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Everything posted by Mello78

  1. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Looking forward to reading your review...good luck with everything!
  2. Hi everyone, I used SellOffVacations in Sudbury ON and got a very good price. The price dropped shortly after booking and she gave us the new price. The new price is $1590 pp based on dbl occupancy for hotel room and $1650 pp based on dbl occupancy for ocean view rooms and $1700 pp based on dbl occupancy for junior suites.
  3. We haven't decided were to have our reception dinner yet however we will probably go with the semi-private that is included in the wedding package that we chose. Thanks for the information!
  4. I am glad this question was asked...I am bringing both my children (although they are much older) but it still worries me to travel with a toddler who will be 3 by the time we go to ROR. I will make sure my luggage is full of sunscreen, pepto bismol, gravol and advil/tylenol lol!
  5. Thanks for all the wonderful tips! This will be my first time going on a trip and this site has given me so many good and wonderful tips. Thanks
  6. When I booked the wedding online, I chose the Royal package because I am not sure how many guests are attending yet (some have booked and some are waiting til the last minute) does anyone know if the package can be changed once we get there? **Sorry if this thread was already posted** Thanks
  7. Thanks for clearing things up! I will post more often now Oh...I absolutely LOVE this site!!!
  8. This is such a great thread...I was affraid to feel like it wasn't going to be as special but with all the wonderful reviews...I know now that it will feel as special. Thanks ladies!
  9. Hi Marie, I hope everything works out for you.
  10. Congrats! I would like to thank you for such a detailed review and posting your video. Thank you so much!!!
  11. Congrats! Looking forward to reading your review.
  12. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie as well and can not open the document...is it possible for someone to send it to my email please and thank you!!!!
  13. Marie...Thank you so much for the update! I will email Chandlyn as well to let her know what I want once I have it all figured lol! So far I have my wedding date booked for April 13 2010 on the beach. I do want to have a first dance as husband/wife, father/daughter dance and the bouquet/garter throw...at this point I am just weighing all my options on keeping the cost to a minimum. I am definitely bringing my ipod/docking station instead of renting a dj. Which airline are you flying out with?
  14. Congrats and Welcome back! I am new to this site and any advice from the ROR is always well taken Looking forward to reading your review!
  15. Hi everyone, I would also be interested in the information Marie posted about the Seagrape Beachbar and what the cost is. Thanks
  16. Hi everyone, I have a question regarding wedding packages. I booked and confirmed my wedding online today and since I chose the Royal package to accomodate my guests (which at the moment we are only 16 including my fiance and I but we might be more guests later on) My question is the price they gave me with my confirmation number is 1.275,00 USD and the price in the RIU book states it is 1115,00 US...which price is the right price - does anyone know Thanks
  17. Hi Nikicrosby, I am from Sturgeon Falls (between North Bay and Sudbury) looks like we will be missing each other by 1 day lol! If I wouldn't of had to change my date of departure to the 8th instead of the 10th...we would of been able to meet. Good Luck with your wedding plans
  18. Hi everyone, Thank you so much for these suggestions...I had been struggling with our first dance choice but I think having it on the beach is a wonderful idea!
  19. Thank you desser! I hope she contacts you soon...have you tried calling/email her?
  20. We are booked for April 13th at 2pm with a beach ceremony...haven't decided where the reception will be yet or if we will even have one. We might all meet at the disco and dance our hearts out lol!
  21. Hi btn1091 and desser!! I contacted my TA and told her that we were having trouble booking the wedding date due to the holiday, so what she suggested was to move the arrival date by 2 days instead of a full week or two (not to disrupt my guests) and I was told by the TA that not only is the 12th a holiday but also the 9th! Our arrival date is the 8th and departure is the 15th and we were able to book a wedding date for the 13th (not the best date to get married on lol but it might bring me good luck since all I have had is bad luck lately) I am really happy that I have one less stress on my plate!!! Thank you so very much for the information!!!
  22. Hi desser, Thank you soooooo very much for your information!!! I will try calling her today...I will give you's an update
  23. Hi btn1091, Were you able to get the wedding date that you wanted after getting your travel agent to call the wedding co-ordinator? My travel agents suggested that I postpone my travel dates one or two weeks with an increase of $100 per person, I refuse to have my guests pay a penny more since they are already forking out alot of money for this trip. I will be calling my travel agent in the morning and I am not getting off the phone until I am fully satisfied with a wedding date between the 10th and the 17th! Thanks Mel
  24. Hello everyone, I am having a hard time booking a wedding date for the week I am leaving which is April 10th to 17th 2010 and corresponding through emails is very difficult for the simple fact it takes them forever to get back to me....I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem and if there is a way of contacting the wedding co-ordinator by telephone? Also...does anyone know which "holiday" Jamaica is celebrating on the 12th of April? Thanks Mel
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