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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. welcome to the site! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!! take a look at the threads on RM - they are really useful.
  2. welcome to the site! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  3. welcome to the site! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  4. welcome to the site! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!! Play del Carmen is lovely
  5. ok, i lied...one more thing! lol we got our wedding rings sorted at the weekend...had a guy come round from a company that makes what you want (much cheaper) and more personal ) this is very similar to what mine will look like Ladies Nine Carat White Gold Diamond Set Wedding Ring - Beaverbrooks the Jewellers except unfortunately not as cheap as I'm not having white gold. it goes well with my engagement ring which is a solitare princess cut platinum ring (square diamond) tip for anyone else with platinum engagement rings, you can get a palladium ring which is not softer or harder than platinum so you can wear the two together and palladium is much cheaper.
  6. oh and last post from me before I go to bed (which is where I should be already as its 11.25 pm here!!) I got my letter today from where I bought my dress, and ....IT'S IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it...my actual hand made dress for me is finished and in storage with the shop!! (slight downer is the letter also says I have to pay the other 50% but hey ho!!) woop woop! now just shoes, veil and tiara to go! not much then!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Aw, thanks for everyone's excitement! Here is my dress: David's Bridal - Chiffon split front A-line gown with pleated surplice bodice beaded empire waist. I got it off of Once Wed brand new and was able to negotiate the price down by $300, so I was super happy! I bought a simple blusher veil and two ivory flowers to go in my hair. I need to get pictures of me in the whole ensemble--darn, I guess I'll have to go try everything on again ooo how lovely i love the detail on the front - over the chest and waist...really sets it off. very elegant! wow, this is all making me very excited for everyone!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Awww you are sweet! I have tried on probably 15..and of course they are outrageously expensive! But there is one that I LOVE! I'll try to find a picture and post it. But it is double what I wanna spend...we will see! After I freaked out about having a destination wedding for the 100th time, I sm sticking to my decision. SO, after going through all 1200 pictures of Le Blanc on Treip Advisor, I am excited and getting stuff done!!! WHoo hoo!!! good to hear we make decisions for a reason and sometimes we have to learn to trust them and stop second guessing them....I'm glad you're all sorted now tho...now you can get all excited!! woooohhoooooo!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 what is it with having unhappy models in these dresses?! I am keeping my dress and accessories at my grandma's house (I have two dogs and could just imagine them chewing up everything!). I went there on Saturday and got to try on my dress with my veil, flowers, jewelry (my mom got me a pretty aquamarine ring for my something blue), and shoes--it was so much fun!! ah how cool! sounds fab pictures, pictures!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda OC by Oleg Cassini Beaded Waist Halter Gown - OC by Oleg Cassini - Nordstrom beautiful!!! you're going to look fab!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Does anyone have pictures of their dresses? Mine is at my sisters and I leave for there on Sunday so I will take some pictures and post them. My BFF is letting me borrow her veil too (if I like them together) so I am so excited to go and play dress up!!! I just would love to see what everyone here has picked, as we're all kind of doing the same types of weddings.... here's mine!! Wedding dress pictures by charltonangel - Photobucket hope this works!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Thanks AmyB!! Added to the list, I'll put it up as soon as I've heard from the other ladies. I just had a little mini internal squeal!!! I just noticed I got my Senior Member banner!! HOW FUN!!! YAY!!!! very proud if you...and jealous!! I've got a looooong way to go!! so when they going to make you a moderator because we all know you sooo should be!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Hey Katie is this your hotel?! Brandy & Scott | Jan 21st, 2009 | Ummm...it could be?!?! the steps after the ceremony look very similar to another brides photos who got married there...but I can't be sure! looks lovely though so I hope so!!
