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Everything posted by *kellis*

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OK so ever since Cain and I started to date he has been bugging me about getting a tattoo. Well so far I can't think of a darn thing that I want to put on my body that I'll still like when my boobs are sagging to my knees and i'm one big wrinkly rasin.. :-) So I ask you, do you have a tattoo, and if yes what is it and where? I don't know why I'm just now commenting on this, after already posting on this thread, but it just now stuck out to me. Your FI wants you to get a tattoo? That's cool and all but if you aren't absolutely crazy about something you want as a tattoo, I wouldn't do it yet if I were you. I plan on getting another tattoo after we get married and it will be meaningful to both of us. But it's also something we are taking a long time to decide on and its something that has meaning for us from the very beginning of our relationship. So here is another thought, does your FI think any piercings are sexy? For example, one day FI and I were talking about piercings and he let it slip that he has always though navel piercings were sexy. I had never had the inclination to get that pierced, I have other piercings but never really wanted my navel done. For one I didn't think it would look good on me and its not like I ever would want to show it off. But as an anniversary present I got it pierced and it was a huge thing for him that I wanted to do it for him. I think I got awesomeness points And he loves it. I'm sure it will grow on me and it's just a piercing, not a tattoo that is permanent. Just an idea.
  2. Yael, Santa Barbara is my favorite so far having given up on yearning for Hawaii, again, due to airfare prices. And I would love it if you could get me the information on that wedding coordinator. Maybe I would have better luck with dealing with resorts if someone who knew what they were doing took over. The four seasons looks and seems incredible. After requesting information online the other day, I got a call the next morning from Maria asking about our wedding and what we were looking for before she sent us information. It made me feel a little more hopeful. However, the minimums are still an issue. It seems like food and beverage minimums shouldn't apply to small weddings or something. I wish anyway. So I may start considering a daytime wedding, though I'm not crazy about the idea.
  3. Great thanks, I'll look into all those. I love the Del Mar area too. Right now we're looking into Santa Barbara but we'll see.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Future Mrs. Kt Ellis - I think we have all been there! I think i said that to my DH when we were planning our wedding liek every week. But in the end Im so glad we had a wedding with our family and friends. It does get better and it will be worth it in the end - i promise!! We had our hearts set on Mexico but swine flu killed that 4 days before we were suppose to leave. We ended up getting married in Santa Barbara, CA and i honestly couldnt have imagined a more perfect wedding. I see you are looking into S. Cali - have you thought about SB?? Good luck!! Santa Barbara was an option for a little bit. But then I didn't pursue it when we thought Laguna Beach was going to work better. But I think I will try to look into that more. I loved the pictures of the 4 seasons but I'm worried about the price of the reception since the minimums at those big resorts are so much and we only have 70 people on our list(if ALL of them come, which we all know doesn't happen with a DW, even if it is in the U.S.)
  5. Kapalua is beautiful. The resort and the beach is incredible, I would love to get married there. I'm sure it isn't the cheapest place but it would be worth it if you can do it. I've seen weddings going on there and I can't imagine how amazing their wedding pictures look, you can't ask for a more beautiful backdrop. Plus its the ritz carlton, so you know you'll be taken care of.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 No i just ended up text messaging for addresses..and as far as info i'm making a website which by the way I have to say is THE most addictive thing..seperate of this BDW site. lol It so is addicting. I worked on ours for hours and I'm still not happy with it. I don't want anyone to see it yet. I'll probably change it five more times.
  7. I confess I am on the verge of just eloping. It seems like I'm constantly trying to compromise at the cost of having the wedding we want. On the destination to accommodate FI's family who don't want to fly anywhere or spend too much, on the location so we can have it by the ocean even if that means there will be people everywhere, on everything wedding party related so they won't have to spend much or have to take much time off of work. We have 10 months to go and we haven't even set a definite date, the place we liked the most isn't going to work out, and I'm about to give up. I would love to think that the wedding is just about him and I but it doesn't feel that way, it's about all the people we care about the most that we want to be there to share it with us. Otherwise I would be flying to Hawaii tomorrow to get married on the beach and whoever wants to come could show up. Gah. Sorry.
  8. I can't wait! FI gives me such a hard time about watching it. But then he'll be sitting here in the same room and after a few minutes start asking me who is who and what they did and I'll just be trying to shush him so I know what's going on. The end of last season was incredible. I thought they were getting kinda cliched with some stuff but the ending just hooked me on the show again.
  9. I would think making a group on facebook would be fine if you do not want to individually message everyone(which would make there be less chance for drama) but just be really sure to make the group private, so that it does not show up on your profile page. Because then those that are not invited see it and that would be a mess.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM Hmm...it seems to me that they tried to invite people to their wedding via facebook and so they requested addresses to send actual invitations -- the OP didn't respond, but in fairness they are roommates so she shouldn't have to. Then they (someone) sent shower invitations, probably because the shower usually precedes the wedding. It sounds to me that you are invited, they just chose a less orthodoxed way of doing it. See that is what I thought, maybe they just invited people via facebook, yeah it's strange but whatever, so are they. But they didn't even tell me, or anyone else online for that matter, when or where their wedding is so how are you supposed to RSVP? lol
  11. Well, the latest is... I'm not feeling too optimistic about the site. We found a place we loved in Laguna Beach, but the event coordinator has been anything but helpful. There was a ceremony site we wanted but they won't let us have the ceremony there unless we also book the largest ballroom(which is ridiculous, we'll only have 70 people at the most). So she said she'd try to accommodate us and just e-mailed me today saying that we could have that terrace with booking one of the smaller reception sites if we would set our wedding date between January and April, on a friday or sunday. *sigh* Guess we're back at square one, we've already taken two trips out there in a month and neither have been very productive.
