your ticker as my countdown too!! just to make it go faster, I'm counting down on my iPhone to when we leave to go to Mexico as that's 6 days beforehand!! and is essentially when I need to be ready by!! arrrggghhh! Once its Xmas, then I'll be panicking!! trying not to until then! plus I've got so much to sort out between then and now I won't have time to panic I don't think!! And amy - why are you not a wedding planner/co-ordinator/ideas person?? you'd be fab at it, and enjoy it!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I realized my ticker moved to 3 months! WOW!! The time is flying by. I just got a call from the store i bought my dress and its in! I'm very excited!! Wow, you're both down to the 3 month mark!!! how incredibly exciting!! what have you both (you two BDW brides!!) got left to do?? Do you need any motivation/help from us??
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie that is one of them I've been looking at but I'm not convinced. Another is cheap wedding dress, ice skating dress, mascot costume, bridesmaid dress, spiderman suit, custom made order The place I'm looking, or found one I love is Duosheng I'm still waiting from some girls on BDW to report back on their purchases. I do know one bride got a simple one from Light in the Box and loved it. Ah thanks Amy! That first link you put was really good - same set up as light in the box but i found a dress I think is perfect for me straight away! You are a god-send lady! xx
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd Okay ladies, this is going to sound so, so low class, but I got a little tidbit from my travel agent….not sure if I’m morally okay with it though. FI and I are going to OCT for our honeymoon from February 15-24, and our TA advised me that the more difficult a client you are, the more accommodating OCT is. He had said something about demanding an upgrade at time of c/I, and insisting upon because we are, in fact, a honeymoon couple. He said that if you do it this way, a great deal of the time they will just do it for free in an effort to appease you rather than booking into the higher room category. We had planned in booking into a master suite, but the TA had already switched our reservations from the Barcelo, and had advised us to leave the reservation as is. Idk if I feel right about being bratty at check in because my TA didn’t want to move the reservation around….any thoughts? Hey Brandy, I agree with the other girls - don't do what you're not comfortable with. You can ask for what you want but I wouldn't feel comfortable demanding loads of stuff...its just not me. I would speak to Ana and state that you wanted the master suite but that your TA didnt switch the reservation and ask if she can do anything about it...maybe you'll get it from being nice and blaming it on your TA!! Let us know how you get on!! GOOD LUCK!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Katie, you TOTALLY created the "honorary azul sensatori" title! haha Love it! I am doing trash the dress too! I am debating whether or not I should just wear my wedding dress again. If I can find a cute, cheaper one, I'll definitely do that. Amy, tell us about this custom Chinese dresses I will have to get another dress as we are having a full-on UK reception when we get home and I am definitely not risking the dress before then! Try this site (I presumed this is the one Amy was talking about as well) - really cheap wedding dresses.... Designer Wedding Dresses and Custom Wedding Dresses by LightInTheBox Let me know what you find!! Good luck
  12. and sorry girls for all the posts in one go!! Amy - are you feeling better now? hope you are all recovered ok, so my planning is more things we are actually getting on and doing atm. As we have just recently moved hotels, emails about the wedding and reception details are only just starting to get spoken about. this week I sent my WC a VERY long email with subject headings at the top of every paragraph (that's how long it was!). She has asked if she can get back to me by Saturday!! which is fine, so once I get that, I'll know more I have just taught my FH how to use Excel (he's not an office-based worker) and he's spent the last 2 weeks putting together a new wedding spreadsheet with worksheets for just about everything!! Have to say I am very proud of him We are finally getting round to trying to decide how we want to organise our UK wedding reception and have started looking at costs vs food options etc. Hope to meet with our coordinator there by the end of this month to get some more costings on food and finalise times. Then we will get evening reception invites sent out I have got my dress ordered...but no veil, tiara or shoes!!! finding a veil and tiara is proving very difficult when I can't try them on with my dress! (any help much appreciated!) I have my bridesmaids shoes YAY and they are gorgeous. I have a dress on order for them as I have had such a hard time finding any fushia/hot pink bridesmaid dresses with straps. I'm praying they are going to be ok or I'll be panicking :-S We've found a photographer we want in Mexico and once we get a response from our WC about bringing in outside photographers we will hopefully be booking them. Managed to negotiate on price too which was great. Even better...we're going to do a TTD session!! wahoooooooooooo. now I just need to find a REALLY cheap dress to use for it!! and that's about where I'm at! phew. haha
