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Everything posted by ~Katie~
Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan Hey ladies! I'm finally back from my wedding and 2 week Costa Rica honeymoon! The wedding was fantastic and I was able to meet 2 fellow BDW brides which was so fun. I'll post more when I have time this weekend, but the wedding was truly wonderful, the staff very helpful and our 70 guests had a great time. Don't 2nd guess your choice of a destination wedding or the hotel - it was the best decision we could have made! More to come! welcome back!! glad to hear it was everything you imagined it would be and you have no regrets - I'm sure that will count for a hell of a lot to other brides on here (it's always nice to have reassurances). looking forward to reading all about it and seeing all your pics when you get more time to post!! congrats MRS!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie - I have to find the humor in things... this is nowhere in the ballpark the same as your bridesmaid situation but one of my guests just gave me the same speech. We were supposed to meet for coffee and had to cancel twice so she's cancelling her trip to Mexico for my wedding because we just "aren't close friends." Gotta love people! It's funny because she's right, we're not close and I'm actually really happy she cancelled. Just thought it was interesting that happened to both of us on our 5 month mark! Hope you're doing well! Wow! how weird! glad you're ok about it tho - bizarre as you say they both happened on our 5 month mark! must be something in the water lol thanks to everyone else as well for all your advice and support. I'm feeling more emotional about it today, but also reflective as the anger and shock is wearing off. I don't want to lose her as a friend, so if it's just that she can't come to mexico that's fine - annoying, but we'll deal with it and we've got to be understanding about it...we're asking people to pay a lot of money to come. it's just the rest of the stuff that was in the text that we need to work out (if she wants to work it out). we'll see what happens next!
Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Wow Kaite. Well to be honest I think the problem is likely what most people's problem is. Communication. Sometimes we let little things like who text or called who for what day build up into something bigger than it really is. I hope that once you both cool down you can work it out, because it doesn't sound like she wants to end the friendship. And she did flat out admit that she should have told you earlier, but it was a hard decision for her to make. Sometimes we just need to look at the bigger picture instead of why we're angry right that second KWIM? yeah maybe you're right... it has always been me that's made more effort (just) which is fine and I've never point scored with her before. just since the last year, if I don't contact her, we don't speak. period. not 'we won't speak for a while', we just won't speak. I think trying to get something out from her when it all turned to wedding stuff just highlighted that....I even had other girls coming to me saying can you talk to her? she won't reply to me and I can't keep on texting, emailing or calling her. I know I'm more angry about it now than I will be, and I know the text doesn't seem awful, but there is other stuff thats led up to that. we'll see what happens. I'm a complete sop and I know if she came back i'd forgive her everything. but will keep you all posted. roll on the end of the day.
Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Oh girls that sucks about your friends not being supportive. Its so hard to understand why someone wouldn't want to celebrate with your happiest moments in life. I honestly think that when things like this happen - it is not you - it is their own issues. All you can do is be honest and hope they can be honest with you. SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be thinking of you girls !!!! thank you Amy.
Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps That really sucks and the fact that she told you in a text makes it even worse. I think weddings bring out the best in some people and the worst in others and usually at the end of a wedding you know who your true friends are. I'm sure it hurts knowing you're going to lose your friend but right now the most important thing is you and your wedding. I foresee the same thing happening with me and my best friend. She's been very distant about the whole wedding (after she asked why I wanted to get married) and she didn't even call to tell me happy birthday last week. So I'm kinda bracing and preparing myself for her to cancel out but I know it's still going to hurt if he does happen. thanks daniepps we'll have to console each other! though I hope yours doesn't get as far as this. but if it does, remember we're all here to vent to and offer loads and loads of sympathy and advice. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though.
Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Awwww Katie...... I always say, especially after my own experience, weddings make people crazy... seriously. I felt like so many close friends and family would do things completely out of character. Maybe you both just need some time to think about things. I hope it all works out, but in the meantime you have us thank you it's definitely been making people crazy!!
Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz SO sorry Katie! I know how you feel. My best friend/maid of honor told me she could not travel anywhere I was having my wedding because of money. And now she has completed drifted away...I think because she is embarrassed and doesn't know how to ask about wedding plans, etc. I wish I had some advice for you. Maybe approach it as you would like to patch things up with her, even if she does not make it to the wedding. Like Nicole said, weddings make people do some crazy things!!!! Do NOT worry about that budget sheet. Whenever you get a chance is fine. We are here for you!! that's the problem - I don't even know what her text really means! I cant work out if she's saying she's just not coming Mexico, or we're not friends anymore or what. HELP!!!
