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Everything posted by *kellis*

  1. No, I don't even want to put myself in that position. There is a really thin line between flirting, emotional attachment, and cheating. Don't even wanna get close. Would you ever tell a friend's significant other if you knew they were cheating?
  2. Nah, unless the bride was a close friend and it was her brother doing it with a bridesmaid(something I kind of worry about at my own wedding). Would you ever make bets on how long a marriage would last?
  3. I have to confess that the thought has crossed my mind many times this week to just call the whole thing off. FI and I are stressed out of our mind with money problems, he just got laid off again(3rd time this year, the places he hasn't gotten jobs at keep going out of business or downsizing) and I'm not sure how much more of this our relationship can take. It's one thing after another, having to replace tires, his truck won't start, health problems, and now this job situation. Every time we save a little bit for the wedding, we have to spend it again on the next crisis. Every few weeks we have to take a step back and reevaluate our relationship because we've gotten so snarky with each other and lost our "us" focus. On top of all that there is so much family drama going on with my side of the family that I'm just drained and kind of don't even want to have a wedding anymore. I'm one passive aggressive comment or guilt trip away from just going to the justice of the peace. We got engaged 4 months ago, we're supposed to be getting married around June 2010 and I have gotten NOTHING done. We have changed locations twice to accommodate our families, still don't have a budget because my father keeps making demands for location, date, weather etc. but doesn't want to just give me a set amount he would like to contribute. He would be so offended if I just asked him to not contribute but he won't make a commitment to anything. Then this week we got in a big argument (not about wedding stuff but about a lot of family politics that hasn't been talked about for YEARS) and I was at the point of just having the wedding in a backyard and asking my stepfather to walk me down the aisle. Then FI helped me cool off and realize that if I did anything like that(though it might be deserved), my father's whole side of the family might not talk to us for 20 years. Not worth it. Sorry to verbally puke on all of you but I just am at the end of my rope. I'm exhausted emotionally and mentally and am just so tired of stressing about money. This wedding isn't fun for me anymore. It's doesn't even feel like it's about me and FI anymore. I just don't know what to do.
  4. I find it funny she hasn't come on here yet to try to offer more excuses like the other thread.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by kris I too am going to wear my wedding dress all night!!!! It's sooooooo beautiful and the cremeony is like 30 minutes...why in the world would I buy a dress for only the ceremony? Im even contemplating sleeping in it haha Not so sure FI would go for that
  6. We finally found our location this week and as we were walking around the resort, I just knew that the 1st one would just be perfect. Funny how that works. I knew once we found the place everythiung else would fall into place.
  7. I think they're amazing. But if you want to do something more beachy and don't want it to clash, why don't you do a more formal looking starfish design? Maybe in like a silver or the same color as those scrolls?
  8. I didn't know TA's did that. I'll have to hint this to FI since he's driving me nuts not booking our honeymoon yet. But I promised him I would let him plan that so I need to stop trying to control it...*breathe*
  9. I would wear your wedding dress. I may be getting another dress but only because FI and I are choreographing a dance and I'm really thinking my fitted dress won't do too well with that. But then I would probably change right back into my wedding dress unless I absolutely love the dance dress as much as my wedding dress.
  10. no but that's because I need it for other heath issues, not just to not get preggo. Plus I'm pretty sure he'd be more likely to try to get me to forget to take them. Would you ever...hire a wedding coordinator? I know, lame question but I'm thinking about it and wondering if it's worth the investment.
  11. That is just her last ditch effort to give you a guilt trip and make you feel like you're being the bad friend. It's crap and don't believe it for a minute. Any grown woman should be able to deal with conflict like this and take responsibility for her actions and realize that she has pushed you away with her constant criticism of everyone around her. I hate to say it hun but if she was like that about other people chances are she has or its only a matter of time before she starts picking you apart like that to your face or behind your back. No one needs that, especially not you who is trying to plan a wedding.
  12. Just saw this thread and just wanted to say, good for you. I know how hard it is to confront a bad friend and you should be breathing a sigh of relief that you got it over with now instead of doing so at your wedding and having to sooth the hurts of your other friends and family that she caused. Things like this make me so incredibly thankful that I parted ways with a best friend that was very negative and controlling about two months before I got engaged. I can't imagine dealing with her crap while planning a wedding.
  13. Welcome to the forum! Nice to see Arizona represented a little more Any location yet?
  14. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Sounds like this company really needs to get their act together when it comes to shipping. Or maybe just not do business out of their local area because obviously they put more time and energy in the events they do locally. Either that or they just have a debilitating case of procrastination. I usually believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt but I seriously doubt anyone on BDW will do business with this lady after knowing that she did this again after she told everyone she finally had everything under control.
  15. Oh okay, well if you want to PM me your information that would be great. I have a huge blended family and so does FI and they all have some part in the planning or wedding so I could use all the help I can get keeping everyone on the same page and where their supposed to be. Plus, all this time I've been going to bridal shows and gathering information on vendors in CA, not AZ so I could definitely use help with that.
