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Everything posted by *kellis*

  1. These are just cracking me up. We haven't argued about anything yet, but I'm sure with as much of a perfectionist as I can be sometimes, it will happen. But this did remind me of something my roommate said(she's getting married next month). This morning she asked her FI if she could make him a little list of things she needed to have done for the wedding. He told her that he had a busy day so he didn't think that would work. So all sweetly she says, okay honey what are your big plans for today? He then tells her that he is planning on seeing a movie with a friend. So she expectantly asks what else he has going on. And he tells her, well I just really wanted to sleep right up until the movie. I found it funny but at the same time, I really want to know if he actually ended up doing anything. lol.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Meg&Shay I went in for my first fitting today and there was another bride there with her mom, FMIL, sisters, and BMs. She had an elaborate wedding gown with a cathedral train and veil and said she was having a big Catholic wedding. For a split second, I felt like I made a mistake not taking the traditional route. But then I came back here and looked at all the gorgeous DW and TTD pics and I forgot all about it. I think I'm lucky that the huge elaborate wedding and long cathedral train and veil just never appealed to me. Honestly it makes me cringe. I would be so uncomfortable and feel like a made up poodle. But I do get it that when you decide to have a DW, you have to give up some stuff because you can't do it all when you're so far from home. But then you look at what you will have, a one of a kind wedding that isn't like every other one people have gone to and it makes up for it in the end.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I always thought we were BDW'ers. Anyways, I think I'm in the minority here, but while I do recognize all of us in that article, I felt the author was kinda poking fun at it in a sense. I mean- outside of those of us in the "know" of what it's really like, I think others that read the article will be like "WTF? wackos." The examples used kinda make it seem stupid and frivolous. haha just my opinion though. I do love the forum- obviously. I was married a year and a half ago and helloooo I'm still here. I'm just not lovin the article as much because I kinda feel like the author was kinda pulling a mean girls- a la "wow your skirt is cute" in a sarcastic way. I could be way off, so don't let me spoil your fun. Just my reading of it. Rachel, I did definitely get that the article was a kind of, hey look at these women and this different and weird thing that they do. If the author was a bride or even a woman(I didn't catch whether it was a guy or girl) I think that the article would be more understanding and objective. But parts of it were definitely still true, even if the author didn't write in support of it. And i loved that part about 14 yr old boys. The thought never crossed my mind either. This is such a safe and more importantly drama free environment and honestly most of us don't even have that in real life with the people around us, it isn't us having "internet friends" that is dangerous or harmful. Not to mention I would think that anyone posting on here that wasn't on here for wedding related stuff would probably stick out like a sore thumb. I barely know any of you ladies yet I feel like this is probably the strongest support system I have at this time in my life with the wedding planning and all. I would be a mess right now without it and I've barely even started planning! So thank you all so much for that.
  4. I am totally there with you. FI got laid off last year and it's been bouncing around from one job to another only to get laid off, business closing, lack of flexibility for school at each one. He finally has a great job and I just keep telling myself, it'll be better in a few months, by the time the wedding comes around we'll be able to afford all the stuff we need to contribute, etc. Then his truck's A/C goes out(its arizona, you can't not have A/C) and it could realistically die any day now because it's old, my insurance refuses to pay all my new medical expenses that have been coming up, and we have to move in 3 months! It's like we're barely juggling everything and keeping our debt from burying us, it just seems like one thing after another that comes up and the savings for the wedding is really suffering because of it. Guess I'll just have to save the OOT bags and other little stuff until the last minute. And hopefully the deposits aren't too much or can be paid closer to the wedding. Hope things start looking up for you money wise.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by alkoch So I started watching the show like a train wreck - I just couldn't believe it, and I mostly watched it for the shock value of what their life is like, but now that I watch it regularly I'm starting to like them myself..lol. I just have to wonder if the kids are brainwashed or something - because I have never seen a family much less with 18 kids that believe and act as their parents believe and act (there is at least always a screw up or a black sheep come on..they can't alll be perfect) JK - well kinda I really wonder how they did it with that many kids They aren't brainwashed, it's just the extremely conservative and religious lifestyle. I grew up around a lot of conservative Christians who homeschooled and so the Duggars just reminded me of all of that. I hated it at first and felt like this was just opening them up to be mocked but now I think it's good that people can see that it's just a different way of life. I don't plan on doing that with my family someday but I respect their choices. And 9 times out of 10, there is a black sheep in those families. Maybe not in theirs right now, but for a lot of families like that, once the kids get out on their own, things change a lot. It seems like their oldest that just got married is following in his parent's lifestyle but chances are some of the rest won't. And Amy cracks me up, and I love how she respects them and doesn't do things to make them uncomfortable even though she does not follow their lifestyle. I don't think I could contain myself to not be kissing my FI around a married friend who saved their first kiss for the alter like she did in one episode.