ok, I feel I need to give the whole story here, since you're all being so damn lovely and supportive so here it is...laying my life, heart and sole on the internet! please bear in mind that we've been each others bestest friend for the past 14 years...and in the last 8 months she's got herself a new boyf who's she's totally obsessed with. this was her TEXT to me: "I'm so sorry but I don't think I can come to Mexico, I know we have drifted apart and I know I should have made more effort with you but the reason I haven't is because I don't feel I should go. Its so much money for me and I don't want anyone else to pay, also leaving my kids for 2 weeks! i love the idea of it but the reality is totally different, i felt like i had to say yes when you asked me. Then me and Peter [her boyf] made the effort for your bday but u didnt bother with his which u knew about for ages, dropping me for Ange and Laurel [my other close friends and BM]. and dylans bday yesterday, u didn't even text and that hurt, that's my son, u might have had the hump with me but he's a child. im sorry but i just don't feel right going. i should have told you before but it's took me a long time to work out what i should do" now reading that back again it doesn't seem so bad!! lol but it hurt, and this was my reply.... "Firstly I can't believe that after 14 years of friendship, you don't think I deserve the respect to be told something as huge as that face to face, or at the very least on the phone. You say something so destructive like that on a text, and when u knew I'd be at work. Secondly, we called everyone who we'd want to be at the wedding before we even started looking into it to see if it was an option for people - u knew Angie had said no because of the kids and money. I'm hurt that u felt u couldnt have done the same and that u felt u had to say yes - I'd never have held that against u and u know it. If the problem was money or not seeing the kids u could have come for a week if that was better. If that wasn't an option either you should have said a long time ago - especially before we started buying things for you like dresses and shoes. You let us waste valuable money that we now cant get back when the whole time you stil weren't sure if you were even going to come. Yes we've drifted apart but I'm sorry, I'm not takin responsibility for that - how much effort have I made to stay in contact with you?? Ringing u, texting u, trying to come round and see you? You are the sole reason we have. No I don't want to go out clubbing with u and peter but neither would u come out in Essex and stay with me and chris without peter. I never thought that's what our friendship was based on. What else could I have done?? No we didn't come to peters but I had double booked. And im sorry but my close friends come before peter. If it was your birthday it would have been a different story, you know that. Same way again if it had been something for chris's birthday I'm sure u both wouldn't have come if you'd remembered ud planned to do something with louise. Plus you already had all your mates going as well so I didn't really feel I was needed but that was just an aside, not the reason we didn't come. No I didn't text u yesterday but I thought of Dylan all day, I just didn't feel I could text after u let me down last week and I didn't hear anything from u since then. No effort to mend what you broke, even after your texts that Saturday. And I wasn't even invited to his birthday celebrations!!! But I cannot believe it's taken u 6 months to say this. I have had conversation after conversation with u on how I feel it's always me makin the effort and then u turn round and say you've felt like that from the start All those opportunities I gave you, even up until last Saturday and I even asked u outright if u still wanted to be a part of it and even then u said yes and u love me and I mean the world to u and all that and like a mug I believed u. So what's changed in a week? Or were u lying? And does that mean all those times u couldn't make it were lies too? - You've said with all this on ur mind u haven't made the effort u should. I am so hurt and upset you have done and could have done this to me, I couldn't even begin to explain it to you. I have always been there for you, through everything, whenever you needed me and now you do this. Now I have to tell people the person who means most to me in the world has just decided she doesn't want to be my bridesmaid anymore and isn't interested. I am totally heartbroken and apart from answering ur text, speechless." If she'd just been saying she was sorry but she couldn't come to Mexico, yeah I'd have been ticked off, but I would have understood. this text from her seems to be about our whole friendship as well.....I don't know, maybe that message I sent back makes me look like a bitch, but I've been there for her no matter what for 14 years (and she's been through a lot) in whatever way I needed to be, and then this.
Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Ouch... I know this probably won't help you feel better about this situation right now, but the truth is, you're much better off not having her share your special day if she's feeling like that. Did you see this coming or was it out of the blue? Crazy. thanks Nicole. I don't really know what I'm feeling at the moment - a bit of everything and nothing all at the same time. tbh things have been strained between us since I booked the wedding but that's all been due to me feeling that she's not been making any effort. We have spoken about it before but she's always said it's been her and she's sorry etc etc. she didn't make me going to try on wedding dresses, and she didn't make it round to my house to try on her BM dress and shoes. so many annoying things but I never thought she'd do this. I know she's busy (she has her own kids) and I just thought when we got there she'd get into it then without all her 'life' distractions. but as much as everyone else seems to be focusing on the wedding-side of things, I'm more bothered and upset by what this means for our friendship.
Quote: Originally Posted by AshManahan Hi ladies. Its been a few weeks, but I am finally getting around to loading some of our wedding photos from Hacienda Tres Rios. It was Amazing!!! I hope everything is going well for you. What a relief to be done. I feel like I need a two week vacation to get back to normal, but am trying to figure out who I can hire to put up the xmas tree instead Snapfish: Share:Registration Welcome back and huge congratulations MRS!!! So glad to hear it all went so well, your photos look amazing....looks like it was a beautiful resort. hope married life is going well...and how cool to be able to share your first xmas together as husband and wife so soon after you've got married
Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I would love to see your budget spreadsheet!! You can black out the amounts if you would like. Mine is starting to get super complicated. Do you mind sharing? sorry lindz, I haven't done this yet - I got a TEXT from my 'best friend/chief bridesmaid' telling me she's not coming Mexico or being my bridesmaid, that she thinks we've drifted apart bla bla bla, so I wasn't too great last night. feel like I've been dumped I'll do it tonight for you tho. x
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Haha, Andrea you give me too much credit!! I think it was KatKen on here that I noticed it looked like she did her TTD @ Sunrise and it looked so pretty and no one was there which is perfect. I'm doing my TTD the morning after the wedding, I think I'll still be glowing and so happy from the night before we might as well try and capture that that's when I'm doing mine too....though I still think I'm mad! The morning after the wedding I'm going to be knackered!! funnily enough, it was when our photographer actually suggested doing it as well.
Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I would love to see your budget spreadsheet!! You can black out the amounts if you would like. Mine is starting to get super complicated. Do you mind sharing? no of course not! PM me your email add and I'll send it through to you tonight (that's about 6 hours from now in UK time!!) bit weird but some of it's in UK £'s and some in US $!! just change as a where you need to!
Hi Stacey, Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Riviera Maya is where I am getting married also - I went there in February and got engaged...we both loved it so much, we're going back to get married! the threads on RM are really active on this site so you will have no problems finding info you want. Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Hey Jen, Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! have a look at the threads under 'Mexico' - there's loads of chats and advice going round there to help you make a decision. Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! you'll find it really useful in helping answer all your questions. Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
Welcome to the forum!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!! A double wedding - how exciting!!