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Everything posted by ndinn

  1. I love your STD's. I love the magnet idea where people can see it on their fridge and be reminded about it. I think I am defnitally going to do something like this.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk yay michele!! i'm so glad you started this thread! i have watched the threads for several 2009 months go by just hoping ours would get started some day soon! i just squeak in under the wire in april since i'm getting married on the 28th. we have the resort booked and an american pastor that's in PC on a mission trip is going to be performing our ceremony and we've got him all set up as well. we JUST got our packages set up about a week ago with flights and all that, so invitations are getting put together now and they should go out soon! i hope people will start to book right away, but they never work on your time table, do they? i also have the dress, shoes, accessories and we're working on FI right now. he just found the perfect fedora from express so i think that will be the highlight of wedding planning for him! my photog is stephany from eyespy (she did tvt's pictures as well) and she is flying in from MN in july to do engagement pics. other than that i've been getting together stuff for OOT bags and centerpieces. i am a CPA and my life is nuts for the first 3 months of the year so the goal is to be as done as possible before the end of the year! michele, are you going to include your TA's info on the invitations as well? maybe that would help remind everyone to get their butts in gear and start booking!! We are getting married at Dreams PC too!! We will be leaving here April 23. The actual wedding date is not finalized yet but we have to be there for 3 days before the wedding. We leave on a Friday so they say travel day does not count. And for some reason Sunday does not count as a day either? I'm not sure why. So it will either have to be the 28th or 29th. Maybe we'll be married on the same day!! We only booked two days ago. I feel like I am light years behind eveyone else in terms of planning. I have no idea what to do about STD's. I like the fridge magnet idea. I guess I should get on that pretty soon. We we originally going to go with RIU Palace PC but I was reading reviews and something didn't feel quite right about it. I am happy with our choice.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sap Congratulations Nancy! Good for you guys for not giving into a having the big wedding that you may not necessarily want! We are actually seriously considering Dreams in Punta Cana as well, for July 2010. Have you set everything up already? The WC do take some time to respond, but from what I have learned from BDW forums...don't stress it, they will make it happen Have you visited the resort? My FI and I are planning to check it out this August, since we already made plans for a vacation at another resort this year (pre-engagement) so it's kind of a good coincidence that we got engaged prior to our vacation. I'd be happy to check out anything for you if needed! PM me if so. Best of Luck! Thanks so much! We only booked it two days ago so I have not been in contact with anyone yet. I will defnitally be contacting you when you come back from the resort to get the scoop on the place. If I think of any questions before then I will PM you. Thanks again!
  4. Hi Everyone! My name is Nancy and my fiance and I will be getting married at the Dreams Punta Cana resport in Dominican Republic April 2010. We have been engaged for over a year and had a big at home wedding for 300 guests planned but we decided to scrap that idea and go with a DW. We are very pleased with our choice. We only confirmed the location two days ago. I am so excited! This site is very addictive!! It is great!
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