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda WOAH sliced strawberries in your cake and hazelnut? Were these options given to you? I had Strawberry, Vanilla, or chocolate.... Love that cake - I will try and photobucket my cake picture soon. haha, Amy that was my exact reaction!! lol I only had those options too!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B - Shoes! I need to decide on my shoes. I am going to wear heels because I love heels. I am thinking about getting colored heels to match my coral bridesmaid dresses for some contrast. Any thoughts on this idea? Also, are you making your bridesmaids wear heels in the sand or just having them pick out what they want as long as its in the color you want the shoes to be in. Andrea, where did you get your bridesmaid dresses from? have you got any pics you could put on? I am having a real problem finding anything over here - I think I'll end up buying online (which is not ideal) but haven't really got any other options!! thank you
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Hello ladies I have been consumed with work for the last few weeks. Its really getting in the way of my wedding planning and posting on the thread. Crista Lee - welcome to the group. These ladies are awesome and make the processing much more enjoyable. Kitten - Thank you giving the thread a new kick. We needed that and it helped me want to get back on the planning train! Welcome new girls I missed :-) welcome back to the planning world!! I spend my whole time at work wanting to post on here and actually get on with my wedding planning, and then when I'm at home doing it I'm worrying about what I need to do at work!! Oh, and we've been soooo busy wedding planning that we BOTH forgot (!!!!!!!!!!) our 2 year anniversary!!! oops
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I had a hard time justifying an additional cake aside from the one that comes in the package but I'm not a fan of the small heart cake. I wanted a 3 tier but settled with a 2 tier and I'm bringing real touch orchids with me as they tried charging me $20 per real flower. I already had my lingerie bridal shower here at a friends house and plan to have the Bachelor/Bachelorette parties in Mexico Thursday night before my Saturday wedding. Amy, how many 'do's' do you guys have??!! lol I'm jealous!! Over here in the UK, we just have a 'hen' party! (no idea why it's called something different from yours either - isn't the world a funny place!?) ooo i'm over tired and in a very stupid mood!!!!! having a can of RedBull and cracking on with my replies on here!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Ok girls, so I have chosen my date and my resort...Le Blanc on August 7th, unless something drastic happens, then it's Sensatori! You girls are SO much fun!! Can I be an honorary "Azul Bride?" I really appreciate all your help and feedback! Basically my decision came to this: both resorts were equally as cool, but I think I can get more for my money at Le Blanc, with more things included in packages, cheaper DJ's, etc. Although I wanted to stay in the riviera, I think Cancun will be fun too! congrats on the new booking mrs lutz did I start a trend with the whole 'honorary AS bride' thing??!! lol it's just such a good thread, none of us can bear to leave it! But I found exactly the same as you - the AS is a lovely, lovely place and Tiffany was great with her correspondence, the girls here are great with advice and tips, but I could get more for my money elsewhere. At the hotel I'm going to their top package is $1300 cheaper and includes in the price things like, a wedding cake for 20 people (ideal for my wedding), a meal at a private location, private bar for 3 hours etc etc. If I had the money to get married at AS I would have done...unfortunately I don't so we had to change. But hey, I'm still going to the same area, at the same time, and I'm soooo going to gate-crash Amy's wedding!!! haha (only joking Amy...I'll meet you for a drink instead!! lol)
