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  1. Quote: Originally Posted by whit-Bride Congrats Krystal! Great to hear another happy bride from OCT! Your whole wedding day is pretty similar to Katies! Do you have any pictures to share? I would love to see your special day! Did you use the hotel photographer? Do you have any specific advice or pointers for myself and all the other future Brides? lol Thanks... and Congrats again! Whit I have pictures on my facebook account...not the professional ones yet, but ones from friends! you can search me - Krystal Branton -just leave a msg so I know whos trying to add me I was fortunate and my aunt did our pictures, she does them back home for weddings and was there for us! Honestly, trust Ana! She is AMAZING! And I would reccomend the Rooftop wedding if you want privacy...only you and your guests up there. and the banquet hall was great for the reception. It was intimate, decorated beautifully and AIR CONDITIONED! lol And the meal was sooooo good ! Our guests are stilll talking about the meal! Any other questions, just ask! Mrs. B
  2. Well, We are back...and married! And have some of the best memories of our life at The Ocean Coral & Turquesa! I can not say enough good about the resort, and especially about Ana! She is WONDERFUL! you ladies have nothing to worry about....she will take care of everything!!!!!!! As for wedding details, I dont have much time to write a review but feel free to ask questions! We had our ceremony on the rooftop terrace and our reception in the banquet hall! Just like Katie! In fact, our day was quite similar! 4:00 wedding ceremony on rooftop terrace 4:30 champaigne with our guests 5:00 pictures on the beach...group shots/wedding party 5:30 pictures of just us...everyone else went and did their own thing...we told everyone to meet in the lobby at 6:50 6:15 me and hubby went to our room and SHOWERED lol no joke...it is HOT out there! And i haveabout 5 layers on the bottom of my dress! 6:50 met with our guests in Lobby 7-10 reception in banquet hall 10:15 up to the lobby! I would not have changed a thing. It was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any questions...please just ask! Krystal Branton
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ haha i was the same....I was trying to stay calm until you said you hadn't heard from her either!! would it cost you the same to call the hotel as it would be? (sorry, I'm very ignorant when it comes to international calling, other than that it's expensive!!) and sorry everyone else..... Honestly I have no clue how much it would cost. I'll look into it though!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ ah thanks Krystal I wasn't really 100% happy with it until my final final fitting and then I just thought it was perfect well, look on the positive side - at least you tried it on, and your seamstress can fix it for you, so on the day, your guests will be none-the-wiser! good luck with it, but I have no doubts it will all work out for you perfectly too. and the car is a bummer, but you will be fine can someone lend you there car to do your running around in, even if it's just for a couple of days? what time do you land in Cancun? our ceremony is at 4pm....if you're there in time, or any time after that, feel free to pop along and say hi! would be great to meet you OMG - FI has been going insane about us not having heard from Ana for so long! I too sent an email about 3 weeks ago and didn't have a response so last week I sent it again (thinking maybe it hadn't got through to her) but I've had no response. and I have read receipts on my emails and she's not read either of them. FI is mega stressing me out with this. he's even suggested calling the hotel to find out what's happened, but it would probably cost us the price of our wedding to do that from over here!! what's your next plan of action? I really need to hear from her before we go or FI might self-destruct, or I might end up killing him! whichever comes first lol but I definitely think it's gone past the stage of being polite and waiting for an answer. I mean, she could have left, or be off sick and no-ones picked up her work - I'm not blaming her until I know why we haven't heard back as she could be sick or something. but I just need to know from someone at the hotel that she's still there and everything is ok for our wedding!! HELP!!! xx OMG I was almost glad that it's not just me she's not responding too.....but now I'm a little bothered by the fact that you have not heard from her either. Very bothered! Worried a little..... She's always been slow at responding, and I know this is the start of wedding season so she's probably really busy with weddings, but it is so important for her to get back to us! I also wanted an invoice and confirmation of prices we've discused over the past year so we dont get there and have any surprises! Also, my guests are interested in the Privilege package and keep asking about it and the cost. I had also asked her about that. My guests keep asking me if I've heard from her about it. Hmmm....let's try not to panick. It is a busy time..and there have been times in the past where shes taken a week and a half to respond. I just thought that since our dates are coming up fast, that she would be contacting us more frequently. ? I think I'm arriving around 2 in Cancun? So hopefully I'll see you in your gown!! -Krystal