  12. I love those! Did you get them as business card magnets or is there something else on vistaprint that you did it with because I want something like that. What about getting some kind of cute index card, cool paper or something that size to attach the magnet too so it's not by itself in the envelope? Maybe like cardstock?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck I say go for it!! As the other ladies said, you can go into town, or whatever makes you feel comfortable. I really want to do it, but will not for 2 reasons, 1. the FI is totally against me ruining my dress, and I could get another like everyone has said, but to my next reason, 2. We're planning on getting Elizabeth Medina, and I just cannot afford the second session!! Oh well, the price I pay (pun intended) for getting the photog that I adore That is one main reason we may not too. I am getting a photographer whose work I love but he is traveling cross country to shoot our wedding and I'm pretty sure that's going to kill our photography budget. What about having someone else do the TTD? I was thinking of having my bridesmaid who is also a photographer do it, since she'll be there and she loves taking pictures, why not?
  14. So I wasn't sure where to stick this thread, if it needs to be moved, please point me in the right direction. That said, I really want to get FI a BD book for his wedding present. I know a bunch of photographers in AZ but none that do that. I was hoping maybe some of the AZ brides, however few there are on here would have some suggestions. I found a great looking photographer Lynn Dao that does Boudoir In Bloom and she has a great style I just don't know how she is review wise. I hear she moved for California to Arizona so maybe she did it out there too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Also, enough of my friends, including some of the wedding party are amateur(but really talented) photographers so I think I will just talk to them personally and ask if they would mind taking pictures while they are at the AHR and get the pictures to me so they know that I am expecting their pictures instead of asking them to contribute to our collection. If that makes sense.
  16. We're planning on having our AHR at a nice venue, but just having the big expense be entertainment so we can have dancing. We'll have some kind of buffet but nothing too fancy and I'm really leaning toward doing a cupcake tower thing, or maybe a dessert buffet with really small portions, like a cookie with a milk shot, or a little two bite size creme brulee. If you do something small like that, it keeps the cost down and it's the presentation that makes it special, not how much you spent on food for everyone.
  17. Hi, it doesn't look like anyone posts in the California area of the forum very much. But I just found this, so here goes. We're getting married June 2010 in Orange County, right now we're leaning toward the Surf & Sand Resort in Laguna Beach.
  18. I've been debating the same thing, if I want to do it or not. We're getting married in Laguna Beach and the ways are a bit too big(not too mention cold) I'm not really sure I want to be in the ocean, it's different then if it was somewhere tropical. Has anyone heard of having 2 dresses? Because the wedding dress I want is like a satin and I just would hate to ruin that dress, but there are other more beachy dresses that I love(just not as much as the one I think I'll buy) so maybe I could do the TTD with that?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd Good news! Both the white and the topaz starfish that I bought came in yesterday in great condition! Woo hoo! If there are any brides looking for either of those colors, just let me know! Brandy Can I get on your list for the white one? My wedding is in June, I'll have the date this week, probably June 19th 2010. And we're getting married in Laguna Beach, CA so you don't have to get it too me too far in advance before that.
  20. Sorry I'm not familiar with Wailea so I don't know how far away this would be but there is a whole stretch of beaches near Lahaina along that main highway there that have bbq pits, grass areas, public bathrooms and such. It's really pretty around sunset. It's not really sandy beach but there's always people out there during the day surfing. My dad is in that area all the time so I'll see if I can find out some more info about it.
  21. That's hilarious. I told my FI about it and now he's reading some out loud. Starting some interesting conversations. Like the, sorry I didn't get you anything for christmas but you told me not to, or something. I told him that's not like when I told him he didn't HAVE to buy me anything for my birtday last month because money is tight. And guess what, I didn't get anything.
  22. I guess we just have to choose a lesser of the two evils(I feel terrible calling their wedding that) so it's either just wait for an invite and if it never comes just not go and risk them being offended, or risk them feeling like we're inviting ourselves. I think I'll go with just waiting it out. If they don't tell people where or when it is before they expect them to RSVP, it should be kinda expected that people may have other plans and can't come. As far as the bridal shower, I'm not going to request it off from work so if I get scheduled, there's my easy out(awful I know) and if I am off that day, I'll go because she has been my friend since we were 7, I haven't seen her family in awhile, and if nothing else, it's free food
  23. I have an HP Photosmart C5550 and I love it. I couldn't honestly tell you how expensive they are because it was a present but I don't think they are too much. But they are perfect for all the special projects. It has a paper tray just for photo paper, and the photos turn out soo good. It also has a function that will print images on printable cds. And it comes with a scanner too. I would definitely check it out if I were you.
  24. Just goes to show that facebook has blurred the lines in what is appropriate information sharing online or not. I'm just trying to chalk it up to them just having a weird way of dealing with things, and being constantly tethered to their computers. That's just the way we function, as much as it makes me ashamed of my generation. But it really does seem incredibly tacky to me. FI and I aren't traditional by any means but there are still some aspects of a wedding that seem like they deserve more respect than making it a facebook event. But that's just my opinion. It's also possible I'm only noticing how odd this situation is because I'm planning a wedding too and know how things are normally done. It definitely has made me more critical of other weddings(not to sound mean, I just couldn't think of a better word than critical, still working on my first cup of coffee)
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