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Everything posted by ~Katie~

  1. hey Jackie, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
  2. hey, welcome to the site Great choice of destination! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
  3. hey, welcome to the site take time to have a look through this site - there's plenty of info! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
  4. hey Summer, welcome to the site I hope everything works out for your location. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
  5. hey, welcome to the site hope you can make a decision with all the info on here! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
  6. ~Katie~


    hey Monica, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  7. hey chrissy, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  8. hey, welcome to the site. check out the sub-forum threads on those 2 hotels - Good luck! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!
  9. hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  10. hey Leah, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  11. hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  12. hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  13. ~Katie~

    Newbies mom

    hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your daughters upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  14. hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  15. hey Nunu, welcome to the site....I feel the same, this site's a god send! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  16. hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  17. hey Candice, welcome to the site. congrats on your sisters upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  18. hey Mandi, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  19. ~Katie~


    hey, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  20. hey Lisa, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  21. hey Amanda, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  22. hey Angela, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  23. hey Amy, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  24. ~Katie~

    PV newbie!

    hi Rachel, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
  25. hey Shannon, welcome to the site. congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING
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