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ hey Krystal ah I'm loving that our weddings are so similar! we'll have to compare pics after!! ok, so here's some of my pics of my dress and hair (as Whit asked! lol) SORRY for that being mega long!!! and I'm praying the pictures don't come out huge when I post this! Katie, I LOVE your dress! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! The back is amazing!!! I just had a nightmare with mine! I had picked it up 4 weeks ago after my final fitting/alterations, only to try it on yesterday and realize I've lost more inches from my chest!! you could see right down my dress!!!!!!!!!!!!! Literally! and it was a fluke I had even tried it on again!!!!! Thank goodness I did...I called my seamstress immediately and I went back in last night to try it on for her and she'll have it done by the weekend she said{hopefully}! And on top of that our car just died.....right when I have a million things to do!! lol But I just keep telling myself I'll be in Mexico in a week and a half Trying to stay calm...but definitely excited!!! And SO excited for you!!!!! I can't believe you leave on sunday! And I can't believe I leave a week from friday!!! On your wedding day! <3 so excited! One question...have you heard from Ana lately? I've been waiting for a response for about 4 weeks! I even sent another email! Starting to worry a bit because we are trying to change the time of our wedding and need to know if its possible! I know she's busy...just wondering if you've had any luck hearing from her? -Krystal
  6. Thank you SO MUCH AMBER! I am so happy to hear about your wedding and how beautiful & wonderful it was! I appreciate you taking the time to write a review for us soon to be brides! I had planned to be married at 5pm and now Im worried there will be no sun for pictures! I may change that! Just a question...what did your guests do between your ceremony and dinner? because I belive ana said we have the banquet hall from 7-10. Also, if you could send me pics that would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks again!!!! -Krystal
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ Krystal, if you want to use them too, I won't be bringing them home either so I could leave them with Ana for you? Wow! That would be great! Im doing pink as my main colour, so that would be WONDERFUL!!!!! Thanks SO much Amber AND Katie! Every little thing I can get is much appreciated...as you said Katie, budgets tight! especially because, like you, we're having a full reception back home afterwards (with 200+ guests)! Thanks again ladies! Can not wait! Krystal
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ ah Angel, don't be worried at all....everyone who's posted on here has had rave reviews about the place and not a bad thing to say. some people are just moaners by nature and will find anything to complain about. I'd not worry about it at all - just remember if something DOES go wrong, you can just kick ass while you're there and get it sorted - problem solved. don't worry about the things you can't control, and just take comfort from the fact those things can usually be rectified. Enjoy your build up to your wedding, and DO NOT let this spoil it for you. I know it's horrible when you read bad things but honestly, these are the reviews in here that you need to worry about and that you can take as gospel, but they've all been great I've only got 7 weeks 3 days until we fly out!!!!! EEK!! lol still so much to do! Katie, I'm so excited for you!! And it makes me even more excited since I'm getting married shortly after you! We leave in 9 weeks and 1 day!!!! And Angel, I totally agree with Katie! The only reviews you need to worry about are the ones on here! And I'm yet to hear anything bad from these Brides! I have to admit I've been looking at Tripadvisor.com reviews, But the majority of the reviews say "LOVED IT, BEAUTIFUL, WANT TO GO BACK AGAIN" and my favourite, "I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW OTHER PEOPLE COMPLAINED!" You can't please everyone, and some people just can't be pleased! Don't let other peoples negative opinions affect your excitement for the most amazing day/week of your life! There's enough to worrry about when planning a wedding, don't let this be one of them! It will be amazing!!!!!!! Im so excited for you! Can't wait to hear your reviews!! Krystal
  9. Hey! Katie, were not getting in until your wedding and our guests are arriving the next day (the 8th)! But thanks Lin for telling me that! It would make sense to wait and book there! I've been to Coco Bongo's, it really is amazing!! Katie, you are your guests should definitely check out Coco Bongo's! Its a great time!!! And I'm relieved to see that they take you there ad bring you home. That sounds great!! I know, its going to be here so fast !! And we're having a full wedding reception back home 2 weeks later, so it's a lot of planning!! What are you doing with your dress for your travels? Are you bringing it on the plane? Is it big/full bottom? Because mine is and I'm concerned about it fitting on the plane! Krystal
  10. Also, Katie, I inquired with Ana about a bus that would take my guests and I to Cancun for a night {to the bars!} and back to our resort that night! She said there is a company in the hotel called Traffic Tour and they rent buses for that kind of thing! I haven't inqured furthur, but I just thought if you and some of your guests were also considering this, we could see about all going the same night possibly to get a better deal on the bus rental? Just an idea Only 4 months to go!! Krystal
