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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. hey girls, I'm not sure if anyone can help here, but anyone who's been there..... how much is it roughly for a cab into Cancun? I think AS is only 2 hotels away from OCT so they won't be much difference. Just trying to do some pricing! (FI has given me a deadline of tonight!! haha) thank you xx
  2. hey girls, does anyone know how much a cab cost from the hotel into Cancun? we're just trying to do some pricing up!! thank you so much!
  3. Ditto Wendy...they are some amazing pics and you look stunning and soooo happy! I love it! made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride Hey Katie, You look gorgeous! I love the detail on your dress! Hair and accessories look great too! Did you have your regular hair dresser do your hair so you can bring the photos to Mexico? I'm starting to think thats a great idea! Better than just printing pictures off the internet! You seemed a little stressed last week because of everything you forgot to do... hope you got alot done on the weekend! What day does your flight leave? I don't have pictures of my centre pieces... I will have to get on that! I will definitely show you them when I do! Whit hey Whit...ah thank you chick I'm so pleased with it all, and I can't wait to have it all come together on the day. Yeah I went to my normal hairdresser here in the UK as she knows my hair so well and what does and doesn't suit me and I basically gave her a few ideas I'd had/seen and she went from there! we took photos throughout the process in case they need to see how we got to the end result...now I just need to be organised and actually print them out! All the reviews I've read on OCT is that they don't speak great English (and I don't speak any spanish!!) but that they are great at recreating from photos. I would definitely recommend doing it - I feel so much better and felt like a proper princess having mine done. oh yes, I was mega stressed last week! (didn't hide it that well then! lol) it all felt really close and there was still quite a few things to do, but we got most of them done this weekend so I feel much much better thank you all (haha 'all'!!) I've got left to do is sort out my clothes, wash them all and pack them! easy! hahaha (I am secretly really worrying about this but I did start last night so it's getting there) we fly out on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!! (2nd May)....I can't believe it's THIS WEEK!!! and we get married NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!! arrrgggghhhhh
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay YEAH! I am so excited for you! Your going to have a AWESOME Wedding! Ah thanks Maggie I'm trying really hard to stay positive - forecast for the whole of this week until Monday is thunderstorms....that'd be right.....
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Sands I just booked here for February 22, 2011!!! If you have any suggestions, helpful hints that would be great. I am wondering where to have my reception, dinner and dance there? Thanks! I'll just echo the other girls...I know it's annoying, but the best bet is to read through this thread, as well as the AS ones in the planning thread. google it and look on you tube. then start asking LOADS of questions on here - we've all done it so don't be shy!!! congrats on booking your wedding too - that's one of the hardest parts!
  7. hey. when I was there last February the general rule of thumb is that topless sunbathing is fine on the beaches, but is banned within the hotel (i.e around the pool). we actually saw one girl being asked to put her top back on, and FMIL has sunbathed topless on the beach with no problems. hope this helps. I too am wearing a strapless dress....but with all the people that will be with us I think I will spend my time lying down with my straps untied!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride Thanks Ladies! I'm pretty excited about the "Margarita" theme! They are going to have stones in the bottom (blue, white & clear) with a white orcid ontop of the stones (under water) and floating candles on top. I fell in love with them... now I just need to make everyone in my bridal party take one vase in their carry on. lol I love your pink themes! I love pinks and purples... but there was no way my fiances or groomsmen would wear pink. They may have killed me if I made them do that! lol My Bridesmaids are wearing bright blue chiffon dresses (full length)... they are beautiful dresses (Wish I had one for myself lol)! My flowers are all going to be white (White roses & white calla lillies). My Fiance will be wearing beige linen pants with a white beachy dress shirt. Groomsmen are wearing the same but their shirt if bright blue (matches the bridesmaids perfectly). Now that you told me your colours and what your bridal party is wearing.... what are YOU wearing Katie? And good luck with your shopping this weekend! Hope you find everything you need! Whit wow, your centrepieces sound gorgeous! have you got any pics to share? haha my FI actually quite likes pink shirts etc anyway so I didn't have to fight on that one! plus he's in a grey suit so the grey and pink go really well with each other. and oh yes, I wish I got to wear my BM's dress too!! it's gorgeous! damn it.... and I've put photos on my post to Krystal, but it was in response to you (I got confused!!) let me know what you think!