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FoxyBride Wow! I only have one child part-time (my future stepdaughter) and that's almost too much sometimes! LOL. I don't know how I'd take care of 19. And to have another one, naturally, at 42, whoa! It is not unhealthy nor uncommon for a woman to still be having children at 42. Until a woman goes through menopause, those are still her childbearing years. Yes, there is research that the risk of certain birth defects may rise the older a woman gets, but in the majority of cases, it is in no way harmful to the woman or baby if the mother is that age or even older. When I was in high school, my mother and my friend were both pregnant at the same time. It is ridiculous to me that it is more socially acceptable for a 17 year old to be having a baby than a 43 year old. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle6114 Ignorant? I don't think so. This woman has 18 emotionally, developmentally, physically healthy children ALREADY and should not take that for granted. Do you know how many children are born with disabilities today? Do you know the amount of stress it causes for a family when a child has a disability, how the other children get shorted attention and other basic needs? I'm just saying, god forbid the new baby is born with down syndrome or autism. Since she is doing such a "balanced" job (ahem) with the 18 kids, what should happen if one is not perfect like the rest? Will she pass it off to one of her teenage daughters to care for, and rush to get pregnant again? Do the math...there are only 24 hours in a day, minus about 6 or 7 for sleep. These kids are lucky if they get 20 minutes each a day of individual attention from their parents. Well, first, they aren't "rushing to get pregnant". They just don't believe in using preventative methods. It is a religious and health thing for them. I personally am not of the belief that if I'm meant to be pregnant, I will be and if it is not the will of a higher power for me to get pregnant then I won't if I don't use some method of birth control. But I respect that they do believe that. And second, anyone who has more than one child can tell you that they probably don't spend more than 20 minutes of time set out specifically as one on one time with each of their children. And I promise you the majority of those families don't suffer from it. I grew up in a large family, not as large as theirs, but I can tell you that while yes it was easy to get lost in the shuffle sometimes, when you have a large family there is always someone there to support you or spend time with you and if anything, people with large families have a stronger support system, feel less lonely and have more ability to handle healthy responsibility at a younger age then say, an only child whose parents work full time. That's just my honest opinion. This is my first multi-quote, lets hope it works.
  7. Karen I love those necklaces! Today I decided that's what I want to buy for my bridesmaids, I never was gonna pick out their wedding jewelry for them but it doubles as a gift plus it won't all be the same, I want each necklace to be something I know they would love and wear again.
  8. Oh my gosh, I would be pretty upset if I paid a lot for that video. The part in the middle of the ceremony was fine and romantic and all, but like the rest of the ladies said, it's not something incredible that someone with a camcorder couldn't have gotten(though from the looks of it I don't think they had any guests at their wedding to do that for them) but the whole beginning was so tacky and just a waste of the video time and the transitions were just terrible.
  9. Those are awesome and definitely show some personality. What's the story behind the smiley poo stickers? I can't let FI see that or he'll want them for ours too:P It would be hilarious but unfortunately not everyone has our sense of humor.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by EDRBride2009 Wow! That's totally us! I find myself starting a lot of sentences like "This one girl on the forum,". Most of my friends have been married (or divorced, some even remarried) forever, and none of them share my wedding enthusiasm. However, I know that when I find the perfect shoe or a great deal on wedding favors, you guys will be truly excited for me!!! I've definitely started explaining things to FI by saying "this one girl on the forum". And trying to explain to my family why I decided to check out the resort I love, "um, this lady I've talked to online had her wedding there..." My mother just gave me a strange look when I said that. Then I showed her some of the pictures and I think it made more sense to her then:) It may not be conventional but some of us don't have a MOH nearby or bridesmaids oohing and awwing over every idea we have. Not to mention you can't exactly vent to a lot of people about wedding related stress because it's like there's this belief that you're getting married so you really don't have anything to complain about.