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ We just booked our wedding at Azul Sensatori for the week of November 5-12th, 2010. We booked through a destination wedding planner - theweddingholiday.com. Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated! congrats on booking!! you'll have loads of fun on this thread - it's the best on the whole site!! even us brides who aren't getting married there still come on here for the fab brides to be!! have a read through some of the info in the thread already - there is LOTS of info but you will find it really helpful. Good luck!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Lin&Scott Thanks again for the welcomes, I feel great!! Aren't we all happy brides! I am pretty much done planning, which is exciting... now I'm just ready to finally get there!! I got my email reply from Ana, I asked for a better price on my package... or, I said she could upgrade my photo package for free. Aren't I nice.. giving her options LOL. -She has been wonderful- Anyways she said no. Basically. She said she would take $200 off if I brought in my own minister, but I dont have one and I am more comfortable with having them provide my minister. Annnyways, I said I still would appreciate money off since budget is getting tight this close to the date, and we are a party of 33 people, I consider that alot!! *(Another bride mentioned she got 15% off!!)* Ana said I could get rid of my "spa package", but I need to get my hair and makeup done, that's not an option, hahaha. I guess we'll know soon enough. 39 MORE DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE!! Wow Lin, sounds like you have everything under control! Hmmm doesn't seem like getting any money off is as simple as I thought it was going to be...I might wait a while before trying - maybe she'll change her mind!?!? Do you (or anyone) have any photos of ceremony locations? I think we have various options but I don't know what they are yet! Ideally we don't want to get married on the beach so does anyone know what other options we have? Thanks girls
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by beckerba Girls, I am off tomorrow morning!!!! I want to thank all of you during my almost 14 months on this forum. I can't begin to express how valuable all of your thoughts and opinions have been to me. I can't believe it is almost here. I am crossing my fingers for NO rain, it looks like we beat the hurricanes. I will be sure to post photos and reviews for those at Azul Beach. Bree, I wish you all the best and I hope you have an absolutely amazing wedding day and stay. Can't wait to hear all about it!! CONGRATULATIONS FOR TOMORROW!!!!
  21. Lin, welcome to the site and this thread - this website is amazing...i don't know where I'd be without it! Ideas, sharing knowledge or even just venting when it all gets too much from time to time...it all happens on here!
  22. Shandalier - hope your wedding has all gone well I'm sure it was amazing, and congratulations on becoming Mrs!! can't wait to hear all about it and see all your pics!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by PinkBride Aww...I'm flattered and wish I could do your makeup for your wedding but we do not fly out until May 7th from Canada! I am not even sure what time we are arriving but it's in the afternoon and I can't even guarantee a time we'd be at the resort! I'm sorry! If I was arriving the night before it would have been no problem at all!! Just bring a picture/pictures of a makeup you like and be very clear on what you do NOT want. That always halps the artist! But we will definitely have to get that drink in between weddings! We are in the process of figuring out the details as well...can't wait until thats done with! Hopefully you had some luck with Ana! Lol no worries hun, it was worth a shot hey?! lol so I may be married when you arrive! or even in the process of being married! just think at 4pm Mexican time, that I'll be saying my vows! ooo that sounds sooo exciting! Me and FH sat down over the weekend and went through all the information Ana sent through, and tomorrow I'll be emailing her a list of about 15 questions! She has been great though, I can't really fault her and she always makes me feel like we're really important and she's happy to be talking to us I'll update you with any more news as and when! Good luck with yours!! x
  24. just to respond to why Azul Sensatori may be getting bad reviews...(if you're looking at Trip Adviser) is that (from one of the AS brides on their thread) while they were doing a site visit there was a guy there who was complaining about anything and everything, for NO good reason, and also was encouraging for everyone else he spoke to there to do the same...that would explain the reviews. And the girl who shared this story, was actually there and she commented in the thread about the claims he'd made and actually what the truth was and what was totally unfounded. Hope that helps some people, and why you can never take what's said on Trip Adviser to heart!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Darla&Anthony Would you mind to e-mail the package information to me? I am unable to open the attachments withing the fourm. [email protected] Thanks you! Hi Darla, I've emailed you what I got sent. Hope it's helpful!
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