  16. I'm using Butterfly Kisses for my stepdad and I because that was "our song" when I was little and I had it on a cassette tape and it still makes me cry. As for my dad and I, we're doing I Loved Her First just because it is a beautiful song and it just fits my dad lol. Only think I can't figure out is how I'm going to dance with both of them, still gotta figure all that out! FI and FMIL are dancing to a Simple Man cover by Shinedown, not sure what the exact significance is but they picked it out.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Malisa I sure was. I live right up the road. A friend of ours took advantage of their "staycation special" and booked a poolside room for $89 on a Friday night. The food was great, the pool area is lovely and rooms are luxurious. It's a great choice. I don't know what you were planning to do for photos but you have some great locations in AZ, using Hells Pass, on your way to Globe, or Sedona, or Saguaro Lake (or all of the above). I know that our photographer has been wanting to get out here and climb....we'd be happy to house him for you if you wanted to bring him out (DREAMTIME IMAGES WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - Colorado, California and destination wedding photographers serving Denver, Aspen, Vail, Beaver Creek, Estes Park, Boulder, Santa Barbara, Steamboat Springs, Colorado Springs, San Luis Obispo, Cambria, Phoenix, B). Oh pretty please let me help. There are so many great things that you could do right here in town! 89 dollars? I so wish I would have caught that promotion, when we were there we just really wanted to get a room and make a weekend of it:) I will definitely check him out. I had a photographer that I really wanted to use but he is in pretty high demand I think and since we'd be getting married three months sooner I'm not so sure he'll be available. Just walking around that place I saw so many places that would look incredible in pictures. But I've been thinking about that today and I'm considering doing a TTD session in somewhere like Sedona maybe. I would love some help. I have a great family friend that is a florist but everything else I'm starting from scratch! This may sound like a silly question but I saw the Vendor banner for you but couldn't figure out what it is you do.
  18. Thanks ladies! And Jenny, yeah I kind of see it that way too. I think it's funny that I've met people that have come here to Scottsdale to have a DW, doesn't seem that amazing when I've been Arizona born and raised but I guess most people who live in a tourist destination feel that way.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Malisa I love the Montelucia. We were there just a few weekends ago. Let me know if you need any help. Were you really? They seem like they really cater to weddings, with the chapel and the bridal suite and lawn. I can't wait to go take an official tour, just waiting for someone to get back to me. I would love to see some pictures of actual weddings there if you know where I could find that. The only thing that I have to start completely over from scratch with is our STD's. Somehow the names written in the sand thing doesn't really go anymore, maybe I'll do it anyway because we went through all the trouble of doing it in CA and I just love the way they look. And now I have around 6 months to plan the wedding instead of 9. Oh boy.
  20. As much as I hate to say it, FI and I have made the decision to NOT have a destination wedding. It has just felt like there is so much working against us, budget issues plus a lot of stress with family politics and limitations(including their inability to travel very far). We have always said that family is the most important thing to use, that the wedding is for our families, if it was just the two of us, we could be anywhere as long as we are marrying each other. So every decision we made was based on how well we could accomodate to our family's needs so that we could have them there with us. As I'm sure many of you know, a destination wedding is not always conducive to that, especially with this economy. The stress just got to me to the point that every other day I just wanted to pack up and elope, and we probably would if it wasn't for our families being such a big part of our lives and we didn't want to hurt them. A couple days ago, as our plan B in case things didn't work out with our last option in Santa Barbara, we drove around town here in AZ checking out some wedding venues, all the while getting more frustrated and more bummed to be giving up the dream wedding on the beach. Then we stumbled, for lack of a better word, on this resort that neither of us even knew was there. It's called the Intercontinental Montelucia here's the website if you want to check it out... Scottsdale Luxury Hotel | InterContinental Montelucia Resort & Spa | Paradise Valley Arizona It is just gorgeous, we walked in the front and felt like we weren't even in Arizona anymore, maybe not even the country. It's all Spanish architecture, the resort itself is backed right up against a mountain, and as we were standing in one of the ceremony locations, I got chills. I was in love with the place and could picture our wedding there. I told FI that I thought we had just found our place, that it just felt like, us. He told me, I'm so glad you said that I was hoping it didn't just feel like that to me. So no beach and no traveling, but FI promised me a beach for our honeymoon so that's a good compromise to me. I honestly don't think there is anything like this place is to us even if we did have our wedding somewhere else. I'm not longer a technical DW bride but I don't think I could live planning a wedding, even if it is only 30 minutes away without you guys here on the forum so I'm staying dangit
  21. Haha, I honestly don't know. But that is true, he really really really wants me to go with him. And while I love cliff diving and roller coasters, I hate the right before part. And a plane ride up there may just be way too long for me and my anxiety. And I'm glad you would because I have a whole family full of drinkers and that idea just stresses me out. Would you ever...watch disney movies all day? (I'm getting tired and mine are getting lame lol)
  22. I'm looking for a deep green, like an emerald green. I can't really tell from the site and the nearest David's Bridal is like 30 minutes away but I guess I'll just have to suck it up and spend the gas money.
  23. They come in green? I might have to go check these out myself then:) Thanks for the tip.
  24. Probably. The one time I got pulled over I was just in shock until right after he had given me the ticket and as he was walking back to his car I burst into tears. Bad timing. Would you ever... tell the bartender to cut off a family member at your wedding or would you be too worried about making a scene?
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