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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo I am also working on being a junior member so you will see alot more of me now Yay
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Happy Friday indeed! Our department at work is having an ugly Christmas sweater contest today so at least things are slightly interesting. I work with my FI (he sits about 10 feet away, I can see him now!) and he's wear a woman's button up cardigan, lime green with candy cane trim on the wrists and neckline with puffy santas and sequins on the front (bought it for an ugly sweater party 2 years ago and he won) I unfortunately shopped for 2 hours last night and couldn't find a single sweater!! Finally at Target I found a men's large t-shirt, bright green that looks like a fake sweater vest with a decorated reindeer on the front and I'm wearing a red sweater underneath. So I look ridiculous because it's huge. Then tonight I have to run home workout and go over my BF's house as we're having our annual White Elephant party tonight, we always cook a feast (none of which I can even have) and the do the gift exchange, should be fun! Sorry, more rambling! ahhh i'm jealous you work with your FI....me and mine don't even live together yet (once we decided to get married we put off moving out so money could go on the wedding rather than rent!) and so we only see each other at the weekend (seeing each other during the week is a luxury as we both work long hours and by the time we both get in and before we go to bed, it's just not worth it!!) also, what is a White Elephant party? am i being thick??!!! I'm sure I've never heard of that before lol and congrats to your FI on winning....again! lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Oh and my co-worker just said his fave Brit term is "the dog's bollocks", which translates in american to "that's the shit!". omg, you guys don't say that??!! the world's a funny old place! this site is the dogs!! (an abbreviated version of 'the dogs bollocks'!!) Although writing it on here does make me wonder how that ended up having the meaning it does?! lol
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz ahhh It's Friday! Thank goodness!! I went and tried on some wedding dresses yesterday evening. I think I MAY have found the one. I still need to look at some others to rule them out. It was exciting to say the least! hahaha catching up on the posts make me laugh. You girls crack me up! Well done you! wooo how exciting! sounds like you're nearly there now! (and why doesn't it surprise me that you need to eliminate others first, rather than just falling in love with one straight away?! lol) !!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 I'm glad y'all appreciate my work with making it to a junior member! my poor fiance--I was trying to explain it to him, and he wasn't getting it. So, I had to go into man talk, and I explained: it's like how when you start off in Call of Duty, you're a recruit, but after so many kills, you become a private. and then he understood my excitement and celebrated that's brilliant! I need a 'like' button for that!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Katie, I'm so glad you girls worked it out Oh and something else I associate with Brits: your sentence of "she was too scared to ring me" so cute hahaha how would you guys say that then?? my main ones are definitely 'awwwwsome' (makes me chuckle everytime I say it in my head lol) and 'spring break'....we don't have anything called that and when I was in Mexico in Feb/March we had some spring break people in our hotel and they had t-shirts with 'Spring Break 09' written on them and they said it in a real american-teen-movie kinda way!
  7. hey Kendra, First of all, no wedding planning is straight forward!! lol just so you're not disillusioned... what I've learnt is there's always someone with something to say about every decision you make....so the best policy is to make decisions based on what YOU both want. my family weren't overly keen on the idea, and I haven't heard the last of how much it's going to cost them to be there, but it's a 2 week holiday for them as well at the end of the day and I know they wouldn't not be there. We both phoned family members when we initially had the idea of a destination wedding and asked them all first if we did it would they come. That's a good starting block i'd say...but do just follow your heart and your wishes...this is YOUR day. Good luck
  8. ~Katie~


    hey Lisa, Welcome to the forum!! you'll find loads of useful info and tips on here congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!
  9. Welcome to the forum!! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!
  10. hey Jenn, Welcome to the forum!! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning! Moon Palace was our dream place so I'm very jealous!! lol
  11. hey, Welcome to the forum!! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!
  12. hi Christine, Welcome to the forum!! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!
  13. Welcome to the forum Andrea!! renewing your vows is such a lovely romantic thing to do! this site will no doubt help you make your mind up where to do it
  14. ~Katie~


    hey Lisa, welcome to the site! great area you chose! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  15. hey Kelly, welcome to the site! check out the posts in the RM subforum - I know there's one for Paradius brides congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  16. welcome to the site! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  17. hey Amanda. welcome to the site! great area you chose! congrats on your upcoming wedding and happy planning!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Katie, I am so glad you got everything worked out and stuck to your gut feeling. The gut feeling is almost always right, just like Amy said. Its wonderful she will still be able to share in other parts of the wedding. As you would say in your cute brit accent, "Well done!" haha! are there other words/phrases that you all associate with us Brits?? I find it fascinating that 'well done' stands out to you all...but can just imagine you all saying it in your heads in a post accent like the Queen!! lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Girls, I just wanted to tell you I got my coral shoes today and am super excited. I now have a complete outfit (well almost without jewelry) dress, veil, petticoat, and shoes! Its slowly coming together. :-) yay can you post a pic?? I wanna see!! lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 woohoo, my title changed from Noob to Junior Member!!!! lol, sorry, this is very exciting. woooooo lol I remember that feeling too so no apologies needed!!
  21. it was just now! (it's 10 pm wednesday night in the UK) and I've just got in.... my instincts and gut feeling were spot on. after I'd got over the shock of her text, I said to a few people 'knowing her as I do, she's done it as a text as she bottled calling me and hates confrontation; somethings made her rethink mexico and she added the other things about our friendship etc to justify it to herself (and me I suppose) and she didn't get me after because she just put her head in the sand.' and I was 100% correct. she couldn't believe it when I said it to her that that was what I thought because I'd got everything spot on! but we talked, and she explained it all and everything in her life that's contributed to it. I still stuck to what I said in my email and explained that it wasn't her not coming to mexico that upset me, it was the rest of what she said. she apologied for saying them and said that I was 100% right in what I said in my email to her and she understood everything I'd said. She's got a lot of crap going on atm and had just got to the point of just everything getting on top of her...sent the text...and then thought 'what am I doing? I need Katie now' but after she sent the text she was too scared to ring me because she knew she'd upset me and didn't want to hear me crying and making her realise what she'd done to me. hey, i could go on for ages, but big smiles all round and a HUGE relief from me and she wants to be involved in the rest of the wedding too. but just as importantly (get the tissues out)...I do genuinely want to say a big thank you to you all. you were all sooo supportive at a time when I felt really rubbish and you all helped me keep my hopes and head high. I won't forget it. xx <3 xx
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 That's how it seems to be with DW.com--either the TA is awesome, or it not helpful at all. I am using them, and I LOVE my TA. She has been a complete lifesaver, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even be at Azul Sensatori. I was planning to do my wedding at another resort, but she hooked me up with an awesome deal at AS, and I am SOOO grateful! on another note, I am posting like crazy on all of the boards, trying to move up to junior member! Work is super slow, so this is my new goal today, lol. nearly there! keep going!! I'm posting for my senior member status...think that may take a bit longer tho! lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Katie, Its great you are getting together and trying to work things out. You will feel better getting your feeling out in the open, no matter what the outcome is. Lots of hugs and positive thoughts. Thanks so much andrea you have all been so great!
  24. we slipped to page 4 of the threads so thought I'd bump us back up so we don't get forgotten!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 good luck Katie with the talk! I hope it goes well for you thanks Renee fingers crossed!
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