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by PinkBride Katie, I'm definitely feeling your stress! But I've actually started to calm down again...reading all these wonderful reviews has really calmed me! As long as you have your hubby and gown...everything will be perfect! Its all going to work out! I cant believe how similar our wedding scheme is! We are so alike!! My colour is also pink...ive also got a hot pink bouquet, bridesmaids are both in pink, each a different shade, and I ALSO have pink shoes to wear under my gown!! :) :) Im sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!! And Im so thankful for finding this forum when I did! It has helped so much! Goodluck Katie!!!!!!!! And to all the other brides !!!!!!!! Enjoy every second of planning and waiting....because before we know it...it will all be done!!!!!!!!!! hey Krystal ah I'm loving that our weddings are so similar! we'll have to compare pics after!! ok, so here's some of my pics of my dress and hair (as Whit asked! lol) SORRY for that being mega long!!! and I'm praying the pictures don't come out huge when I post this!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Katie, we have the same recessional song!! I wanted something super upbeat and happy, and that song always makes me smile when I hear it ahh Renee, how cool!! I feel even happier now someone else is having it too as soon as FI played it to me I just pictured us beaming back up the aisle and thought 'yeah this is it'. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Katie, so glad you got everything worked out!!! I've been doing ok, working my little bum off all day long, got 5 bags packed today with a list of everything that's in it and who's taking it. I did 8 loads of laundry too! Not only do I have a long work week but I have 4 hours of OT to do this week on top of it, ugh! well done on all your packing! you are definitely ahead of me in the packing stakes - I haven't even got my suitcase out!! tonight after work, my job is to get my suitcase out, find my Mexico clothes from last year and then work out what I've got and need! then washing!! ah man, that sucks about the O/T but I have every faith in you that everything will be done and organised and probably with time to spare! but mega happy today - FI phoned me this morning and he's soooo excited it's great and we can now say that we leave THIS WEEK!! and we get married NEXT WEEK!! Oh. my. God!!!!!!!!! haha
  11. Hi ladies! so, this time next week I and all the wedding party will be in Mexico!!!!!!!!!!! we've had quite a productive weekend and sorted the ceremony music out at long last! Processional song - Canon in D Signing the register and photos - Lucky by Jason Mraz and So unbelievable by Craig David Recessional song - Walking on sunshine! (makes me happy and upbeat just writing the title!! and very apt for Mexico!) We've also sorted out the whole playlist for the reception (3 hours) after we eat, and music to have playing in the background while we eat. We've chosen our meal options and our hors d'oeuvres Now I have a busy week as I am at work ALL week so I only have the evenings 'free' and I need to: - work out holiday clothes lol and buy any gaps I have; - sort out all the stuff we need to take for the wedding; - wait for my photo album to arrive and sort out and put together my BD photoalbum (pics arrived on Friday!); - make sure I've got EVERYTHING printed out before we go; and then I think we are done!! I THINK - probably forgotten something really important but that's all I can think of right now....it's really late here and I should have been in bed probably about 3 hours ago! i DO NOT want to be at work this week!! Amy - STOP stressing!! (I know you will be!) remember, it's likely you're worrying about things that other people won't even notice. enjoy the lead up, because I already know the day's going to be over before I know it and I'm scared it's all going to go too quickly and I'll feel like I missed it! RELAX girl, and enjoy it! xx muchos love my fellow sister bride! xx
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hiya ladies!!!!!!!!!! I'm back and we had the MOST AMAZING time!!!! AB could not have been more perfect for our wedding. I can't wait til I get my pictures and can share with you. Oddly enough, being a bride I didn't carry around my camera that day so I'm at the mercy of our families and my photog, LOL. Unfortunately, it rained and rained and rained our first 3 days there. Not just sprinkles or mist but full on side-blowing rain. We had to cancel the sailing trip (no worries for all you gals that have booked with Paradise Catamarans...full refund with no problems) and ended up renting vans to take our guests into town for dinner instead. They were getting a bit stir-crazy with the rain. BUT, somebody was looking out for us because we went to bed the night before the wedding to pouring rain and woke up to blue skies on wedding day!!!!!! The clouds rolled in around ceremony time but the first drop didn't fall until the final blessing. Perfect timing if you're going to have rain on your wedding day! I'll write a full review later with all the details but I just wanted to pop in and say that the whole experience at AB could not have been any better. Superb everything: food, staff, beaches, onsite team. Absolutely perfect! Now I've got a lot of catching up to do!!! welcome back Wendy!!!!!!!!!! so glad to hear you had a brilliant time, and the rain stopped just for you I can't wait to read your