  11. Hey! I haven't been on in a while but May 10 is coming fast now!! May is going to be here before we know it Katie!! Thanks Angela for posting those pictures of the resort, it was great to see!! Thank you SOSO much to Lin & Lia for all the posts and pictures about your weddings! I have some questions I'm hoping one of you can answer... Does the hotel have a steamer for your dress available?? Because Im afraid after reading some of these posts that I'm going to have to put my dress in the overhead compartment on the plane (although Im not sure how, lots of crinoline (sp?) in there!) Also, did you have the private reception? If yes, how was the room? and was it easy to put music on? And what did you do after (because I was told we have that room for only 3 hours or so?) Thanks again for all your tips and information!! Krystal
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Wow Lin, sounds like you have everything under control! Hmmm doesn't seem like getting any money off is as simple as I thought it was going to be...I might wait a while before trying - maybe she'll change her mind!?!? Do you (or anyone) have any photos of ceremony locations? I think we have various options but I don't know what they are yet! Ideally we don't want to get married on the beach so does anyone know what other options we have? Thanks girls Hey girls!! I think I made it sound too easy to get a discount. I looked back at all of our emails, and I think what helped me is that from the very first email I was telling her that I can not afford the packages she was offering. After the 8th email or so is when she offered the discount. lol I just wouldn't let down and I continued trying to cut things out of our package. About the ceremony locations, Ana had sent me an email with all of the pictures of the ceremony spots. Ask her to email them to you. If she can't, give me your email address and I will forward it to you. We are not getting married on the beach either. You have 2 other options... both are terrace's but the one we chose has a glass railing so where you and FH stand to get married and where everyone is facing is overlooking the beach, ocean and palm trees. Beautiful. The other one does not have much of a view because its not a glass railing. Hope that helps!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Exactly! We're there for 2 weeks and then having a UK reception a week after we get back - so 3 weeks of celebrating our wedding!! how exciting is that!?! Ah brilliant, thank you so much for that...she's just got back to me with details of flowers and meals etc so I think I will start the negotiating with the sob story (which I hate doing, but nevertheless is true) and ask her what we can take out to make it cheaper...such as those things you've said - we wouldn't mind not having them if it made it cheaper, and hey $150 is $150! But OMG you're a make up artist!!!! Are you there on the 7th?? Maybe you could do mine?! lol haha you can earn some money while you're there!!! I'm so worried they're not going to be what I want and I'm not a make-up person at all so I'd be screwed if I didn't like how they did it and I had to try and do it myself! but hey....that's another thing to add to my list of things to worry about!! lol So...we've just been sent the info of things we have to choose from, but I'm already confused! think I'm going to have a long email to send back to Ana!! I can't work out what's included in the package and what we are paying additional for! and OMG your website is so lovely your proposal was soooo sweet! we'll have to sort out a drink at the resort inbetween our weddings! Aww...I'm flattered and wish I could do your makeup for your wedding but we do not fly out until May 7th from Canada! I am not even sure what time we are arriving but it's in the afternoon and I can't even guarantee a time we'd be at the resort! I'm sorry! If I was arriving the night before it would have been no problem at all!! Just bring a picture/pictures of a makeup you like and be very clear on what you do NOT want. That always halps the artist! But we will definitely have to get that drink in between weddings! We are in the process of figuring out the details as well...can't wait until thats done with! Hopefully you had some luck with Ana!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 Hey Krystal! Wow, your wedding and honeymoon sound amazing! We're probably going to go with the Shooting Stars package as it caters for the number of guests we have and all the extras included are things we want. Thanks for the advice - I REALLY hope we can get money off of the package too. What kind of things did you say that resulted in her putting the prices down? (any tips would be sooo appreciated - we're totally over budget and so any money saved is a god send). Thanks! Hey Katie! Your wedding and honeymoon sound just as amazing!! We are lucky brides...we get to celebrate our wedding all week long! Well I started off saying I wanted the Coral, but it's out of our price range...so she offered 15 % off of the Carribean package. I asked her what she could take off of the package price of Coral if we excluded things such as: (examples) -Romantic dinner in the a la cart restaurant for the couple -1 bottle of domestic champagne and a basket of fruit deliver to the couple’s room -Room decoration with flowers -Makeup and Hair for the bride (My hairdresser is coming to do mine, and I'm a makeup artist ) Ana responded back to me saying that some of those things don't actually cost anything, but because I do not have a lot of money for the wedding she knocked $150 off the package...$1900 to $1750. $150 is $150 right? I would just start your email about how over budget you 2 are and how anything would help. She seems nice and willing to work with you. I hope that helps and I hope you save some money!! Goodluck! -Krystal By the way, your wedding website is adorable! Check out ours! krystalandstephen.com
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