  11. Look on etsy, its a great place for ideas even if you want to DIY instead of buying from there. I was just on there today looking around and saw a bunch of place card ideas. Like these. I am definitely doing these, I think I'll do them myself though. Between my mother and I, I know we can come up with enough corks in 10 months These are from seller Gallery360. If you liked that candle idea, this etsy seller makes the vellum wraps for the votive holders for you. Seller called BesoDesigns.
  12. That might just have made my night. "Some brides chat from their desks at work, others can’t go to bed before signing in one more time, some even tune out their fiancé’s voice while riveted to the computer." hehe, guilty. so if the girls on the knot forum are "knotties" then what are we called? I think the bdw girls should get a cute nickname.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by emme LOL It's a small island off the east coast of Canada. Kind of in between New Brunswick and Newfoundland. Pretty much straight north of New York... Hi Kim!! Congratulations and welcome That's what I figured, I just didn't know for sure if PEI was short for Prince Edward Island. I've seen anne of green gables, I heard of it;P
  14. I confess I completely spaced a doctors appointment I had tonight. So I called them and used work as an excuse. Now I feel really bad because i couldn't reschedule this week and I know I'm gonna get an earful from FI when he gets home for missing it for no reason. Though I could argue that assembling my friend's wedding programs to help her out and watching Sweet Home Alabama isn't REALLY no reason
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM I confess that Im still bummed we had to cancel our Mex wedding because of swine flu. Our wedding that we planned in 6 weeks ended up being AMAZING in Santa Barbara but i still think about what it would have been like to have the dream beach wedding i had planned for over a year I can't imagine how hard that decision must have been. But at least you don't all have the swine flu right now?
  16. Welcome! I've always wanted to go to Prince Edward Island, it looks beautiful.
  17. Just found this thread and I already know I'm gonna be frequenting it quite often. So here's my story. I've been smoking on and off for years, my brothers smoked and that got me started. In the years after high school my bf(now my ex obviously) and best friend at the time and pretty much everyone else I was around smoked all the time. So I'd quit for a few weeks, then just start smoking again because everyone else was. It's been that way since. Fast forward a bit... About four months ago I told FI that I would quit. He hates smoking and while I didn't want to quit because he was asking me to(which he didn't), I thought long and hard about it and realized that if I wasn't "addicted" to it like I always told myself, and if I could quit anytime that I wanted to for myself, why was I holding onto it when I knew he disliked it so much. Something just didn't feel right about that picture. And I told him that, it meant a lot to him. So I tried stopping for a couple weeks and just trying to keep myself occupied when I was around my friends who smoke(the majority of my smoking) and then one night I smoked by myself and spent an hour lying in my bathroom feeling sick because it was so nasty to me. That happening helped me to quit and not smoke at all for months. Fast forward to now. FI has been working a lot of the nights that I am hanging out with my friends(who all still smoke) and my ex has been hanging out with this same group of people again. So the combination of me just sitting there talking to everyone while they smoke and feeling awkward around this ex of mine...I have been sharing everyone else's. Justifying it of course because it isn't a whole cigarette/I didn't buy them/I'll make sure I don't smell when FI gets home so it won't bother him etc. Sounds so ridiculous when I put it like that but in my head it sounded better. Anyway, long story not really all that short, FI obviously knows that I've been smoking pretty much once a week(which is better than I was but I gotta stop justifying) and it, along with some other things(I haven't been sticking to my diet to help some health issues I have) just became this huge deal. And because of what I said before about how I didn't want something dumb like that to come between us, I think he took it a little personally that I was still smoking sometimes. Oops. So guess it's time to quit again. But I have absolutely no motivation. :/
  18. That's hilarious. And I totally didn't think about that, thanks for giving me an awesome idea. FI is a huge football fan and he turned me into a SD Chargers fan, it would crack him up to find something like this under my dress and hey, there's my something blue.