full review and see all your pictures!!! so exciting!! unfortunately you're never guaranteed good weather wherever you go but the most important thing is that you got married to the love of your life soooo happy for you! congrats MRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by rkf1046 OK, so I am a little unsure of myself now...I had a conversation with a co-worker about why would I register for gifts if I am not inviting everyone to the wedding. We are having about 25-30 people hopefully and I am inviting few work friends and not much of the our extended families. I am curious if everyone else registered. I of course don't expect that everyone will get us gifts especially those who are coming but I also know that people who aren't coming or understand the logistics of a destination wedding may want to buy us a gift. What has everyone else done? I don't see the big deal if you don't want to buy a gift than don't. The conversation just made me start second guessing our decision...I am pretty sure I read some postings about this before, but of course I can't find them. hey, not sure how useful this is but we are having a AHR back in the UK and included our gift list details with the invites. we have told people who are coming to Mexico that we don't want them to spend any more money and get us anything. Surprisingly between us we have actually had quite a few people ask us for our gift list details who are not invited to any of it, so they can buy us a gift...some people do just like to give presents to people they know getting married so I'd say do it!!! what's the harm? you could just put details on your wedding site rather than promote it to everyone and then if people want to buy gifts, they can. Quote: Originally Posted by chong Hi. My name is Chong. My fiance Darryl and I are getting marry at Azul Sensatori on October 10, 2010!!! I need some help planning the wedding. I have no idea where to start setup, music, photographer, reception, welcoming bags... there is just too much. anyone would like to share some pointers? greatly appreciate it/ welcome Chong!! congrats on picking your resort and booking your wedding date!!!!!! first pointer - take it one step at a time!! photographer would be one of the things I book first out of them...just ask away Quote: Originally Posted by linzappa Hi - I looked through this thread and didn't see any reviews of the Azuls. If some exist, could someone direct me to them? If not, could someone post something? The smaller of the two Azuls appeals to me more I think. Thanks y'all! Happy planning ps. I had a nightmare last night I couldnt' go to my own wedding as I didn't have a dress and I hadn't written my vows or speeches! I literally woke up in a cold sweat. welcome Linz!!! there is a thread on Azul Beach if that's the one you're thinking of so you should find some info there Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Hey ladies! I've been MIA so I have no clue what's going on in the thread, but I hope everyone's planning is going great! And there's probably some noobs that need to be added to the list, so if you have your wedding date just PM and I'll add it! Have a great weekend everyone! welcome back Nicole!! we missed you!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Have any past brides done seating arrangements? I am trying to figure this out and if we just end up doing all the details with the onsite coordinators this would make my life a lot easier... it's hard to seat people in an area you've never seen before! Amy get pictures off past brides or from your WC and go from there. I've had pictures of various locations with various different set ups from my WC and they've been really useful! if you don't ask..... xx Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieandJay Just to chim in that one of the big selling features for My FI is the Donkey as well. When i told him about it he said and I quote "Can I get my picture taken with it? He also pointed out that with our group the beer wouldn't be in the buckets for very long anyway so the donkey would love us more. Right now I am still picking a resort but Azul is in the lead partially due to the donkey. LOL. PS Love all the input from you ladies! I didn't even know about Azul till I tripped across this thread. welcome Maggie good luck with your search for a hotel and let us know where you end up picking!! we love to talk in this thread
  15. We haven't decided on our ceremony music yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All we have agreed on is the processional music....but not which version! no music for signing the register, witnesses or the recessional music! problem is, we have different tastes in music and we can't agree on any! oh no !!