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Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz MAN!!! I am totally missing out on all the fun convos while I am driving all over the freakin state all day! oh well! This week has been HELL!!! (ie: work, FI not cooperating with wedding stuff...there's a shocker, huh?!?, etc etc etc) SO I am skipping the gym and heading to happy hour! I do NOT condone this ladies!!!!!!!!!! So, instead of burning 1000 calories, I will be consuming calories...IDIOT! oh well..I need it! I'll catch up with all these posts later on! xoxo haha don't worry lindz...the stress of your week will have burned off calories anyway so you've more than earned you drink(s)!! GO ENJOY!
oh I'm so glad you all have the same thing (not that you're all bickering but you know what I mean!!) probably doesn't help that not living together means we try and do wedding stuff on our own or over the phone during the week and then spend the weekend trying to look for a place to live! I've now started thinking...'what the hell are we going to talk about once we have actually had the wedding and have nothing to organise'?? lol but Fi did say today that he knows everything will get better once we are living together as we'll have more time together so we'll get to spend time just us, and then other time on wedding things
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Yes! I would love that! What time is your wedding on Friday? I have a welcome cocktails thing @ 7:30pm for my guests. ceremony is at 4pm, then hors d'oeuvres (again, sp??) and cocktails while we have photos, then the meal, and then our private reception for a few hours, and then onto one of their bars!! oooooo it's all soooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by finleys7 Here are 10 tips I found, because I think we ALL think about these things. Ten Tips on How to Feel Relaxed & Sexy when being Photographed 1. Focus on Having Fun Make your goal to have fun, not to get great shots - that’s my job Everyone looks their best when they’re genuinely having a great time. 2. Visualize I know this is very Tony Robbins of me, but he’s not the only one who recognizes the power of visualization. Make it a practice to see the experience of having a great time, feeling sexy, everything going smoothly, seeing the photos and loving them. Be specific and visualize from your point of view, as if you’re in it. 3. Get Inspired Look at movies and art for inspiration, tear pages out of magazines and begin to recognize your style and sensibility… what is sexy to you? This will help you communicate with your photographer and help guide the shoot. 4. Show Up With All You’ve Got When I say show up, I don’t mean to just show up. Bring it. And be open. Karen deserves all the credit for the success of her shoot, because she showed up, really stretched way outside her comfort zone and gave it all she had. 5. Be Sensual Use your five senses during the shoot: play music, have a bite of chocolate, a sip of wine, put on a favorite scent, wear a kick-ass outfit you feel great in, and think of memories that make you blush, smile, and sweat… Do everything and (well, almost) anything that gets you hot. 6. Be Silly Any shyness tends to go right out the window after the first few minutes or so of being silly. I am the biggest ham during a shoot, and I embarrass myself frequently (not always on purpose), but this serves me well as it usually puts everyone at ease. Just goof off and have fun! See how outrageous and silly you can be - it’s easier for the photographer to tone you down, rather than fire you up! 7. Create Movement I often hear but I don’t know how to pose. Well that’s good, let’s not do that! Create a little action, however, so there’s energy in every shot. C’mon you all know how to flirt! If you’re on a shoot with me, I can show you some sexy moves (hey hey). 8. Remember the Context The sheer fact that you’re in front of the camera being photographed is damn sexy… it’s powerful and vulnerable at the same time, which is an unbeatable combo - enjoy it! 9. Fake It I’m not telling you to fake the real deal, but if you don’t feel 100% confident and sexy while on a photo shoot, FAKE it. Works every time. 10. Be Yourself Honor who you are, in this moment. Don’t wait to lose a few pounds. (Besides, I’m a pro at retouching, and Photoshop is the best personal trainer in the world - more on that in another post!) But it’s important that you FEEL sexy, so if working out for a few weeks is going to do that, then great. But let’s not wait for all the planets to be aligned and your bangs to be the right length. The time is now. You are sexy and beautiful just as you are. Wow, thank you so much for sharing that as well...I'm going to print that out a few weeks before I go so I know them off by heart! Brilliant advice
