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Everything posted by courtney_b00

  1. Hey girls so I need some serious help on the wording for my invitations. I am making 2 different invitations--the first is for my destination wedding and the second is for my at home reception. In the first invitation, I needing to include the obvious-date time location. The part I'm having trouble with is 1) we're having a small beach reception right afterwards in the same location--it's just including finger foods, cake, and punch. 2) we're having an at home reception and I also want to include this on the first invitation. I can't figure out how to word these 2 things into the invitation. The second invitation, like I said is for the at home reception. I don't know hwo to word it at all. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Wow the cousin apparently doesn't know what the word "etiquette" is. That's ridiciulous. I wouldn't send them a gift at all. If I sent anything, it would be a letter saying that they should have sent you an invite!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by BlissfulMsMiranda I got iron-on decals from Etsy for a great price and DIYed my MOH and FG tanks - and my MOH bought be the BRIDE tank from Victoria's Secret. The DIY route is great though - and there are so many affordable options on Etsy! And if you're not comfortable creating your own with rhinestones you can always ask for custom-made designs from the sellers on Etsy (best website EVER by the way). Hey do you remember who the sellers were that you bought this stuff from on Etsy?
  4. Omg those are so beautiful. Definitely hard to pick which ones to get large for your house...I think it depends where you're planning on putting them. #1 would be good for a bedroom. #4 & 5 are beautiful with all the things in the background. Ugh..they really are all so good, good luck picking!
  5. Wow you put in a lot of hardwork and it definitely paid off. Everything looked amazing I can't wait to use some of these ideas.
  6. Wow we might just have to call you Martha Stewart lol! That is awesome you've been able to do this. I can't wait to see pictures!
  7. Wow those look great. Guests will definitely love receiving them.
  8. I also love this website. I love using the budget tool to keep track of everything & to stay organized. I found some great vendors on this site too--my photographer, videographer, & makeup/hair person!
  9. So excited!!! I had to work all day & I finally got to watch the trailer. It is such a teaser.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 oh my god i love the contrast b/t MOB and MOG!!! that's horrible, put on a jacket lady!! Haha I know, isn't it inappropriate? I heard from so many people that went to the wedding that they though the MOG looked so nice and well the MOB did NOT. Ugh she's gross.
  11. Ok I thought of something to share....this was my stepsister's wedding in December, which I did not attend. Let's just say I do not get along with my stepfamily at all, so I love being able to share this with everyone. My stepmom is close to 60 years old, but thinks she is 20 and dresses like it. This wedding, like I said, took place in December...in Indiana, so it was quite cold. Here is the MOB...in her dress lighting the candles in front of the ENTIRE church & everyone attending. (She is on the left) How inappropriate and trashy is that? If that was my mom, I would slap some sense into her & make her put on a jacket! Nothing against tattoos, I have one, but I know when it should be covered up.
  12. Ok I thought of something to share....this was my stepsister's wedding in December, which I did not attend. Let's just say I do not get along with my stepfamily at all, so I love being able to share this with everyone. My stepmom is close to 60 years old, but thinks she is 20 and dresses like it. This wedding, like I said, took place in December...in Indiana, so it was quite cold. Here is the MOB...in her dress lighting the candles in front of the ENTIRE church & everyone attending. (She is on the left) How inappropriate and trashy is that? If that was my mom, I would slap some sense into her & make her put on a jacket! Nothing against tattoos, I have one, but I know when it should be covered up.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by litl_april MwaHaHaHaHa...the tackyweddings.com reminded me of a friends wedding in which I was MOH. So, she was sending me all sorts of links to pictures for inspiration of things she wanted to do...for decor and all that. Suddenly I get a link from tackyweddings and her saying she just LOVES this idea and absolutely must have it at her reception! Oh, so freaking hilarious!!! I about died of laughter that it came from that website of all places. For those who wonder why I did not try to stop her, she is the type who will not alter her decisions once she's made up her mind on something...and if you try to say something against that mind-set, she gets very P.O.'d and won't talk to you for a week or more haha. So yeah, I let it be. Granted, I'll give her credit in that it wasn't anything really horrid, perhaps just something that might be considered "childish". I don't know, you can be your own judges lol. It was a balloon arch styled Cinderella's carriage over her cake table. I primarily just got a good laugh out of it coming from a website you'd think people wouldn't want to get ideas from!!! Lol I know which picture you're talking about. That is awesome. I actually sent that link to my sister & cousin & told them that's the cake I wanted...they didn't believe me but it was still funny.
  14. Looks great. I like the fact that you added the dice in to really show your personality.
  15. Hey welcome to the forum! Good luck with your planning-you'll find tons of information here. Not to sound ignorant, but where is Sayulita? lol
  16. I love them, they are so cute. I really wanted to do engagement pictures in the snow but I never got around to finding a photographer & I never knew how to schedule it for when it snowed...oh well.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Mallory57 Ugh of course! Always raising the prices on something!! Thanks for the info! I agree! Why don't they quit raising prices on stuff, especially now when people are already having money/job issues, and cut back on GIVING money away. Urgh...
  18. I sent out STD magnets about a year in advance along with a letter explaining why we chose to do a DW and with our wedding website, which gives travel info., etc. I sent STD's to all of our immediate family and then to a few friends. I know most of the people won't be able to attend, but I knew some family members would cause a big stink if they didn't get a STD and someone else did. As for the invitations, I plan to do the same. Send them out to the same people who got the STD's. I am also having an AHR and I plan to invite a ton more people like family friends, friends not invited to the wedding. I will probably do simpler invitations for this. Good luck figuring it out.
  19. Yikes! Thanks for the heads up. I have my passport & it's still good, but the FI has to get his yet. I'm not quite sure what to do to go about getting it, but after reading this I'll be doing it sooner.
  20. I am a Mikaella bride When I was shopping for "the dress", I kept going back to Paloma Blanca & Mikaella dresses because they are so gorgeous! I can't even remember how many dresses I tried on by other designers and none of them were "right". They felt kind of cheap, if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, there was no way I could get a Mikaella or Paloma dress with my budget. Here is the story of how I got a Mikaella gown...for free! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...america-52611/ It was just discontinued in October, so I can't find a picture of it from the designer. Once I get it altered, I'll post pictures!
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