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride Hey Kaite! I'm so jealous... I wish my Wedding was 2 weeks away! lol I still have about 3.5 months to wait! I haven't seen any pictures of the rooftop terrace... did Ana send you one? The view must be amazing from up there! I am always a very organized person! lol Which is probably why I find it stressful that I am not in control of everything until I get to Mexico! lol We are getting married on the Beach, with our Reception at the Villa Marina and Margarita Lounge. My theme is "Margarita"... our centre pieces are glass vases that look like giant margarita glasses. Our colours are pretty clean and simple... Blue, White & Sand colours. What about you? What's your colour scheme/ theme? Whitney omg don't be jealous ours is that close - I'm mega stressing at the moment!! I've spent so long concentrating on the wedding (which is pretty much all sorted), that I FORGOT (!!!) all about holiday clothes etc. Now I have next to no time to sort out what I've got and what I may need to take! OOPS!! I only have this weekend really as next weekend I'm busy already on Saturday and we leave on the Sunday!! except we're pretty much all booked up for this weekend...soooo running out of time! I'm just going to have to try and be super efficient and get everything done this sunday! oh wow, I'm loving your margarita theme! it fits perfectly and is so different and unique! I love it. man I wish I was out there for your wedding! and your colours are so beach-like. its all going to be amazing! my colour theme is pink!! so I've got my bouquet in hot pink, with some ivory, BM in a strapless, floor length dark pink dress, I also have pink shoes that I may wear for some photos with my wedding dress. flower girls are in white and pink dresses, groom, best man and ushers are in dark grey suits and baby pink waistcoats. but apart from the colour we don't really have a theme. nothing stood out as one and I didn't want to force one for the sake of it! Quote: Originally Posted by Lin&Scott LOVE the "maragrita" theme! Counds very unique and perfect for Mexico! Katie - I KNOW!- it feels like yesterday I was on here wondering about what the place would be like and worrying about family stuff! Now I'm a Mrs! ..And loving it! Wait till you're at OT, man oh man it's beautiful. Now that I'm home I refer to it as "Paradise" LOL! Hubby catches me sometimes just sighing and saying, "Ahhh, to be in paradise again..." So jealous you're all going there!! Hahaha! Katie I could NOT imagine what you're going through. It gives me wrinkles and grey hairs just trying to imagine. You deserve to have the best time and as soon as you get off the plane enjoy a $1 beer on the bus ride to OT!! LOL! They're ice cold and the beginning of all your worries washing away.... Keep up the good work girls and good luck!! -Lin ah thanks Lin. All the planes are going again now so I'm not worrying about it for now. they've got some back log to clear but it's 10 days until we go and in my mind that's plenty of time to get back to normal! I know...I am just dreaming of getting on that plane...I don't care that it will be 9am, I'm having a stiff drink as soon as I can! haha the end is in sight or should i say the beginning?!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Ok girls, finally updated some pix of my hair trial... excuse the cheese smile in the last one and my nose looks huge... anyways, here's the rough idea: ohmygod Amy - wow! it looks stunning. the style really suits you and I love the curl detail are you happy with it? I think it looks fab and totally is you!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride I was definitely happy to hear Ana is amazing in person. I am much more patient with her now. lol What I surprise... bet you never thought you needed to worry about a valcano cancelling flights! My fingers and toes are crossed for you! Hopefully it clears up before your flight! I heard today, that some flights are starting to leave certain areas in Europe? Other than this dilema... are you all ready for the wedding? Where are you getting married (beach, lobby terrace,etc)? Where are you having your reception? I'm getting there with my planning... I have my dress/accessories, bridesmaids dresses, groom and groomsmens attire, centre pieces (that I am bring to Mexico with me) and a few other things. So I'm done most of the big stuff! Still need to sort out some options/pricing with Ana. We are also bringing "welcome bags" for all of our guests with different things inside (including a letter from my Fiance and I, and all the info they need for the week), so I still need to get all of that together. Other than that its just bridal party gifts and a bunch of small things that need to be done still. Whitney hey Whitney, Yeah other than that I am pretty ready. not much left to do now, just the small things tbh the wedding in Mexico has been the easy bit - it's the AHR that's caused the most stress!! we're having our ceremony on the rooftop terrace and then undecided about the reception at the moment - we're going to check it out and when we get there and make a decision then. as there's only 19 of us it's not too difficult to move us around I don't think. and wow! you sound super organised! you've got loads done already! you must be ahead of schedule. still, I wished I had been so I could have enjoyed the build up with everyone else. what's your colour scheme and theme? if you have either! Quote: Originally Posted by Lin&Scott GOOD LUCK KATIE!! I am thinking of you and sending you all the best! Talk about a hitch before the wedding knowone could have expected! Everything's going to be Ok, you'll get out of there on time, safe and sound! Your day's going to be so special and beautiful! Best of luck, have a "Miami Vice" for me!! -Lin awww thanks Lin! we miss you on here! I can't believe it was back in November you got married....it feels like it was last week we were all wishing you good luck! and yes, the planes started flying again last night so 11 days should be plenty of time to clear the back log of people and let ours go without a hitch. (you couldn't have imagined it could you??!!) I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!