  19. I was in my father and stepmother's wedding when I was too old to be a flower girl but too young to really act as a bridesmaid. So I was a jr. bridesmaid. Now just thinking of it from that perspective, if my stepmom had asked me(even being younger than 14 then) to be the one person to stand up with her and if she decided to have more people, anything less than having a main role in the ceremony would have been something that damaged my relationship with my stepmother for a long time. As it was, I had no duties yet they made my brother and I a part of the ceremony by giving us necklaces with a family symbol on them which the minister explained as part of the ceremony. You are becoming a family, not just a couple. Moral of the story, as a stepdaughter I can tell you that I would be more offended by being asked to step down than anything else. You made the choice to ask her to be your maid of honor. Even if you were only going to have one person each stand up for you, you didn't need to bestow that title. But since it seems you have, she should not be penalized because you decided to add people to the wedding party. Lucky for you a 14 year old will most likely not know, nor feel obligated to fulfill, the traditional roles of the maid of honor. There should be no problem if you ask your friend to be the unofficial maid of honor and make sure that your step daughter is involved in as much of the planning and wedding as possible. If your friend is as good a friend as you say she is then this shouldn't be a problem and may even be awesome enough to let your step daughter feel like she is part of planning the typical maid of honor stuff like the bridal shower. It's not like you are asking your friend to be the unofficial maid of honor while you let some other friend the same age as her have the official title and do nothing.
  20. Glamourina, if you haven't been completely refunded yet, I would stop posting on here and start gathering all the information you can so you can make sure you are covered legally. You obviously have more than enough places that bittersweet has given you her written word, even if not in a form of contract, that she would refund you etc. And no offense at all but if you do end up having to take legal action, it might not serve you very well to keep arguing with her over a forum. And if you have been refunded, we all have seen what has happened with bittersweet and know that we would be taking a huge risk if we decided to use her, we all have more than enough information to make an informed decision. Continuing to argue with her like this is not beneficial or necessary for anyone but you and her. I'm not taking sides, I obviously would not use a vendor with this much drama surrounding them. But you gotta at least consider that this is her business, she has to make a living just like the rest of us. Hopefully this has opened her eyes and she sees what needs to be changed and what she needs to warn future brides about concerning possible shipping mistakes. And she says she does more than just create and ship flowers, she may be better when it comes to doing things locally. Just a thought.
  21. Okay, at the risk of bringing on the hatred of a ton of you lovely BDW brides that I really would not like mad at me... Can I just ask a question? She is not still with this guy correct? I know you said that the wedding was called off. But has she come out and told him that she does not want to be with him, and that she is with you? I know that sounds terrible and I really do wish you all happiness, I really would like to believe that you have one of the cutest, if complicated, love stories of all time. But I also know many women who have decided not to go through with a wedding then turned around and instead of dealing with what is wrong in their lives, fell back on the "what if", only to end up hurting themselves and that what if guy, immensely because if she'll do it once, chances are she'll do it again. Not that I am saying that is what she is doing by any means, but you have to admit that even if it was just a kiss, the reality is that she was not completely faithful to that guy. I would just hate for it to happen to you. And it seemed like this thread needed some balance. I do not mean to offend anybody. But I seem to have a knack for playing devil's advocate.
  22. I found out I'm way smaller than a size 6 in wedding dresses otherwise I would. Sorry.
  23. I have to confess that I feel like my dad has more of a chance of turning into bridezilla than I do. I sent him a very outlined and informed "proposal" for the ceremony and reception site this week including prices and all that, I won't just ask him to write a check without knowing what it is all going to. I get an e-mail back saying that him and my stepmom(who I have other feelings about at the moment that I will save for another confession) would like to know who is contributing to the wedding because they are not clear on that. The next sentence goes on to say that I need to check out another resort in that same area(not should, need to) because despite the fact that it is more expensive and a little too hoity toity for my taste, he has "contacts" there. Oh brother. And then today I find out he just interviewed a wedding planner. Without even mentioning anything to me about it. This is getting ridiculous. I have finally found a place in California I have my heart set on and he's still in denial that we won't go get married in Hawaii because FI's family can't afford it. I don't have time for this, we need to set a date!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk here's the list as of today (as far as i know!): 1) marryinghimagain - October 15 - dreams puerto aventuras 2) meli122 - November 7 - royal, playa del carmen 3) angruck- December 12 - Dreams tulum 4) cdnvb9- December 29 - Dreams Huatulco 5) kpuckrin- January 12 - BlueBeard's Beach, St. Thomas 6) ebredhawk - April 28- Dreams Punta Cana 7) future mrs. kt ellis - June 19 - Southern CA yay thanks for getting me on the list!
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