  14. I love this as a reading or in some way put into the wedding....it makes me weepy!! One woman, one man with hearts so true come before you to say I do... A love so fair A dream come true A couple shares what they are destined to do He takes her hand to have and to hold Their hearts embrace and never let go... A touch so pure A smile so real She closes her eyes so she may feel The love of one man The love of her life They join as one as Man and Wife... - Gretchen Gould -
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart =X LOL! Jeez, I do the same thing I'm SUPER annoying! I even correct verbal grammar errors... lol 'should have, not should of' !!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Im legal... haha that sounds funny! Yep, i better be at almost 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i didn't even realise you were 31! you do not look that old at all (that's a compliment btw!)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz I added you! yay!!! Thanks for the advice! I actually sent my girls THE cheesiest email (yall would think I was the biggest dork if you read it) this morning asking them to rank the following items in order of importance: Food, Affordability, Decor, Vibe, Rooms, Balconies...These were the main differences between the 2 resorts. Only 3 out of 11 said affordability, so who knows!!! You are right, you cannot please everyone. Geez! And this resort is THE ONLY THING that FI has cared about. He's like, I will be devastated if you change it. OK, I am rambling again...thanks for the advice AGAIN! I think we have already established this, but I could not remember...who is doing legal and who is doing symbolic? We're doing legal...which is a bit of nightmare! (well, just not so easy as turning up and having a symbolic ceremony anyway!) we have to have bloodtests when we get there and our passports and tourist visas checked etc. I also found out if the bloodtest comes back that you have an STI or HIV or are pregnant, they won't marry you...obviously not worried about the first 2 bits but my god have we got to be careful between now and then!! can you imagine everyone getting there and then them saying, no your pregnant...no marriage! altho me and FI have discussed and decided we'd just do a symbolic one and not tell anyone, and then just get legally married just us when we got back! and we need to have 4 witnesses....all of whom must be there 4 working days before we get married...and one of mine won't be so I now won't have one and have the added dilemna of figuring out who I can ask where I wouldn't offend someone else by not asking them (aren't you glad you asked the question now?!?!) lol sorry, haven't spoken to anyone in a while! and going crazy trying to do my wedding leaflet thing.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Happy Thursday ladies. Katie - I hope you are doing well and staying positive with your friend situation. It really suck that she would do this so close to the wedding. Everything does happen for a reason, its just hard to figure out what that reason is sometimes. My original MOH and I broke up in May. I say break up because we were friends for 12 years now we don't talk at all. We became a one-sided friendship and when I confronted her about it, she told me I was selfish for bring it up. It was so hard to say but I know it was the right decision for me and making my wedding a success. Hang in there girlie!! Plus you have a great group of awesome ladies here to vent to and are on your side. thank you Andrea...I know what you mean about 'breaking up' that's totally how I feel. we've been best friends for 14 years this month. we've gone through a lot together and always got through (we didn't go to the same school or live in the same area so making our friendship work always required something extra, but it was never an issue). I'm glad yours all got sorted before your wedding and were strong enough to bring it up. like you say, better to approach these things head on ) and you're so right...you girls on here are awwwwsoommmme!! (haha in my bad american accent!! lol)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda It's nice to consider your guests and what will make them happy, but the wedding is all about you! It is hard with DWs and costs, but nobody HAS to go. And AmyF, what your friends mom said it so nuts! AS is totally reasonable when you add up everything you get for the $. I got the ceremony programs from Tiffany yesterday. If you are getting married legally in Mexico, she said the template/wording cannot be changed. AmyKittenHeart, this looks short and sweet for you Tiffany said the symbolic ceremony can be changed any way you want it. Also, BTW I became an aunt this morning at 1:10am!!!!!!! Little Johnny better get his passport so he can come to my wedding OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! You shouldn't have posted them....I'm having kittens looking at all the grammatical errors and translation errors...and punctuation errors!! I want to sit down and make it all grammatically correct! arrrrggggghhhhhhhhh because I CANT!!!!!!!!!! congrats aunty amy
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert KATIEEEEEEE- I cant believe your friend did that to you. that totally sucks and I so agree with nicole, wedding bring out the craziness in ppl. Im sorry that happen and i hope you two are able to patch things up. I truely belive that everything happens for a reason. Meaning , maybe this is a blessing is diguise. Maybe this is opening a door for you both to face some underlieing problem, fix them up and make your friendship stronger and better than ever and in the end, things will not just be ok, they may be better than ever either way, ill be praying for a happy ending for you whatever it may be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH and BTW i wanna be facebook buddys with you girls!!! Add me! amy morales, detroit michigan! added you I do love a new facebook friend!! then you can hear all my statuss about the wedding too! haha! and thank you for what you said...I am hoping it will all work out. I miss what we had and I can't imagine getting married without her, but I may have to...but more importantly I can't imagine going through the rest of my life without her to tell everything to etc etc...ah well, only time will tell. and I am also a firm believer in 'everything happens for a reason' so I'm willing to just ride it out and patch things up when she's more ready.
  21. wow that's brilliant! thanks for posting. it's very similar to what I'm doing for my guests so great to have something to compare to.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Yes, I am a Cancer! I too am driving my FI crazy, I'm sure. I have literally worried about every single decision I have made. Am I doing the right thing? WIll people like it? Will they get mad? Blah Blah! haha I think I have researched everything as much as I probably can! AND then my sensitivity comes into play...someone makes a comment about Mexico or my resort choice or anything, and I borderline freak out and worry all over again. It's a viscous cycle! haha maybe I should be a Cancer too...I'm VERY sensitive and will remember what anyone says and worry about it forever! I worry what people will think, how they will interpret something (and then worry if they'll interpret it in the right way!)....just anything and everything you could think of! planning a wedding is a nightmare! made worse by the fact I'm useless at making a decision!! apart from at work, where strangely i am quite assertive - go figure. lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz On a positive note...I finished my Save the Dates AND chose my TA AND sent out all my bridesmaid things. However, I have my booking contract in my hand for my rooms and may change my resort, AGAIN! But I definitely have gotten most of the things on my list done. Thank goodness I have not printed my Save the Dates yet. sounds like you got lots ticked off your list why are you thinking of changing resort again? has something gone wrong where you are, or you've just seen something you like the look of better?? come to my resort!!! lol
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda OMG now I think I found a theme for our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! I love it!! damn all you creative people! I'm good at copying what other people have done (there's that perfectionist in me) but rubbish at just thinking creatively off my own back! Well done you!
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