omg, all these posts about FI has made my night!! (it's 11pm in the UK) I'm soooo not laughing at you, but you all telling your stories has been hilarious lol i have to give credit where credits due, FI seems to have been much more involved that most on here...but don't kid yourselves that that's necessarily a good thing!! it's only because he has to have an opinion on absolutely everything (even if he knows nothing about it) and just means we have to 'discuss' every single little detail. you're all getting 'YOUR' day...I'm getting chris's!! lol (ok bit of an exaggeration but just giving a different perspective from someone who's FI is the opposite!) I can't remember who said it on here but it did remind me of my FI - I do all the legwork and DIY stuff, and then he looks at it and states all the things he doesn't like about it and what i should do with it to make it better!! it's like he's my boss!! the jobs i've given him to do I have no idea how he's doing with them coz everytime I ask him what's happening with them he tells me 'to chill out and stop hassling him - he's got it all under control'....AARRRGGGGHHHH that makes me panic even more!! haha lol but I do know he's started on his speech and he's taking it really, really seriously so I'll take the rest with a pinch of salt anybody else find that the closer you get to the wedding, the more arguments you have?? we've been bickering over stupid things (both of us) most of this week!! think we're both stressing a bit and I've not slept through the night for the past 2 weeks so i'm tired and probably a bit ratty too. for gods sake...who'd get married?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! hehe
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Ooo good question, I don't know where they live. I know! I wish you'd come crash my wedding, that would be awesome Absolutely, I'll be out there Monday, May 3rd with my laptop so let me know if you want to meet oh oh oh, you have to find out!! We will defo have to try and meet up, it will be great! you should so come and check out my hotel too!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert taylorwd, THANKS, ill check into that for sure? Do you mind me asking how much you guys paid?? OH and girls, somthing really funny.... we decided to dance our way down the isle... OMG this is going to be so fun. My bridesmaid is a chorographer and shes putting our fun dance together right now, were alll dancing down to good night by black eyed p's!!! here is our inspiration: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. then search jk wedding entrance LOL, AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so excited to have some fun!!!! And only 2 ppl in the wedding party know as of today, im having a wedding party meeting here at my house next week and im serving margaritas and then were going to play the youtube video of a regular traditional ceremony, then play them a dance one and say you pick one!! lol! im super geeked! hopefullly we get everyone into it. Thank god i have a fun group of ppl in my wedding right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, that's soooo cool! I saw that vid on you tube a little while ago actually, i love it!! I need someone to choreograph (sp??!) our first dance but I do not know any dancers! don't want anything fancy, just a few steps to do for the chorus and we can sway through the verses!!
Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart OMG I should!!! FI has family out there as well!! I would LOVE to meet you oh wow...where does his family live? maybe I know them!! haha I know, me too!! It's going to be soooo weird being in Mexico knowing you're there too and so close! and for once, we'll be in the same time zone too!! lol never know, could end up 'bumping' into you round Playa Del Carmen or Cancun!!
Quote: Originally Posted by gingerlover36 Hello all... I am totally new to forums/dwf/etc. and pretty much have no idea what I am doing. I am prob going to the Azul in March to check it out. Right now it is our top choice for our wedding next year. If anyone has pictures or advice I would greatly appreciate it! Or if you could let me know how accommodating the staff at Sensatori is? Prices? Etc... This is all so overwhelming at first!!! hey, welcome to our thread the girls are soooo helpful and I'm sure you'll be flooded with info from them in no time. Do have a look through the thread (I know it's a lot!!) or do a search on it because there is tons of really, really helpful info on here that i'm sure would be invaluable to you. Good luck!
Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz SO sorry you are stressed!! I went to bed in tears last night, so I totally understand!!!! Have you talked to him about it? He probably has NO clue that he needs to finish them ASAP. Maybe put a lil fire under his booty! Or give him a "prize" if he completes them...tell him you will buy him something or take him to do his fav thing or whatever, as soon as he gets them done. Guys seem to need that kind of motivation...unfortunately! If you don't think he will get them done, can you move on the plan B? Let us know how we can help you!!!! oh no Lindz why did you go to bed in tears?? big hug and squeeze
oh and I emailed my BD photog and asked her for some advice so thought I'd share her response with you all too...... Outfits are really up to you, but I'd recommend lingerie, (Basques and corsets are generally more flattering than bra/knicker sets, but it all depend on the poses), stockings and suspenders, sexy nightwear, (silk nightdresses, silk wraps, teddies) plus accessories such as fishnets and seamed stockings, jewellery, high heels, long gloves etc. Some ladies like to go for a burlesque or vintage theme with fishnets, hats, a fan etc., or bring an evening dress to wear with stockings and heels. We can also do some covered topless and implied nudes if you would like, all very subtly posed and lit, although exactly how much flesh you choose to show will of course be entirely up to you! The more you bring the better, as we can go though and choose on the day. She's been so great so far and I can't wait to meet her - she's totally voided all my worries I had (and that was quite a few!) I feel comfortable with her already!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege These sessions are so much fun. The biggest advice is to loosen up. So if that means, bringing your BFF with so that you guys can giggle, or drinking a glass of wine, just do it! I've had brides do shots before the session and it started at 10am!!! Next, accessories! The veil and long necklace are great ideas. I've also had brides bring along footballs, helmets (motorcycle), fun pillows, etc. Some other fun ideas are a karma sutra book, a "look" (such as a catholic school teacher with Brittany Spears short skirt, tied white belly shirt, glasses, a ruler, and a book), red lipstick to write on a mirror with (or kiss), and bubble bath. omg the football idea is great - my FI and I are both huge huge football fanatics (soccor to you guys lol)....problem is, we support different teams!! maybe I could compromise on an England football top and a football?? thanks everyone for all the fantastic ideas so far - you are all majorly putting my worries at ease and the excitement is starting to kick in!! ooo that smiley made me think of another prop - a red lollipop!
Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Uggghh, I am so stressed today...I think the most stressed i've been in quite a while. We are making our own invites (supposed to have been sent out January 1st) and they still are not made. My FI was really excited about them in the beginning and had an idea of what he wanted, so I let him basically choose what we did for the invites. Over christmas I said we needed to get them done, and it never happened. Then he promised that he would work on them this weekend and get a good chunk done (I have been working on the already pretty much on my own)....that didn't happen. Last night he said he would do them....he cut 10 pieces of paper and glued them, and some of them he even glued on crooked! He is extremely artsy and probably more capable than I am of making them look nice. I'm so frustrated because I went with his idea for the invites, and he isn't even making much of an effort to do them! Sorry for ranting, but just needed to vent. Aside from that, I have such a stressful job this year and when I come home from school and see that the invites weren't done, I'm not in a good mood! ahh Megan it's frustrating, totally....(this is a prime example of why women plan the wedding!) If it were me, I'd say, do them, or I'm ordering some! harsh I know, but if you genuinely don't think he's ever going to do them and you've asked him loads, it's just not worth the stress of a constant battle. plus you don't want to fall out over wedding invites. get on vista print and go with your idea initially! GOOD LUCK!
hey ladies, I have booked my photoshoot now - 24th March! and I'm bricking it already lol think I'll be spending a lot of time going through all these pages!! congrats to all you girls who have done it already, you all look super HOTT and I just hope mine turn out half as good as yours! I started this thread just to get tips from people who've been on what they are glad they took with them or things they wished they'd had with them....I need to feel like I am as prepared as possible or I'll worry even more, and I'm so likely to forget something that would probably seem really obvious to somebody else!! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...toshoot-53876/ Thanks girls
I'm all booked up for 24th March!! and I'm petrified already!! lol I'll be sifting through this thread for tips and ideas....and I also started a thread for people to give me their top tips on things to take (slightly different to this one about poses!) thought it might be helpful for others who panic like me about trying to think of all options of things you can take!!! I'll find the link and post it here too. and congrats to everyone on here who's had photos done already - all your photos look HOT HOT HOT and I am just praying mine turn out half as good!
hi Janine, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
hi Crystal, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
hi Vanessa, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
hi Susanna, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
hi Nicola, welcome to the site you will get loooaddds of info from here so you're at the right place! congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!
hi Brooke, welcome to the site congrats on your upcoming wedding and HAPPY PLANNING!!