  19. Roo they are AMAZING pics!! I wish I'd done mine with FYEO! and I spotted the car calender/magazine in there too they were well worth the money - they look classy and super hot. amazing! well done you!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Ok chickies, if you want to be a part of the list, let me know and I'll add you!! STARTING Monday, April 19th 2010 ENDING Monday, May 3rd 2010 We will check in with what is done either as it’s done or every other Friday and start a new list Katie's to-do's: finalise songs for ceremony - work out and drink more water - check wedding dress fits inwedding dress box for plane - make meal choices and confirm to WC - buy photo album for my BD pics (should receive pics soon) - gift ideas for parents and best man and BM - finalise all catering details with AHR - to go Costco to buy sweets for AHR wedding favours - make up a wedding dance - confirm details for cake topper for AHR - try on holiday clothes from last February to see what still fits! - start packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - sort out details and outfit for hen night on Saturday!!! - make meal choices and confirm to WC - buy gift for my brother (he's doing our photos at our AHR) - gift ideas for parents and best man and BM sorry to be a pain Amy - the last 4 on mine are duplicates or done from my last list I thought about leaving them on there just so it looked like I got more done but I couldn't!! haha thanks hun
  21. sorry, last post! lol Amy - I love love love that pic of your shoes and dress! how artistic! how did your hair trial go? do we get to see pics?? oh and a bit of volcanic dust....cue all the comments under the sun about 'that's what you get for getting married abroad'; 'this wouldn't have happened if you were getting married here'!! arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE JUST SOD OFF!!!!!!!!! meh - I'm over it! lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 Sorry I have been MIA these past couple of weeks, things have been crazy busy in between work and school! Finally have some time to catch up on all the posts! Katie, way to stay optimistic! Sending good thoughts your way and I'm sure all the ash will clear up!! These past few months have been rough. I'm not trying to sound selfish in any way, but with one of my BM's fiance's passing away, and my other BM just informed me she is getting a divorce, I have felt so guilty about being happy for my own wedding. I just wasn't feeling excited about it, but my mom has been keeping me pumped about it. Both of my BM have tried to help, but I feel too guilty to talk about my wedding with them. That is why you girls are here, lol. welcome back Renee and thank you for your kind wishes and thoughts - I may need every single one! and no way do you sound selfish. you only get to do this once, and it is all about you and your FI so you have every right to be happy and excited. you'd regret it if when you look back you just remember all the bad stuff. I agree with the others that possibly those bridesmaids are not going to be best to help you get excited, but you never know - people cope with things in the strangest way and maybe having something to do to distract them may even help. speak to them and find out what they want - do they find it too difficult to hear all about it, or is it a welcome distraction? this way you are being sensitive and it helps you know what your boundaries are. hope this helps, and good luck! at least your mum's getting excited about it!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda LAST WEEKAmyBermuda’s to do’s: 1.Reception Songs: Intro/1st dance/Cake Cutting - DONE 2.Print Pix for Table #s and Mount them - Whoops - still need to do this one with the escort cards too 3.Finish Who's who booklet - DONE - only need to print 4.Start Welcome Letter - Yeah I "started"... 5.Make appts for makeup, hair, and podiatrist - DONE woo hoo Here are my new ones - AmyBermuda’s to do’s: 1. Finish Menu Cards assembly 2. Print & Assemble Programs 3. Order Whos Who and Welcome letters to be printed from FedEx Kinkos in Boston 4. Table # Cards - printed and assembled 5. Escort Cards - printed & assembled 6. Get dress altered I will be 3 weeks away once this is completed so last few things only (hopefully) OMG Amy, yours is sneaking up fast girl!!! I hadn't even realised you were so close behind me and Amy! are you next on here after us? Good luck! I don't know about you but the closer we get the less head space I seem to have to function!! I keep getting forgetful and clumsy and tired...it's just as well we're getting married so soon or I might end up having a breakdown! atm I'm only managing on average 5 and a half hours sleep a night....and that includes the weekends as we're so busy. so apologies if I seem a bit doolally! haha
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Hey ladies, just checking in to be excited for you upcoming brides!!! So exciting and AMY i am dying to see a pic of your livingroom lol Katie, YOUR GOING TO MEXICO TO BE MARRIED, sending you no doubts only positive thoughs.... Thanks Amy....that's what I'm hoping!! I'm only going to start panicking if there's still no flying this time next week. Until then, it's business as usual! It wouldn't be a destination wedding without a bit of drama before we go!! haha
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride Thanks Katie! I have gone back and forth with Ana a lot already... it just takes her so long to reply and her responses are usually short. If I have any specific questions I will definity ask! Your getting married pretty soon... how is your planning going? Whitney hey Whitney, definitely don't worry about Ana's emails - we all know it's frustrating but once I found out that she's the one who's running around like a headless chicken trying to make every brides wedding day perfect, I accepted it is what it is, because when I'm there I'll want her to be doing that for me. so patience is a virtue and you will be thankful when you're there well the planning is going really well - its the doubts over whether we'll be able to fly or not that's causing the problems! volcanic ash has stopped all flights in and out of the UK. everyday they're saying they'll be flying the next day and it keeps getting postponed. still, we've got 12 days until we fly so we're all praying it will all be sorted by then! how's your planning going? what have you sorted and what have you got left?
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